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Beat up neppy for posting a dangerous 60mph ride video


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
Utah, USA

Hit 60mph today. I'm amp limited to 75A on a 12FET 4011, so i'm sure i could have gone faster.. but i just wanted to see what 72v could bring.

Anyway, i took a particularly hilly ride at 48v right after, and got the motor a bit hot. I think as the temperatures climb, i can no longer abuse this motor at 43mph for long periods of time.

It is time to vent it.
Man, scary to think what a head on with a texting driver would result. Amazing speed!
Yeah, i don't normally ride like that at all. Your average driver coming out of those streets is going to be very cautious coming out. I wasn't too worried about it. A legitimate way to cross the road and travel on the correct side was about a mile away and i didn't want to melt the motor. This is just a demo, along the flattest street in my area ( not many of those here ).

Back to riding like a non-idiot at 48v.
neptronix said:
Hit 60mph today. I'm amp limited to 75A on a 12FET 4011, so i'm sure i could have gone faster.. but i just wanted to see what 72v could bring.

LOL, when I saw you turn around like you were going to ride on the wrong side of the road at 60mph I lol and said yeah right expecting you to then get on the other side of the road.

Then when you started going down on the wrong side of the road at 60mph I really loled for like 30 seconds..
Hehe you made my day man...
I like you man but you're crazy... :lol:

( Full video here for folks who have no idea what this scene is from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFW-yxe13lo )
Now you just gotta make it look like you do that all the time, even when just popping out to get some milk and bread.
My wife is the only thing holding my sanity together, boys.

..what did you expect? no sane person configures a bicycle to do 60mph.. :lol:
neptronix said:
My wife is the only thing holding my sanity together, boys.

..what did you expect? no sane person configures a bicycle to do 60mph.. :lol:

I appreciate the info you provide on this forum..I really do.

With that said , im not sure you are doing the ebike community a favor, by building ebikes and using them to do 50 + mph on roads/ streets......eventually , this type of behavior by numerous ebikers, will result in states making harsher laws against ebikes...probably resulting in regulations that make it mandatory for ebikers to now have to purchase licenses, have insurance , pay for yearly registrations etc......

One of the main benefits I enjoy of ebiking, is saving money by not having to pay for all those things associated with a car, motorcycle.

I cannot see 1 benefit, for any ebike owner, to be out on the roads, doing such high speeds around other people who are on the same roads driving cars . I would compare it to a ebiker going on the normal non motorized bike trails, and tearing them up, just because their ebike has the ability to do so.
Guys, it was one run up and down a street on a sunday at a time where there was the least amount of traffic on our streets. People are extremely cautious when pulling out from the left, and gradually edge out. I would have had time to react. They do not do that when exiting this 45mph road to the right. I've seen people repeatedly slam on the brakes and turn right. I was not confident enough to ride in the car lane, as i did not know if i was going to melt the motor or not during the slight uphill run back.

My route into the big city nearby has nothing but 40-45mph streets and no bike lane in many areas. This bike is designed to do up to 45 in the car lane because it has to. Either i build a 45mph ebike, or i drop this hobby entirely until i move next year.

I did this simply as a demonstration of the motor's power. The bike will never be operated at that speed outside of that. Not only because bicycle suspension, tires, brakes etc are not up to the task, but also because the energy you expend doing that is insane, and there is no use for such high speeds here.

I've been getting crap for this video on youtube, endless sphere facebook, and here. I'm going to delete it and do a retake with a 4011 18FET controller that is coming in, at a higher amperage and vented.. on a road with no cars and no turns.. that will involve me chucking my bike into the car and driving it 10 miles away, however. Yes, i live in urban sprawl hell out here. It's like Los Angeles, but more spread out..
neptronix said:
Guys, it was one run up and down a street on a sunday at a time where there was the least amount of traffic on our streets. People are extremely cautious when pulling out from the left, and gradually edge out. I would have had time to react. They do not do that when exiting this 45mph road to the right. I've seen people repeatedly slam on the brakes and turn right. I was not confident enough to ride in the car lane, as i did not know if i was going to melt the motor or not during the slight uphill run back.

My route into the big city nearby has nothing but 40-45mph streets and no bike lane in many areas. This bike is designed to do up to 45 in the car lane because it has to. Either i build a 45mph ebike, or i drop this hobby entirely until i move next year.

