Smike... Swiss bike sidecar

Similar to the Jeinkel-Heimer wheel-chair sidecar, but narrower. If you upped the power and added a second tandem seat behind the first, it could be a sweet pedi-cab.

One nice thing about the sidecar vs passenger(s?) behind is being able to talk w/them easily... The Jeinkel-Heimer carries a wheelchair of course, but looks fairly wide for mixing into traffic? (Assuming "traffic" includes cars and trucks that believe they own the roads.) And I'll guess the sidecar approach creates more windage unless faired... I really just liked the built in "talk option"!
It's really weird that this should come up - I was just talking this idea over with a friend the other night (in the context of the wheel-chair sidecar, which I had already seen). thanks for the link.
I guess the Smike's competition would be one of the conventional Pedi-Cabs (I saw some in Hawaii for the tourists). It wouldnt be hard to add a fold-down jump seat and foot-rest facing backwards...

The Smike looks well-built, lighter, cheaper, and narrower than the Pedi-Cabs, so it may be more appropriate for narrow roads. I have recommended to the Jeinkel-Heimers that thay make a telescoping model, which could narrow it 30% when there is no wheelchair in the cargo area (dogs, groceries, extended-range battery pack, etc)

ooohhh... women with weapons... ahem. never mind... Smike also don't mention in their promo that their vehicle gets the passenger out of the drivers fart zone. Nice Pedi-Cab pic... top-down option... somehow seems nicer than the "all-weather"(?) plastic bubbles we have been seeing around town:
"...out of the drivers fart zone" ! (milk shoots out my nose across the room, MSOMNATR!)

I immediately thought of Kramer feeding Costco tubs of beefaroni to the horse when he was the driver of a horse-carriage in NYC!

Has anyone heard of pedi-cabs using electric-assist? they might keep it secret to get better tips, but its an obvious upgrade.
Hehe... in the movie "Long Road North"

...Tania (riding in the back on a tandem bike) actually mentions Gwendal's...uhhh... "windage" as an "issue" :lol:

Those plastic bubble pedi-cabs are classic Yongkang:

And yah, they have electrics as a 500w front hub. That's a Heinzmann hub motor on the Smike I believe...
spinningmagnets said:
The Dutch "Trio"
Hmmm... looks like a kit/retrofit/add-on? It's just that I was pedaling around a trike like this early this spring (ok, through snow drifts in freezing temps and a whole gale) and the steering was *awful*... Granted, it was a home-built and probably the steering geometry was wrong... but couldn't pedal it past a few mphs w/out it wandering off course. This with a gal sitting up front. Pretty sure it's easier to engineer three wheels with steering up front and box/weight/passenger in back?
[Edit] heres a blog with dozens of unusual cargo-bikes from around the world and a great variety of bike trailers:

Another Dutch cargo-bike, "Bakfiets"


And "Cleverchimp" (from the "Stoke Monkey") makes a mounting bracket specifically for them:


And another Dutch variation:

Hehehe those images remind me of home.

Original Source:


Does anyone have any experience with the pedicab bikes from Shenji , especially the electrical version SJ-T02E

This seems like the optimal bike-date arrangement to me. :)
mayovlees said:
Does anyone have any experience with the pedicab bikes from Shenji , especially the electrical version SJ-T02E

Classic Yongkang...
Watt they probably manufacture are brake calipers. Watt they will assemble for you are vehicles using components bought from their neighbouring companies. You can rest assured their product will be cheap and built to the lowest quality imaginable. 320lbs for the empty vehicle, plus driver and two passengers? 250W pedal-assist isn't going to be much of an assist. But then they will build you anything you wish. Tell you anything you want to hear...

Fun catching up on their news. From November 2008:
Do not watch the "Human tricycle limit line"Abroad to promote the public by small-displacement cars and the car battery or a bicycle trip, and while we are at the limit of small displacement cars, one will be limited to Moldova, and limited battery vehicles, now could not even begin limiting human tricycles. Limit stop human tricycles will limit what will one day come back a "limit line bike"? Want to really make a lingering fear.
