Hi there,
This unit never worked. It took a while for me to modify my motorcycle frame and get it installed, and I had to re-route some of the harness wiring, so that it would fit properly (it is an upgrade from a 2017 Zero DS to a 2017 Zero DS-R)... and my technician friend had to send me some diagnostic tools, which took some time (first just the stuff required to program the bike for a new controller, but that wasn't working so he sent me the tool to configure the controller directly, which did work). Just saying, that I have been actively working on it the whole time.
But the programming between the motherboard and the controller still wouldn't work after we tried that... but then he sent me a new motherboard, so we could make sure that wasn't the problem. The green light goes on, on the controller, but it basically doesn't communicate with the motherboard properly. It basically charges the controller over and over, trying to get through to the motherboard, but never does. Any way you can get me a refund? I know it has been a long time, but it hasn't ever been working. And I am working with a guy from the Zero company, he's a good friend of mine.
You say you never modified the controller or anything? Perhaps there is something about the controller itself... we spent some time getting it configured, etc. But the communication with the motherboard just isn't happening. But maybe you have some insight into a way to make it work. The technician is at a loss, we've troubleshooted all the possible points that the communication could breakdown - he could communicate it better than me, but basically he had me testing stuff all over the bike (the kickstand, the throttle, etc.), to make sure it wasn't the harness itself, or whatever... and we tried everything.
If you have any ideas... I really don't want to have to buy a new one and disassemble/reinstall, etc. I'd prefer a solution. But even a partial refund would be awesome. I know it's been a long time since I bought this, but I haven't damaged it or anything, it's mostly just been sitting there awaiting different programming/diagnostic sessions that I had to schedule with my buddy. But he flies all over the United States helping people fix these Zeros... I could have you speak with him directly if that gives you more confidence that I am not mistaken about the unit.
Best regards,