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Bike Friendly City?

A couple of random attacks from around the globe:
http://www.theage.com.au/victoria/c...andom-shooter-in-everton-20170224-gul5b1.html :twisted:
Cyclist Kelvin Tennant played dead to escape random shooter in Everton
Blair Thomson
A grandfather targeted in an apparent random shooting played dead as a man unloaded rounds into his head and chest.
Kelvin Tennant, 72, was in sheer disbelief as the gunman opened fire at him as he rode his bike on the Myrtleford-Everton rail trail in Victoria's north-east last Saturday, the Border Mail reports.
Speaking publicly for the first time since the attack in Everton, the calm and polite retired schoolteacher said it was "beyond comprehension" he would be targeted.
While he's feeling "really great" despite his injuries, he said the area "is not a safe place to be at the moment".
"I knew I was being fired at and I just pretended to be dead so that my attacker might go away," he said.
"I thought I was finished, without a doubt.
"I thought it would be eyes shut.

"I was in disbelief, that's the only word I can think of.
Mr Tennant has slowly had memories come back to him since the four to six .22 rounds were fired at him.
"I was just riding along and saw this car parked, backed up to the track, with the boot up," he said.
"It seemed to be parked in a funny spot, that's what drew my attention – it was a grassy area, not where you'd normally expect to see a car backed into.
"As I drew level, he opened fire, started blazing away.

"I knew I'd been hit.
"I knew he'd fired something at me.
"But I hadn't felt the impact of the bullets."
The keen rider has no plans to return to the region, but may keep riding on other trails. He's been overwhelmed by the people who have contacted him since the incident, including former students, and plans to get back in touch with them after he's released from hospital.

"I want him caught," Mr Tennant said of his attacker.
"I'm keen for him to be found for the sake of those people who ride that trail.
"I passed a family coming the other way (before the shooting), who I think would be the same people who rendered assistance to me.
"For the sake of them, I hope they catch him so that people can go and enjoy these trails. That's the main reason I want him caught."
The Border Mail


http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4262722/Pedestrian-tries-fly-kick-cyclist-random-attack.html :x
Wheelie aggressive! Moment angry pedestrian tries to kick a cyclist off his bike in peak-hour traffic in shocking random attack
Sean H, from Melbourne, was riding through traffic along busy Kings Way road
He filmed as a random pedestrian leaped out and tried to kick him off his bike
When rider confronts the man he is remorseless, saying: 'Slow down and f*** off'

By Chris Pleasance For Daily Mail Australia
Published: 22:39 EST, 26 February 2017 | Updated: 23:07 EST, 26 February 2017
This is the shocking moment a pedestrian in Melbourne launched a random attack on a cyclist.
A YouTube user going by the name of Sean H posted the footage online, saying it was taken on February 15 along Kings Way in the city centre.
In the video Sean can be seen weaving through heavy traffic before moving over to the side of the road as it starts moving again, where the attack takes place.
A pedestrian dressed in sunglasses and gym clothes, complete with a knee brace, can be seen stepping out into the road before lifting his leg and leaping at Sean.
http://www.dailybreeze.com/general-news/20170302/72-year-old-woman-hit-killed-by-truck-in-torrance :cry:
Larry Altman, Daily Breeze
Posted: 03/02/17, 3:56 PM PST |
A 72-year-old woman riding a bike Thursday died after she was hit by a delivery truck in Torrance, police said.
The woman was struck about 11:30 a.m. in the 19600 block of Van Ness Avenue, police said. The Torrance resident was pronounced dead at a hospital. Her name was not immediately released pending notification of relatives.
Police said the woman was riding south on Van Ness against traffic on the west sidewalk when the crash occurred. A 1998 International Delivery truck pulled out of a driveway to turn north onto Van Ness and hit her.
The truck’s driver, a 67-year-old man, was not injured. Alcohol played no role in the crash, police said.
Van Ness Avenue was closed in both directions between 190th Street and Del Amo Boulevard for about two hours to allow police officer to investigate.
Posted March 5, 2017 08:31 pm - Updated March 6, 2017 07:17 am
By Eric Curl
Savannah attempts to retain ‘bike-friendly’ status as riders, accidents increase
The number of people bicycling in Savannah for recreational and commuting purposes is on the rise, but unfortunately accidents and injuries have followed suit.
Now the city is attempting to maintain its status as a “bike-friendly community” by applying with the League of American Bicyclists, after Savannah earned a bronze-level designation in 2013.
But the city has a lot of work to do before the league will consider upgrading Savannah’s status to silver, according to city officials and bicycling advocates.
The bike league expects to see communities make progress since the previous designation, which lasts for four years. But the city has not made any significant bicycling improvements to its infrastructure since the last application, said John Bennett, executive director of the Savannah Bicycle Campaign.
Savannah now has the highest percentage of bicycle commuters in the state at 2.6 percent, but only 15 percent of Savannah’s arterial streets have bike lanes, according to a recent city staff report.
That combination has likely contributed to the increase in bicycling accidents over the last few years in the city and unincorporated Chatham County, Bennett said.
“When people are riding their bikes for transportation to work and home, they often have to ride on streets that are not safe to ride on,” he said.
In 2014, there were 81 reported bicycling collisions with vehicles, with 49 injuries, according to Savannah-Chatham police. In 2015, the number of such accidents increased to 98 incidents, with 60 injuries and four fatalities. There were 99 collisions last year, with 71 injuries and one death.
As part of the league’s application process, the city has to evaluate Savannah’s biking facilities, educational efforts and enforcement practices. That process can prove useful in identifying what type of improvements need to be made and in tracking the city’s progress, said Sean Brandon, Mobility and Parking Services director.
“There is not really another indicator as widespread as this is,” Brandon said.
Other weaknesses identified in the city’s staff report include:
•A lack of bridge access
•No staff position dedicated to bicycling and pedestrian issues
•No diversion program for cycling safety violators and no police cycling liaison
•A lack of incentives for employers to provide bicycling facilities
•No “open streets” activities that designate streets as car-free for a day

