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    Sur Ron Ultra Bee

    Sur Ron Storm . .
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    Sur Ron Ultra Bee

    youtubers are just now getting review samples of the Sur Ron Ultra and Storm. Dealers are telling me April or May and are quoting $400 over msrp to take a deposit. . .
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    Wayne’s Dengfu Carbon Fibre FS 27.5” with Bafang M600 (throttle also)

    So you are happy enough with the forks for now? I already have a sweet Shimano E8000 bike with a Pike that I love. But I am probably going to buy an X2 for the Ludacris power and to try something with a throttle to use at my friends land In Arivaca, AZ. Steep hills and deep sand. To see how well...
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    Wayne’s Dengfu Carbon Fibre FS 27.5” with Bafang M600 (throttle also)

    Did you get your X2? How do you like it?
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    Bafang M500/M600 thread

    The Luna X1 Bafang M600 with Ludicrous controller had a similar advantage over the Levo in this climbing test with a time of about 60 seconds versus 76. I have to assume he chose a hill that was so steep the the Levo didn't approach its class 1 limited top speed of 20mph which would have been...
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    Bafang M500/M600 thread

    Maybe the M600 with the $400 ludicrous controller would be more like this test of the M620 which smashed the times of all of the other "class 1" motors with a time of 45 seconds versus 66. . .
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    Bafang M500/M600 thread

    Here is a fairly complete ebike climbing showdown including Bafang M600 which was near the top but whichever version this is couldn't beat the Brose in the Levo. Should I really buy a Luna X2 if I would only gain a few seconds over my Shimano E8000 bike that I already have and love the...
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    Sur-Ron - New Mid drive Bike

    What are the changes in the Sur Ron for 2022? I see everybody likes the new brakes. Is there a new fork? Is it a keeper? New seat. Better headset. Anything new about the X controller since it came out? Wheels? Tires?
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Personal energy use at home is only 20% of total promary energy. The rest is heavy transport, agriculture. and embodied energy in infrastructure, services. You can go to zero at home but this reduces your aggregate average by 20%. 30% if you have an electric car ($40,000) (or no transportaion)...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    A reduction in crop productivity will follow the descent of energy and fertilizer. And ancient ground water aquifers. The direct actions are needed to help people (apparently like you) understand that everything must change.
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    But we also live in an age of determined young activists such as Sunrise Movement, Fridays for Future and Extinction Rebellion who realize that we are headed into a grim future of pollution and receding energy, nonrenewable resources, biodiversity, and food and water. And are willing to take to...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    We have several converging challenges facing us down. CO2 balance and other waste sinks are full, energy and non-renewable resource access is past peak and will enter descent, at the same time that we are stuck in a debt based financial system bearing interest that can only be paid back with...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Social inertia, a debt/ growth based economic system, and a selfish and underinformed elite class, has us caught in a "monkey trap" of self ( and worse yet for any other non-human species)-destructive system of ever increasing consumption.
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Richard Heinberg: "Meanwhile, communications media were evolving still further. While radio and television had a largely unifying effect during the 20th century, the internet and social media are proving to be disintegrative to consensus in the 21st. Algorithms capture users’ interests and...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Horizontal drilling expertise as was developed for shale oil and gas can be repurposed (as those jobs are phased out) for this new, closed loop technique for geothermal electricity. "Eavor’s solution (Eavor-Loop™) represents the world’s first truly scalable form of clean baseload power. Eavor...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Germany has had the highest ongoing national subsidies for new electricity projects which allows the new producers to bid down the wholesale price. And then the consumer pays the country back with the corresponding fees at the retail end bringing the actual cost up to among the highest in the world.
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Saudi Arabia, Australia, Canada, USA are the 4 highest CO2 per capita at over 15 tonnes/ person. China is 8. And most of that is exported to other rich countries embodied in goods and raw materials. All rich countries must degrow their economies and quit buying, building, and consuming so much...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Keep in mind that much of the Carbon emissions and pollution of China end up embodied in the manufactured "stuff" that we in the rich countries buy, including raw materials like lead and steel, chemicals, rare earth elements, everything. We rich countries have just outsourced our pollution to...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    That was good right up to the point of saying: " in Germany, electricity price is 50% less than Poland". Germany and Denmark have the highest priced electricity in the world at $0.38/ kWh and is currently showing 475g Carbon/ kWh for Germany. Poland is listed as $0.19. Right...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Tim Watkins: "The harsh reality is that despite the Herculean deployment of wind turbines, solar panels and biofuel plants over the last three decades, fossil fuels still provide more than 86 percent of the energy that powers the global economy. Indeed, strip away hydroelectric power – since...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    "Ecologist Peter Turchin teamed up with colleagues to build a database of hundreds of societies over the past 10,000 years; then he looked for patterns. One that immediately leapt out was a periodicity of growth and decline based on economic inequality: elites always tended to capture more and...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Richard Heinberg: "But the fossil-fuel era is heading toward its inevitable conclusion. Oil, gas, and coal companies harvest fossil fuels using the low-hanging fruit principle, After many decades of this, what’s left are largely low-grade resources that require extra effort to extract or...
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    Wind and Solar vs Coal, Gasoline, Nuclear

    Jessica Wildfire: "The future isn’t going to be an apocalypse. It’s not going to be full of starships and robots, either. It’s going to feel a little dystopian. If we have even the slightest chance as a species, the future needs to be agrarian, even rustic, compared to how we’re living now. It...