1 kW
I designed the motor carrier for my trike based on what I knew about this motor before it was released (Justin said it has the same outer envelope apart from the free hub).
Can someone who has one tell me:
Can someone who has one tell me:
- Is there only one position for the torque arm attachment to the motor? It appears that with the cable pointing down, the torque arm can only face forward - unlike the All-Axle front motor torque arm which permits several positions within 360 degrees about the axle.
- The front All-Axle has a native centre bore of 20mm, which is then adapted to other axle standards. Is this true of the rear All-Axle as well? What is the centre bore?
- What is the distance from the face of the brake disk rotor mount to the motor casing? To explain - nominally there is a 15.5mm distance from the inside of the bicycle drop-out to the brake rotor - continuing in the same direction, how much further is the (approximate) distance to the motor casing? This bears on putting a Gates belt sprocket on the brake rotor mounting face.