The city does have some bicycling improvements planned. Mobility and Parking Services is reclassifying an existing position within the department that will be responsible for handling bicycling and pedestrian issues, Brandon said.
And after the Savannah City Council passed a complete streets ordinance in 2015, the city is including bike lanes as part of the improvements being developed for Gwinnett Street and DeLesseps Avenue. City officials are also considering adding bike lanes to Liberty Street, which could help the downtown connect with the proposed “Canal District” west of the Historic District where the new arena is to be built, Brandon said.
The city also may also begin construction next year of Savannah’s portion of the Truman Park Linear Trail, a joint project with Chatham County that will link Daffin Park to Lake Mayer.
Those improvements will come too late for this application, but could end up helping the city in its next attempt to boost its status. The bike league is expected to announce the results of Savannah’s bike-friendly application by the fall. There are five levels of the award — diamond, platinum, gold, silver and bronze — and there are 404 bike-friendly communities throughout the country.
https://www.outsideonline.com/2162436/50th-anniversary-americas-first-bike-lane :mrgreen:

The Small California City Responsible for America's First Bike Lane

In 1967, Davis broke ground on the country's first true bike lane. Fifty years later, we look back on the inaugural system's impact—and how more work remains to be done to protect cyclists nationwide.

By: Peter Flax

Mar 8, 2017

One morning in late July 1967, a Davis, California, public works employee loaded a marking machine, letter stencils, and big containers of white paint into a city truck and drove over to 8th Street. It didn’t take long to stripe both sides of 8th between A Street and Sycamore Lane—a distance a little less than a mile long. After the paint dried and stenciled lettering was applied, the 10.5-square-mile city had the first bike lane in U.S. history.

This early project integrated concepts that still qualify as progressive. San Francisco got its first protected bike lane—where cyclists are separated from auto traffic by cement barriers and parked cars—in 2010. Chicago didn’t have one until 2016. Davis had one five decades earlier—not to mention a two-way bike lane and a so-called contra flow lane—where riders can travel against traffic on a one-way street. This early building set in motion an actual revolution, one that resulted in a single city like New York having more than 1,000 miles of bike lanes today.

Davis, a flat, compact college town blessed with temperate year-round weather located a dozen miles west of Sacramento, was ripe for a transportation transformation. The first advocate was newly appointed school chancellor Emil Mrak. In the early 1960s, the university, recently named the seventh general campus in the University of California system, was poised to have its student body expand exponentially, from 2,000 to 10,000. Mrak was determined to encourage cycling to avoid an influx of cars. “I have asked our architects to plan for a bicycle-riding, tree-lined campus,” he said in 1961, as an expanded UCD campus was being surveyed. Incoming students received letters encouraging them to bring a bike to school and officials drew up plans for a network of bike paths around a largely car-free campus. “Bike paths and tunnels were built in some neighborhoods before those neighborhoods were actually built out,” says current Davis Mayor Robb Davis. “How cool is that?”

Suddenly Davis seemed to be pulsing with young people on bikes. Still, it wasn’t exactly a cycling paradise. Bikes were a dependable, fun, popular way to get to class, but many locals and city officials were not open to sharing the road, so the police launched a ticket-writing crackdown and the number and tenor of bike-car conflicts grew worse.

