Rohan Wings S3 - poor acceleration and speed


1 µW
Jun 19, 2024
Okay, firstly very new to the scooter and electric propulsion world so excuse my ignorance. I have tried searching and researching and am learning although I have to say it's not hard to feel information overload in this space. So may factors, options, etc.

Anyway, my problem is I bought someone else's problem. Did not know it was a problem before I bought it but that's on me for not being more careful on the purchase.

The scooter is an Rohan Wings (RW) S3 (I believe) that has very little acceleration and very low speed. It's a 48v platform - 2000W motor, a 15 AH battery (think it's a 30amp only because I see 30A in the model number), a 2000w ??Amp NJAX controller, and an NJAX throttle/display (RW Branded but believe it is an AX-HB02).
  • It charges to 54.6v without issue
  • With me (230lbs) on it accelerates very slowly up to about 15 km/hr max under full throttle. With my much lighter son it's better but still not close to what it should be.
  • When trying full throttle (again, me on it) the volts dip to about 52
  • The battery recovers very quickly to 54+ volts after the above test
  • The controller-to-motor wires get warm but not overly hot
  • With the scooter on a stand it on full throttle it will quickly shoot up to 65km/hr without issue
  • Tried a spare throttle/display and it behaved exactly the same
  • Tried another battery - 48v 13AH 20amp (again - I think based on 20A in model #) and it behaved about the same. Note that I do not know for sure if this other battery is a 'good' battery.
All voltage readings above are taken from the scooter's display.

The wiring on this is not clean (not sure if they are from factory) but below are some highlights. The highlights could very well be normal (aside from the first bullet) but I didn't want to go playing with the wiring until I could hopefully learn more about it for fear of doing more damage. I looked for a wiring diagram for the scooter and/or controller. There were lots of controller wiring diagrams out there but I could not find one I was confident was the right one.
  • The controller to motor wires look like they were melted a bit at some point (prior to me)
  • There are small yellow wires that each come out of a three wire grouping (other wires in groups are red and black) that don't seem to go anywhere. One comes from the top of post (throttle/display maybe) and the other comes from the rear of the scooter. Their other group wires connect to red and black wires. Accessory wires maybe?
  • There is a connector with medium white and black wires on one side and only a single white wire on the other.
  • There is a small red wire with a connector pin on the end that looks like it's been pulled from a connector but I don't see any obvious connectors it could have gone into. It's part of a three wire grouping with the other two wires being black and blue. These are connected via a connector, to orange and white wires.
Any guidance on the wiring and the issues/symptoms is appreciated. I will be adding some pics, hopefully in a few mins, to support the details above. I'm tempted to order a controller (48v, 2000w, 30-40amp is what I've been looking at) to throw at the problem but I'm not even sure exactly what controller would have all the correct connections. I've tried looking up the same controller by brand/model but have not found it yet - or maybe I have and it's just not labelled quite the same.


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Ok, that display/ throttle IS programmable.
There are speed settings in the different "P" codes you will enter when programming the display.
Before trying to change any codes, write down the model number of display. It's on the front of display.
Do Google search for Programming instructions for your paticular display model.
theres about 15 different P settings .I think p01 is display brightness, p02 is battery voltage, p03 might be km or mile setting on speedometer, ect.
I had this same trouble and found on amazon my controller and display. Looking at all the photos on amazon i was able to figure out all 15 P settings.
one of those p's will be motor speed. To go into settings you:
Power on the display then hold down mode and power buttons for 3 seconds. You'll see "P" 01 appear on display. Once in P settings each number will "time out" and go out of settings mode all by itself. Meaning after each setting is set, just wait 5 seconds and display will time out back into normal mode. You'll have to re enter settings each time by holding down mode and power. Go through settings one code at a time.
don't forget to write down *every* setting's existing value before you change it, so you can change it back to what it was if it causes a problem.
Phase wires look burnt, really bad sign that the motor/controller are not up to the capability of what was advertised. Wonder if the heat in the wires is due to a poor connection though.

2v of voltage drop at full throttle is good and means the battery can handle pushing more power. A new controller ( + throttle and accessories ) could improve it. I'd beef up those phase wires a lot though and use better connectors ( Example: 4MM hobbyking bullets )