Another Chinese LiFePO4 manufacturer: Ieehoo

Could be a hard case version of similar cells to those Ping is using. They are 3c too, but if you want them to last, use em at 1.5 c or so. I'm sooo leery of any vendor from china except Ping though. Any problems with a ping pack, and he's there to help!
If the competition is so sketchy out there, why are there still people even considering them? Is it pricing? Well, Ping's website has very competive pricing which is better than his ebay listings. Why even bother and take a risk, with all the good things said about Ping and alll the sketchy things said about everyone else? I'd pay a premium over the competitors in order to get a reliable product from a reliable seller.

I have looked at the competitors and come back here to see questions raised about them and there is nothing here to suggest that I should go with any of them.
!00% agree! Pings da bomb!

I can only think of 2 excuses for going to a questionable ebay seller:

1. You haven't looked at this forum.

2. You have too much money.

Yeah, how many posts say, If ida read this first.... Hard shell pack cells definitely have an advantage, especially for larger AH setups, and Pings offerings are just a bit small for running a big x5 motor in hilly neighborhoods. But really , for the majority of us with a 600 watt bike, putting the ping pack in a toolbox is not so hard to do, and there is no question who is the most helpfull when the occasional problem does happen. I'd love to see him offer some modular packs though, like 12v 10 ah blocks with connector plugs that could be used to build different sise, shape, packs. That way you could replace a dead cell, or upgrade to 48v easy. For the x5 crowd, a 30 ah 60v pack with 60 amp continuous bms would be perfect.
Well jeez guys, I was just pointing out that there's something else out there. If you're comfortable with your ping packs then more power to you; I was merely pointing out that there's a new player on the growing LiFePO4 market, and competition can only be a good thing here. How else does a seller build reputation in a community than by someone trusted buying their products and reporting back?
Personally these cells don't suit my needs but maybe someone here would be willing to test them out.
Sorry, one bad apple has truly spoiled the batch. But the fact remains that its a lot of money to risk when you know a ping pack is a better risk. If we tend to overreact, its because of jimmywu.
oofnik said:
They have some listings on ebay for 20AH lifepo4 packs. The cells look like Yesa cells but they're all white. Claiming 3C discharge rate on their company website.
Anybody have any more information?

Just trying to seek out the competition here.
Thanks for your interested our LiFePO4 Batteries ...
yeah ,we have been listed more 10 item on ebay table ,but ...never sell on ebay list only (we hope give an best price for each customer)
i'm a sale manager and working in Ieehoo company , if you want to know more infor. please mail with Us
we'll send you the price list ,datasheet and more details , many thx !
Hello evryboday ,
share the information to everyone ...
we hope it help to you .thx!

Technology standard Document
Lithium Iron Phosphate(LiFePO4)
Specification type:IHLP-PD60

1. Packaging:
Airproof,No dilapidation
2. Surface
Homogeneous ash black, no agglomeration
3. Chemistry composition
L i : 4.1±0.1%ï¼›
Fe : 35.2±0.2%ï¼›
Li/Fe : 0.98±0.02 (mol ratio)
H2O : ≤0.02%;
4 Physics performance
4.1 granularity
Normal school
D50= 5±2.0umï¼›
4.2 density
Loose density>0.60g/cm3 , shaken density >1.0g/cm3;
4.3 specific area
5. Electrochemical performance
The discharged specific capacitance ≥130mAh/g by 0.5C,the middle voltage ≥3.1V,the attenuation of capability not over 5% at 50th cycle.
6. Durability
12 monthes
View attachment LiFePO4 Material Technology standard _PD60_.pdf