Into this simmering conflict stepped Frank Child. An economics professor at UCD, Child had just wrapped up a summer sabbatical in the Dutch city of the Hague in 1963. There, he and his wife, Eve, had spent many afternoons on bicycles, riding around the city with their four children. That experience left such an impression that the couple sold their second car as soon as they returned to Davis.

Inspired by their Dutch experience and the road conflicts they saw in Davis, the Childs wrote a letter to the local newspaper, proposing separate lanes for bikes on a few local streets. They would be a win-win for everyone, the Childs wrote. They started a vibrant organization with local supporters called the Citizens’ Bicycle Study Group. “People met over their kitchen tables and got mad and expressed determination that things would change,” says Ted Beuhler, a Portland-based bike advocate who wrote his UCD graduate thesis on bicycle policy in Davis, a document that established the city’s historic primacy in the bike-lane universe. “The Childs had seen how these things could work in the real world when they lived in Europe. They said ‘There’s no reason we can’t do this here, right now.’”

The CBSG submitted a formal petition to install a handful of bike lanes. But their proposal was rejected by engineers, police, planners, and the city council, which had the power to authorize road infrastructure.

What happened next might seem familiar to contemporary readers, but it was novel for nascent bike advocates in the mid-1960s: the CBSG supporters protested at the ballot box. Two pro-bike candidates ran for the three-seat city council. One of them, says Beuhler, put little cardboard discs on supporters’ bicycle wheels that proclaimed “Maynard Skinner for Council!” The candidates wound up winning more than 60 percent of the vote in 1965.

By July, the new council had approved all the bike lanes in the original petition. But more hurdles remained. More important, since California laws did not yet recognize bike lanes as a legal part of city streets, officials were concerned they didn’t have the authority to set aside part of the roadway for riders only. Fortunately, one city council member—a professional lobbyist in Sacramento—helped introduce and pass a bill in the state Assembly. Governor Ronald Reagan signed Vehicle Code 21207, which allows cities to establish bike lanes on local streets, into law in 1967.

The bike lane required one more team of unlikely advocates before it could advance: the engineers. “Davis was really fortunate to have a public works chief who was open to change,” says Susan Handy, director of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation at UCD. “In many communities, that person is typically conservative.”

Beuhler agrees. “In this case, the city’s engineers graciously worked happily with the city council to develop something that hadn’t been done before, and they actually figured things out in impressive fashion," he says. Within the span of a few months after the 1967 law went into effect, officials in Davis installed four lanes: on Sycamore Lane, 3rd Street, 8th Street, and J Street.

In the early 1990s, Davis became the first U.S. city to install dedicated bike-signal lights. The city started branding itself as Bicycle Capital of America, and in this case, the civic cheerleading didn’t seem overstated. Today, Davis has more than 100 miles of bike lanes and shared-use paths and 25 bike-only bridges and tunnels. “In terms of cycling infrastructure and usage, Davis still outshines nearly every other city in America,” says Handy. Local advocates say that more than 20 percent of all trips within the community are done on a bike.

"You can cross the whole campus without interacting with cars,” says Mayor Davis, who says the bike lanes’ anniversary will be “quietly celebrated” as part of the city’s centennial throughout 2017. “The history is great and we’re proud of it, but the best part is to see how many kids in Davis ride their bikes to school.” Recent counts indicate that more than 33 percent of all teens in town ride to high school and nearly 25 percent pedal to elementary school.

As a testament to the outstanding cycling culture in Davis, the U.S. Bicycling Hall of Fame, moved from Somerville, N.J. to Davis in 2010. Inside, a visitor can view rare 19th century bicycles, race trophies from the 1920s, and exhibits honoring such legends as Major Taylor, Connie Carpenter, and Greg LeMond. Upon exiting the Hall, one could stand on the plaza in the sunshine, and watch riders stream by 3rd Street—which, like all of the four bike lanes built in 1967, is still in operation.
Someday it may be possible to ride a trail from Shopping Cart Falls to Diaper Creek. :lol:

http://wavenewspapers.com/bellflower-approves-master-plan-for-proposed-bike-trail/ :mrgreen:
Bellflower approves master plan for proposed bike trail
March 10, 2017
Written by: Arnold Adler, Contributing Writer
Category: Herald American
BELLFLOWER — The City Council has approved a master plan for the Bellflower-Paramount Bike Trail, part of a concept to connect bike paths along the Los Angeles River on the west and the San Gabriel River on the east.
The Paramount City Council approved the plan more than a year ago, but Bellflower delayed action to resolve several issues.
Both cities will now seek grants to build the trail.
The issues have been worked out, said Art Bashmakian, director of planning and building services in a report to the Bellflower City Council Feb. 13. They included going around Caruthers Park instead of through it, and consideration for landscaping along Bellflower Boulevard as the bike train crosses that street.
The final version makes recommendations for future infrastructure and the possible running of the long-planned Eco Rapid light rail line along the existing bike/pedestrian path known as the West Santa Ana Branch Trail, Bashmakian said.

