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Beware of Spray Ebike Company china


10 kW
Apr 7, 2007
I have been selling ebike bits and pieces via http://www.users.bigpond.com/solarbbq/bikesale/bsale.htm
for a number of years. I've just returned from a nightmare trip to china, my former workman ( Qihua Shen) and his father, mother and brother , have stolen most of my stock. They resorted to some violence against me which i wont go into now,
I have now learned they have a website and are trying to sell my stock. The police were informed in china and court proceedings should get underway soon to try and recover my stock.
The website they are using is below
Please be aware that the stock they are trying to sell does not belong to them, and not to deal with them in anyway, my biggest apologies to customers who have been waiting along time for items to arrive, I am in the process of restocking so things are very slow at present.
These people are completely dishonest and thieves, and if anyone has already purchased anything from them please let me know as their is a police order against them ( in china ) to try and prevent them from selling the stock.
brett white
it looks like they not only stole your stock but most of your website as well.

i hope that you have success in recovering your stock.

Since China has pretty much a solid control onthe web in their country, the fact that the website still up is the answer to the question on how seriously the police there are taking the matter.
Nightmare is an apt description. At least you're alive.

Authorities in China enforce the law when somebody gets paid. Usually, it is someone up the ladder and they get paid well.

This story will be repeated many times, to the chagrin of earnest importers like BBQ. Little guys will take a beating and big guys will have the $$ to pay the "right" people (and can afford to have a "man on the ground" to maintain QC).

OMG Brett! Thats really bad news. China really seems like the wild west frontier as far as dodgey operators and copyright goes.

He even put " copyright Spray bikes" at the bottom of the page the cheeky turd!
I can't imagine anyone purchasing from his website, off eBay maybe....

Hope he gets his just deserts.

Keep up the good work mate.
thanks guys for the support , very very much appreciated,
nightmare is the word for it
unfortunately I dont think this is an uncommon experience, even for the chinese doing business with between themselves.
Its a really long story the whole series of events and did indeed feel like being in a spy movie at times, I would much rather watch a spy movie than be in it! I will when the legal things are finished put a detailed write up on my website of what went on,
it might assist others to avoid what happened to me, and also probably not a bad read!!
On the police, it took me a few days before I reported the incident to police, in the mean time qihua shen and his father had gone to the police and told them that I tried to steal their stock!!! Hows that, a foreigner comes to china to steal stock from some chinese guys. The police took my passport and didn't give it back, I had to get somone who knew an officer at that station to get it back, I was very worried indeed that I might be going to get in trouble. When you go to china you are supposed to report to the local police station you are in that area. If you do that , that will say , oh its not necessary to do it. But if you need to the police they check your passport and they say, you have not registered with us! a no win situation. anyway this forum is for ebikes so wont go into too much details on it here. What will happen in the court case no idea what soever, fortunately I keep all receipts and good records on stock etc , so is plenty of evidence to be used in court. Maybe would make a good movie.
Wow, that's really sad to hear. I hope that you eventually get your stuff (or the money)back and the evil-doers are punished appropriately.
:arrow: Russia and China are still dangerous.

We in the West tend to want to believe that the world will play fair and profit together with us, but both of those cultures have had a tradition of corruption that goes back for centuries.

It's funny... the politically naive in America love to point blame at how "evil" business is (take someone like John Edwards for instance) but they will often be blind to the corruption that exists at much higher levels elsewhere. We in the West are the "good guys" in the bigger picture of corruption. (though the propaganda out there always says the opposite)

I worked for a Chinese company that was a "plant" here in the US some years ago. Their intention was to hire American programmers and simply watch them (people like me) to see how things are done. The Chinese will steal anything and they feel that their culture is "better" so it's justified.

The Chinese built that Great Wall to keep out foreigners... the spirit still lives... :shock:
This is just disgusting.

Got his pic though:


BTW looks liek they have msn & ICQ contact addys on their site.
Anyone else feel like being an ass?

Hey Brett

Sorry to hear about the stock theft...You could try getting in contact with the webhost and see if they would be willing to help you.

The details for that cretins website are below.

Domain Name:zjhubmotor.com

liu xionglong

Administrative Contact:
liu xionglong
liu xionglong
jinhua Zhejiang 321017
tel: 86 0579 82262686
fax: 86 0579 82262686

Host: XIN NET TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION http://www.xinnet.com/
(Google translator actually does a real good job at translating)
Looks like there's no more content on their website, guess they're feeling the heat? Google cache dosen't have a copy of the old site. Also looks like my google hack worked, looking them up gives your site in the first results, it's as simple as having spider food in your sig. Anyways I really hope everything works out for you Brett, how do they punish thieves in china anyways, death?
Mathurin said:
how do they punish thieves in china anyways, death?
Depends on who you steal from:
Chinese Officials = death
Americans = promotion to Chinese Official

BTW: Good work, Math.