I did this simply as a demonstration of the motor's power. The bike will never be operated at that speed outside of that. Not only because bicycle suspension, tires, brakes etc are not up to the task, but also because the energy you expend doing that is insane, and there is no use for such high speeds here.

I've been getting crap for this video on youtube, endless sphere facebook, and here. I'm going to delete it and do a retake with a 4011 18FET controller that is coming in, at a higher amperage and vented.. on a road with no cars and no turns.. that will involve me chucking my bike into the car and driving it 10 miles away, however. Yes, i live in urban sprawl hell out here. It's like Los Angeles, but more spread out..

But you do understand why other ebikers would have concerns about this ?

In fact, as ebikes become more and more popular, I fully expect we will see a future event where someone is killed on a ebike, and it makes major headlines....it is then we can expect the govt regulators to clamp down and institute fees upon all of us.
I feel your pain bro. :|

The few times I have violated traffic laws were also in the crisp weekend mornings with relatively little traffic.

I am glad to say that there is a Drag race track within a reasonable distance of my house. I think I may drive the 30 miles and pay the $40 entrance fees to have the legal right and safety to open it up at speeds of 60 MPH and higher. 8)

Apart from that, I believe being able to ride with traffic at speeds up to 40 mph, and having acceleration that exceeds that of my Steel Caged companions is as safe as one can get on what amounts to an electric motorcycle with pedals.
I liked the vid, thought it was hilarious. I think you got a good head on your shoulders and know it was a slightly risky for the reasons mentioned. I see no need to defend.
What is freedom-

Personally I think that if you don't hurt anyone, their property or their own freedom, then you should be free to do as you wish. So this instance was perfectly fine- Though obviously the more often we take risks, like driving between cars on the dotted line @+40mph of traffic on a sportbike, (was watching crazies in south america do that earlier- now THEY are nutz) then the more likely it becomes to hurt someone,etc.

So I'm happy I get to see vids like this- they entertain (and inform) to no end. On the otherhand one must expect the blowback because these people do have valid points, even if there was 'no harm-no foul'

Thanks for the threads and all the informative writing and vids!
I understand your concerns and have thought about them a lot.

What you are worried about is going to happen anyway. Just look. You can buy motors far more powerful and capable than this one readily. The MXUS V2 has a 10mm wider stator and cromotors are highly available. The MXUS V2 is almost the same cost as this motor, too. Less responsible people than me are already going to be riding them at higher speeds than i maintain with regularity. Nobody here will stop the momentum of that.

Our system of law is not logical here in the United States. It will allow motorcycles and cars to kill around 30,000-40,000 people a year here, yet you can still buy a 6,000lb vehicle with 500hp, or a 500lb+ motorcycle with 200hp, all because these things have basically been grandfathered in from when we were a more free country than now. High power ebikes will get squashed under any justification they can find, simply because it might present a problem. Just look at how the law handles any other new thing that becomes popular. Ecigarettes are under fire even though they are safer. Bitcoin? let's regulate that so far as to dampen it's appeal. etc etc.

What will happen is that people will get busted for riding vehicles that are uncategorized and unlicensed but cannot be licensed.

Enjoy this 1-2 year period of time where you can still own something like this without worries of the law coming down on you. I just happen to live in a fairly libertarian area where the cops do not care unless i am causing trouble. I ride very responsibly; you can see it in my longer ride videos. It's some other idiot that rides irresponsibly regularly that i have no control over that will be the end of this.

I seek to fully enjoy the time i have to ride a bicycle at the same speeds that traffic runs at in the meantime. It is the only safe way to ride a bicycle in my area. I am not going to ride in 45mph traffic at 20mph at the edge of the road or in the lane with people flipping me off and yelling at me every day. This is the paradox that we have to deal with - you ride at legal speeds in an area with no bike lanes and you piss off thousands of motorists in a year, and put yourself in an entirely dangerous situation. You take the risk and ride with traffic at their speeds and you get weird looks but very little ire from motorists, yet run the risk of some random cop busting you. That's the reality of living in a country where 99.9% of the roads are designed without bicycles in mind - our transportation system was invented with the idea that bicycles are not a legitimate form of transport.

