Recent content by TheBeastie

  1. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    China Starts Up World's First Fourth-Generation Reactor, Readying Giant Nuclear Ship
  2. TheBeastie

    Thread for new battery breakthrough PR releases

    So more news lately that sodium-ion battery technology is real and viable as a major European based company NorthVolt has announced their sodium-ion battery and have announced to build a factory to pump them out Northvolt develops state-of-the-art sodium-ion battery So that announcement^ really...
  3. TheBeastie

    AKM-100H 350W motor configs 48V-328RPM vs 36V-201/260RPM

    Thanks. Yeah I was thinking that now I understand the issue of hub motor design giving up freewheel/cassette gear space in favour of a wider hub motor allows for more torque/performance, I wish there was a 1-speed freewheel hub motor version, because if there is even just 5% or higher gain in...
  4. TheBeastie

    AKM-100H 350W motor configs 48V-328RPM vs 36V-201/260RPM

    I am in the market for a new ebike kit, I want to get a 27.5inch based mountain bike for urban use, not much in hills, probably the biggest hill I ever face is about 400meters of roughly 13degree angle (I would guess), or just your quite average suburban road hills, and it would be just once per...
  5. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    So Nikola Motor Company is not only crushing Tesla with its battery-only electric trucks, but NMC has released their fuel-cell trucks as well now... One of the most remarkable things I have seen in electric vehicle news was how many clueless lucky "algo privileged" YouTubers kept saying Nikola...
  6. TheBeastie

    Thread for new battery breakthrough PR releases

    What I don't get is why hasn't Elon Musk bought out Amprius or made a deal with them to plan massive expansion. Instead, Tesla seems to be stuffing around with its 4680 cell which apparently isn't working out bcos they can't get the dry coating technology they acquired from Maxwell working very...
  7. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Decent new video about nuclear and it's current state. I watched it last week so already forgot some bits, but I believe it failed to mention new news stuff like chatGPT/OpenAI's boss and creator are starting a nuclear company using a very remotely similar model as NuScale SMR where the...
  8. TheBeastie

    Was bound to happen?

    Was bound to happen? Popular electronics repairman Louis Rossmann talks about ebiker abuse culture etc and his time riding ebikes in New York City.. titled "NYC's toxic ebike culture almost killed 4 people; let's talk about it."
  9. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    New hydrogen production breakthrough that requires only 1/10th of the Iridium catalyst than it did before.
  10. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    CNBC do a video on the Sodium-ion battery, it's pretty well made. They include a chart of the current costs of the sodium-ion battery and this is where I was a bit surprised, currently the sodium-ion battery is priced exactly where its performance-to-price ratio of a lithium-ion would be. I...
  11. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    I googled up Art Berman to find out about his thoughts because one of his sayings is "energy = economy" which is something I agree with. Found this video with Art Berman and Nate Hagens which has been a person whos views on energy have been posted by a few different people here on ES over the...
  12. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Solar isn't always as great as you think. My brother is a Greens voter and he refuses to get solar panels put on the house he bought about 10 years ago, the reason is the gamble of the solar install lasting. He had a few friends tell him their solar installs broke down after a few years. And...
  13. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Who wants more renewable energy porn!? 😸 😻 🙀 Turns out that significantly greater power in MW can be generated from wind-turbines the bigger you make each in blade size... The increase in power generated is kind of exponential with bigger blades for the same wind-speed. Another way the video...
  14. TheBeastie

    Thread for new battery breakthrough PR releases

    More battery porn videos! I am actually quite excited about this Sodium-ion battery that the biggest battery and EV companies in China are claiming they will be releasing "this year". Even if sodium-ion batteries don't perform nearly as well as lithium, it still seems to be a viable replacement...
  15. TheBeastie

    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    More promising battery porn tech videos Even if Sodium ion is not impressive in Wh/kg specs it is set to show up in Chinese EVs this year, so how bad could it be? I have a car but for the last ~4 years I have only been driving it like 8 times a year, just for xmass family meet up or buying...