There was a guy I knew a long while back, he was super excited about the paper/boron/aluminum frame that someone was making. I can not swear to the boron, but as I heard it: Paper shell, with I guess Boron spooge to make paper mache, the they sputter aluminum into it to end up with "an incredibly light, incredibly strong frame that will out perform steel" He was all twitterpated about it. I learned a long time ago to never volunteer and never be the guy to buy the first of whatever they are selling. I asked years later whatever happened to his paper bike... Evidently they had not figured out a solution the fact that you peddle a bike, therefore need a round spinny bit.
My favorite sword is 200 years old. My bow is only 90, but it is a standard yew bow, they have a bit of history to em. I like leather boots and carry a fixed blade knife.... All of which I learned the hard way is going to be the absolute best thing you do. K.I.S.S. I am also 6'4 and just shy of 300 pounds (well, before the whole terminal illness thing. I stopped looking at the scale). I have never been average sized. I don't muck about much with bikes not made out of steel. yes there are other materials, but steel has been carrying fat guys around the planet for a hundred years. I am gonna go with that. Don't judge me unless you too have had a chair... in a train, break under you.