This is a project that's been in the works since the beginning of this year, based partly on previous projects, partly on web research, but mostly on whatever I happened to have on hand when I started it, and what I acquire as I go along.
I already posted a series of pics including how it looks today over at the Before/After build thread, in this post:
I'll put any new ones anyone wants to see in *this* thread.
EDIT: updated pics from far later in the thread:
With a canopy, basically the last version before I stopped using it (pretty much exclusively using the trike now)
pics with an early version of the SB Cruiser trike:
After first "full" repainting:
Original version pics:
It's pretty functional already, but could stand serious improvement (most of which would require parts or tools I don't yet have).
Keep in mind that there are two big limitations on it. The first is that I have no money to spend on it (really, I'm awfully strapped for money these days, and it only gets worse as time goes on!), and the second is that part of the goal of the project is to use only recycled parts from other things, wherever possible, rather than anything new.
A third goal, but not a limitation, is to be as outlandish in the reuse of things for totally different purposes than they were designed to do, wherever possible.
A fourth goal is to make it as undesirable a theft target as possible, and I think I probably have achieved that fairly well, given it's appearance. Unlike my first attempts at various mods (prior to starting the project blog) using my regular upright road bike, where I tried to make it all pretty and neat, stylish, etc, which resulted in pretty much everything I ever added to it being stolen off of it while I was inside various places (though never the whole bike), I went the ugly path, which seems to have stopped the problem ever since.
There is already a build log with photos, test videos, and huge walls of text describing ideas and the way things turned out, as well as problems I ran into and solutions to them wherever I found those (some are never solved properly). I can point to specific posts there if anyone doesn't want to read thru it to find information, but has questions, and can answer here with information for stuff that isn't answered (or not fully) there. The blog goes back over a year and a half before *this* project started, as it is for *all* of my ebike quest projects. The early ones were pretty dumb ideas, so ignore those.
I can also post new pics or videos of anything anyone needs to see, as long as it doesn't involve me actually riding the bike to get them as I have no one else to operate the camera for me, and can't leave it out anywhere (not around here) to do the video as I ride by.
I had discovered this site a while back, and have done some research here on motors and batteries, but somehow missed most of the electric bike stuff. Most other places I've gone to that either invited me (FreakBikeNation) or that I found extremely useful (DIYElectricCar, Ladyada) or seemed promising but died stillborn (PCBPolice and, all turned out to be dead ends for posting up this project to garner interest and possible help with some things I simply don't know how to do, or haven't figured out how to do within the limitations of my available materials, goals, and tools.
So if there's any interest in this project here, I'll start posting some questions that perhaps members here can help answer.