Fwiw i answered an oblique post with an equally oblique response. - perhaps not my best moment, but after typing out a polite paragraph asking wtf? - and retyping as to not sound condescending, i ended up thinking WTF!
Someone responded and requested more info. You never responded on the forum. Was his request for more info too insignificant?
I probably couldn't find out how to read my responses on your website. Because I'm stupid and technically challenged navigate to Website.
Well, if I ever come across that response, I'll try to get back. And give a more information, but I don't know what I'm looking at Apprecia.
Te it what you guys are trying to do. But if I can't you know find your responses to my questions? Which I can hardly even get for you. Post it that makes sense. Cause I'm just out of shit. I've done it a couple of times I've gotten easy bites to go but should we argue that they aren't done what they're supposed to do? Show me I have a single rendition wire. I don't have one I got a purple wire loop with a red 1. That apparently should be the condition wire as far as I can tell. And would that be turning the box on when I put the battery in submit? Yes, 88H6 controllers. Once you have 5 wires on the S6 wires. Once I said a wire, someone in your order, once they're supposed to be compatible with your control box and they send you the wrong to contact echo trick and anyone want to be assholes. And that's what I'm trying to sell you. Shit, and I'm going So I apologize, cause I'm stupid.I'll try to be more calm and send questions that makes sense.I guess.
I'm gonna take me two days just to type it all outteso