VCAN Milano European Styled Scooter Helmet


100 MW
Feb 3, 2010
Redmond, WA-USA, Earth, Sol, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Mil

After opening the Amazon packaging I found the box inside containing the helmet; this box was cheaply constructed and party opened. The helmet inside is wrapped in a cheap helmet bag (with a draw-string) material of which resembling recycled paper and polyester; something that wouldn’t last a week or two in the full light of day.







Construction – Shell:
The exterior looks sharp and clean. It is much larger than I had anticipated, though fits my head OK. The visor is thinner than expected. The shield assembly has detents upon rotation that provide partial to full face retraction. When the shield is pulled down completely, breathing heavy slightly fogs the lower portion without labored effort, though seems well-ventilated by design that it may not pose a problem: If the fogging becomes too much the visor could be pulled part-way up and retain shielding while not greatly reducing visibility and utility. The nose-molding is pointless as my face, or more keenly - my nasal beak simply isn’t that protrusive to require the cutout, nor does it even reach, and is in fact an eye-catching distraction. I suppose that an extra-large head sporting an epic olfactory proboscis though might be satisfactorily obliged by the down-snout clearance. On the exterior are the DOT markings. Overall – the inspection goes well and I’d give it 4 stars out of 5: Detractors being that the size is unexpectantly large, and is heavier as well.

Construction – Lining:



Where to begin… The side pads apparently unclip and have size indication stitched in, meaning that these are swapped out to facilitate fit. The materials for construction are cheap and likely not last for more than two years tops (optimistic) – if that long, and possibly abraded within 3 months; except for the side panels - the internals cannot be removed for washing. By far the glaring weak point of the design is the chin strap: Had I seen this product before purchase I wouldn’t have solely upon the lack of thought given to the fixture; it is the cheapest-afterthought imaginable and should be completely replaced if one considered using the device with any modicum of frequency resembling commuting. Inside shell padding and materials - 3 Stars. Chin Strap - 1 Star: I would hesitate to send this as a gift to my enemies, though might be perfect as a one-time use for my ex-mother-in-law.





Positive Traits:
Fits well enough (sans chin-strap issues), sharp-looking, low-end motorcycle-grade protection at commuter-speeds; good match for moped protection. Slightly lighter than an off-road racing helmet.

Negative Traits:
Cheap (derogative) materials. Inferior chin-strap quality, stitching, associated clasp, snaps, and side-strapping. Motorcycle-size; far larger than expected. Not remotely bike-stealthy. Heavy relative to bike helmets at > 3 lbs.

Though I am stuck with mine, I shall keep looking: I suggest you do the same as well. Quality hounds: Do not buy. Thrifty daredevils: What are you waiting for, long life?

Actually, I am quite tempted to send it back; seems like I need to spend at least $50 more to get any quality. :|

ADDENDUM: I have sent the product back to Amazon for a refund. Shoddy quality should not be rewarded; we can do better.

Hey guys, what do you think of this helmet?

Only for up to 35mph or so, mainly to keep my head warm and dry every day in seattle weather. Do you think it will work well for that purpose?
fizzit said:
Hey guys, what do you think of this helmet?

Only for up to 35mph or so, mainly to keep my head warm and dry every day in seattle weather. Do you think it will work well for that purpose?

At that price, buy it and do a review. When you're finished - sell it on Craig's List. :)

I do have more to add about my discoveries today, but I am going to post it on the what kind of helmets do you guys wear? thread rather than discuss it here since it doesn't pertain to the Milano.
fizzit said:
mainly to keep my head warm and dry every day in seattle weather. Do you think it will work well for that purpose?

I dunno, but if you don't care about it being for crash protection, you should check out your local thrift stores--I guarantee you you'll find one that fits you, doesn't stink from prior use, and will keep weather out and warmth in, for less than $20, within a month, if you have enough thrift stores around to look at--especially goodwill and savers.

Yardsales and swapmeets will expand your chances even more.

You might even find a good one that also will provide crash protection and hasn't yet had to do that for someone; the black one I show in the "what helmet do you use" thread I recently got for $12.50 at goodwill's half-price-day sale. I used it for my work commute today and it kept me a lot warmer (was 48F when I left for work this morning) without making me too hot (was 72F when I left work for home this afternoon), and it isn't too heavy (3-4lbs? don't have a sensitive enough scale to be sure).
Kingfish I registered primarily to thank you for that review. I was a day away from purchasing that helmet online and I'm a little surprised at the lack of overall quality that they sell you for that price. About $80.00 dollars online and $90.00, both local. I absolutely LOVE the design and I'd like to ask if their are similar scooter style helmets that do not have the quality defects you mentioned. Thanks again.
RobVolt said:
Kingfish I registered primarily to thank you for that review. I was a day away from purchasing that helmet online and I'm a little surprised at the lack of overall quality that they sell you for that price. About $80.00 dollars online and $90.00, both local. I absolutely LOVE the design and I'd like to ask if their are similar scooter style helmets that do not have the quality defects you mentioned. Thanks again.


I am honored by your first post <bowing low in your general direction> :)

Welcome to ES!

- - -

Yours is an excellent question, though I would defer you to the “what kind of helmets do you guys wear?” thread since that is where we have been exploring options together.

The short answer though is that these stylistic designs all suffer from the same low-end quality in varying degrees. A personal choice has to be made about what is more important: My Life or my Wallet?

The more I dug into finding the perfect helmet the more I discovered that it didn’t exist – at least not to the criteria that I was willing to live with. I have ended up struggling with compromise as we speak. The good news is that better quality construction has been found beginning at $115 (depending on where you shop), though the color of my current favorite is black and a face shield is another $20 more. However – the Hunt is still on: I am trying to keep the price below $200 for good protection that is highly visible and modestly stylistic.

- - -

Addendum: Received an email this morning from Amazon that they have accepted the return and shall credit my account. Wonderful company. :)

I withhold my soapbox moment though. Unless requested. Opinions I am full of, amongst other things. :roll: :lol:
Best, KF
Kingfish said:
RobVolt said:
Kingfish I registered primarily to thank you for that review. I was a day away from purchasing that helmet online and I'm a little surprised at the lack of overall quality that they sell you for that price. About $80.00 dollars online and $90.00, both local. I absolutely LOVE the design and I'd like to ask if their are similar scooter style helmets that do not have the quality defects you mentioned. Thanks again.


I am honored by your first post <bowing low in your general direction> :)

Welcome to ES!

Welcome appreciated.

My Helmet budget it around $100.00. I can go higher but I'm planning to spend a great deal more on various modifications to my scooter. I understand that I shouldn't shortchange a life saving helmet but there has to be a well tested and proven scooter helmet in that price range that will last longer than 6 months. I'll have to keep a close eye on that helmet thread.
I got to thinking about this yesterday and it occurred to me that people may not be familiar with the DOT Helmet regulations. These were last update in 2004. The high points are:

  • Thick Inner Liner: One-inch thick of firm polystyrene foam.
  • Sturdy Chin Strap and Rivets: Helmets meeting the DOT safety standard have sturdy chinstraps with solid rivets.
  • Weight of Helmet: Unsafe helmets weigh only one pound or less; Helmets meeting FMVSS 218 generally weigh about three pounds. (Note: The last revision was written before the introduction of Carbon Fiber and Fiberglass with Aramid reinforcement into the mainstream).
  • Design/Style of Helmet: A comprehensive listing of what is acceptable is given in the spec and worthy of reading.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration provides a brief overview here on how to spot unsafe helmets.

I will post this information on the helmet thread as well.