Spot burst. In spot welding. How can I avoid it?


100 W
Aug 27, 2015
Barcelona. Spain.
I would like to know if it is possible to avoid the blast of the point.

My welder is a jp welder. My 12V 70ah battery.

You can see the bursting point.


You can see the tips of the welder. The problem is the one on the left side.

Uneven electrode pressure. Accidentally touching electrodes together, poor welding surface (e.g. welding right near the outer edge of a batteries + or right on the edge of a tab). Beyond that, maybe your welder is randomly putting out too much power for some welds. I've had this happen a lot, but usually I can tell that it was my mistake. Now it only happens once every few hundred welds, but it used to happen a lot more.
3main reasons in my experience.

-Uneven pressure

-Crud on electrode tips ( give them a quick sand every 30-50 welds with fine grit to prevent blowouts, reshape if necessary after a blowout)

-Poor contact between nickel and battery. This is from bends/creases in the nickel or it not sitting evenly. The current path is suddenly halved resulting in metal vaporising and an arc that can blow right through the battery.