I have done the latter for 4 years with no issues. A cop once rolled down the window and made a joke about me being lance armstrong once when i was riding the magic pie racebike with a motorcycle tire on the rear. I was pedaling in the car lane at 38mph. That's the worst of my legal encounters..
teslanv said:
Apart from that, I believe being able to ride with traffic at speeds up to 40 mph, and having acceleration that exceeds that of my Steel Caged companions is as safe as one can get on what amounts to an electric motorcycle with pedals.

and this is the crux of the debate.

people building and using ebikes to do 50 + mph on roads/ highways...when those contraptions are more or less a motorcycle with pedals.....then knowing you have a illogical govt that will pass laws/ regulations that punishes and charges fees to ebikers who are casual drivers with bikes that arent designed to do those hi speeds.

As it currently stands, there are laws in the books, that classify any ebike that is over 750 watts..or 20 mph speed..as more then a ebike...and needing a special license , registraion, etc....and of course 99% of the ebikers dont abide by those laws....but when those laws are pushed to the limits, and more and more ebikers start having bikes that do 50 mph..and ride them on roadways , we can be sure that the govt and law enforcement will start to clamp down on all ebikes and ebikers.
neptronix said:
I seek to fully enjoy the time i have to ride a bicycle at the same speeds that traffic runs at in the meantime...

and this shows you have no real regard about the impact of what you are doing.

you also make very wrong conjectures..like

" it wont be me that causes a accident..it will be some other moron in a car" .

all it takes is for you to be doing 50 mph on the road, and hit a unforseen pothole and lose control or have a blowout.

It is your actions and your impractical mindset, that will help usher in a set of new draconian laws, that punishes all ebikers...even those of us that try to keep our hobby under the radar and out of sight of govt regulators and law enforcement by riding our ebikes in the 10 -18 mph zone when around other registered, licensed and LEGAL vehicles .

So far you have been lucky...but luck can eventually run out.
IMHO..anyone that is building a ebike that can do these high speeds, and plans to ride them along with regular traffic, needs to register your ebike, as a motorcycle and have insurance. This is how sane logical people operate.

To have the mindset of ;

im gonna abuse the laws and common sense , and ride a ebike at 60 mph on the road, while still possible

is a very immature and impractical way of thinking. ..especially for a grown adult.
ebikedelight said:
neptronix said:
I seek to fully enjoy the time i have to ride a bicycle at the same speeds that traffic runs at in the meantime...

and this shows you have no real regard about the impact of what you are doing.

you also make very wrong conjectures..like

" it wont be me that causes a accident..it will be some other moron in a car" .

all it takes is for you to be doing 50 mph on the road, and hit a unforseen pothole and lose control or have a blowout.

It is your actions and your impractical mindset, that will help usher in a set of new draconian laws, that punishes all ebikers...even those of us that try to keep our hobby under the radar and out of sight of govt regulators and law enforcement by riding our ebikes in the 10 -18 mph zone when around other registered, licensed and LEGAL vehicles .

So far you have been lucky...but luck can eventually run out.

and unfortunately, this is why we need a corrupt govt, and law enforcement to make such draconian laws...because to many humans in our society, will not use common sense, when they are allowed to bypass certain " un-enforced" laws on the books.

Humans have a bad habit of trying to push the limits...to the point of forcing govt to institute laws that penalize people who used common sense and did not need the laws in the 1st place.

ebikes are a perfect example....states will eventually start charging fees to own and ride ebikes, because to many people built and rode ebikes to perform like motorcycles and rode them on the street with other INSURED/LICENSED AND LEGAL vehicles.

I won't be doing 50mph. I will not travel on 50mph roads because i can avoid them. I prefer to travel at no more than 30, when the opportunity is available to me. Such potholes are just as dangerous on a motorcycle.

I don't think you understand the drift here - and i've repeated myself many times. That video was only a demonstration to show what the motor was capable of when pushed hard.

By the way, you should go visit the hundreds of MXUS and cromotor build and tech info threads. You've got a lot of criticizing to do. Go blame the hundreds of individuals for a collective problem that is gaining steam rapidly. Put some industrial grade strength coffee on the pot and pull a shift on ES... :lol:

As for how the law views things.. no victim, no crime. I ride with cars as if i were a motorcycle and cause no friction. I have braking that is capable of stopping me as fast as a motorcycle can. It is not your responsibility to conform to unjust laws, it is your responsibility to disobey them in a nonviolent and peaceful way in order to demonstrate their ridiculousness.


