AWD fatbike (first build, first draft..)

Ha-- thanks for asking. I miss my knee stroller (allowed me to travel through airports very quickly), but I'll admit the metal plate in my ankle has limited motion a tiny bit when playing basketball or tennis. Fortunately, I already kinda sucked at both.

I ended up rebuilding the ebike since I turned out to enjoy using the Pinion based fat bike so much, manually.

I'm super happy with the way I have 2wd working currently. I saw someone else on here mention that by using a torque throttle for both wheels, you don't need to worry about synchronizing speed of two different kinds of motors. (Remember, I have a TC3065 in back, and a BMC v2 in front). I've found it a little more complicated than that.

Because my Roboteq controller measures battery amps rather than phase amps, I use the current speed (from halls and knowledge of unloaded RPMs at 50% power) to compute back emf and figure out how much more power needs to be applied. (This is in some ways better than measuring phase amps because you don't need to use PID.) But it gets tricky when the front motor is geared and so doesn't give speed measurements when unengaged. I only use the front motor when I'm accelerating, to save power and wear.

I finally got logging on my phone to work, and everything looks pretty good. I need to study a little more before posting actual results.