I'm with Jefferson.
neptronix said:
As for how the law views things.. no victim, no crime. I ride with cars as if i were a motorcycle and cause no friction. I have braking that is capable of stopping me as fast as a motorcycle can. It is not your responsibility to conform to unjust laws, it is your responsibility to disobey them in a nonviolent and peaceful way in order to demonstrate their ridiculousness.


I'm with Jefferson.

I do not think it is a unjust law, to have sensible limits on how fast a ebike can go, on roads that are travelled by licensed and insured vehicles.

People that wanna use a ebike to do 50 mph, and ride with traffic, should be responsible and make sure ...ah nevermind

your gonna do what you will.....and the irony of that

is, when new laws are passed, requiring all ebikers to pay fees we never had to pay, it is people like you that will complain the most , even though it was your type of actions that ushered in these new fees at a much faster rate in time.

carry on.
ebikedelight said:
IMHO..anyone that is building a ebike that can do these high speeds, and plans to ride them along with regular traffic, needs to register your ebike, as a motorcycle and have insurance. This is how sane logical people operate.

Just try to register a 50 MPH ebike.

If it has pedals, the vehicle inspector will probably laugh and send you on your way...
teslanv said:
ebikedelight said:
IMHO..anyone that is building a ebike that can do these high speeds, and plans to ride them along with regular traffic, needs to register your ebike, as a motorcycle and have insurance. This is how sane logical people operate.

Just try to register a 50 MPH ebike.

If it has pedals, the vehicle inspector will probably laugh and send you on your way...

you dont get it..

there are already laws on the books, that have certain data on what is and isnt a ebike.

Peopel like netpronix, are purpsoefully disreagrding the laws..cause he thinks its his constitutional duty to do so. Its 1 thing to have a ebike that can do 25 mph...but have the logic to not ride with traffic, on streets and stay under the radar....its another thing to build ebikes that do 60 mph..and ride them with traffic at those hi rates of speed, with the mindset that it is ones duty to disobey the laws .

this type of attitude will not help the ebike hobby and will end up punishing all ebikers eventually....even if its something like paying yearly fees or registration fees.
Haha, you're a lawbreaker too. :lol:
Try doing that 25mph on my streets and your opinion will change pretty rapidly.

I'd prefer to be a lawbreaker instead of having 'he was a good boy who respected the law' on my tombstone after i get ran over in traffic when some motorist doesn't see me on the shoulder.

No thanks.
neptronix said:
Haha, you're a lawbreaker too. :lol:
Try doing that 25mph on my streets and your opinion will change pretty rapidly.

I'd prefer to be a lawbreaker instead of having 'he was a good boy who respected the law' on my tombstone after i get ran over in traffic when some motorist doesn't see me on the shoulder.

No thanks.

yes..my bike will do over 20 mph...but i dont push my luck..or feel its my mission to break the law per the consitution.

let me put it another way

I respect and appreciate the leniancy us ebikers now enjoy..and I try to stay under the radar in hopes us ebikers can enjoy this leniancy for as long as possible.

peopel liek you, push the limits and ensure that leniancy we now enjoy, will end much sooner .

your type of actions, once widespread, will result in all ebikers paying the price.

you dont seem to understand this .
My actions are already widespread. One person disrespecting the law of the land is not really in a position to criticize someone else doing the same thing.

Are you asking me to give up riding an electric bicycle because i have no safe choice other than to conform to high speeds in my area to ride safety? because there is the possibility of the law cracking down on me or others in a few years?

.. if so, wouldn't that make this hobby a lot more accessible to the 99.9% of people who live in places that have no bicycle infrastructure whatsoever?

Think about it.
neptronix said:
My actions are already widespread. One person disrespecting the law of the land is not really in a position to criticize someone else doing the same thing.

Are you asking me to give up riding an electric bicycle because i have no safe choice other than to conform to high speeds in my area to ride safety? because there is the possibility of the law cracking down on me or others in a few years?

.. if so, wouldn't that make this hobby a lot more accessible to the 99.9% of people who live in places that have no bicycle infrastructure whatsoever?

Think about it.

you are riding a vehcile that can do 60 mph...along side of other vehicles that are insured / licensed and registered for such commutting.

do you have liability insurance on your 60 mph ebike ? if not...

what happens if you cause a bad accident on the roadways which results in other people getting injured ? it seems your attitude for such a scenario is

You are not even listening to me even when i repeated myself multiple times. Go harass some of the hundreds of other people doing the same thing.

This is a waste of my time. This conversation with you is over.