The existing trail, built along the Pacific Electric Railroad right-of-way, extends from Lakewood Boulevard, south of Somerset Boulevard, at the city’s western limits, southeast generally paralleling Flora Vista, to a point east of Woodruff Avenue, at Caruthers Park, said Parks and Recreation Director P.J. Mellana. The 2.1-mile route formally opened in November 2009, he noted.
The trail has been landscaped and separate bike and pedestrian paths paved, but existing railroad tracks must remain under a lease agreement with the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which owns the land and retains the right to reopen it for public transportation.

Bashmakian said the proposed adjustments do not sufficiently alter the plan approved by Paramount or require another environmental review.
Spurred by advocacy groups, Bellflower and Paramount city staffs, along with volunteers began work on a master plan in summer 2014, with the encouragement and help from the MTA and the Southern California Association of Goverments. The latter is a regional planning group based in Los Angeles.
A private company, Alta Planning and Design, was hired to layout the trail after public meetings and bicycle counts, Bashmakian said.
“Adoption of the master plan will make Bellflower more competitive in obtaining grant funding for implementing bicycle infrastructure and programs throughout the city,” Bashmakian said.

In Paramont, officials report they have some funding, a $3.4 million state grant to begin extending the trail from Lakewood Boulevard, south of Somerset Boulevard, northwest along the West Santa Ana Branch Right of Way, crossing Downey, Rosecrans and Garfield avenues and Orange Avenue, where it would meet with the bike trail that runs along the Los Angeles River, Paramount Public Works Director Wendy Macias said.
Paramount applied for an Active Transportation Program grant from the state Department of Transportation last April, where the application and proposed project ranked number two behind one of Caltrans own in-house projects, Macias said.
She said the $3.4 million is for development for the portion of the bike trail from Somerset to Rosecrans Avenue.
The estimated total cost for this portion of the bike trail is approximately $4.5 million, with a projected construction start date scheduled for May 2021, Macias said.
http://www.kesq.com/news/traffic-backing-up-as-pspd-investigates-2-crashes-in-palm-springs/395674625 :(
Bicyclist seriously injured in Palm Springs crash, motorcycle crash happened right after
By: Patrick Edgell 
Posted: Mar 14, 2017 04:16 PM PDT
Updated: Mar 14, 2017 11:41 PM PDT
Bicyclist seriously injured in Palm S...
PALM SPRINGS, Calif. - The Palm Springs Police Department is investigating two accidents that occurred within about 10 minutes of each other Tuesday afternoon. The collisions caused some traffic to back up on East Palm Canyon Drive.
Two cars and a bicycle were involved in the first accident, which happened at 3:44 p.m. on East Palm Canyon Drive at Cherokee Way. The bicyclist was hospitalized with major injuries after being struck by at least one of the vehicles, Sgt. William Hutchinson said.
Officer had to close one lane and they're working to clear the wreckage.
Nobody in either of the vehicles was injured.
The second crash occurred at 3:57 p.m. on East Palm Canyon and South Cerritos drives, about a mile west of the first crash, and involved a vehicle and a motorcyclist, but no injuries were reported by police.
Traffic was backing up on East Palm Canyon Drive while officers cleared the wreckage.
http://www.sacbee.com/news/local/crime/article138841438.html :cry:
A bicyclist was killed Wednesday night in Sacramento when he was struck by a hit-and-run vehicle.
The victim was riding on Marysville Boulevard and Los Robles Boulevard in the Hagginwood neighborhood about 9:25 p.m. when he was struck. The vehicle then was driven away northbound on Marysville Boulevard.
Responding Sacramento police officers found the bicyclist unresponsive near the side of Marysville Boulevard. Sacramento Fire Department medical personnel responded to the scene and pronounced the man dead.
The bicyclist has not been identified by the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office.
Police released surveillance photos of the suspect vehicle. It is described as a blue full-sized work truck with a white utility bed, toolboxes and a rack. Police said it may have damage to the right front headlight.
Police said investigators continue to canvass the area for additional witnesses and surveillance footage that may have captured the incident.
Anyone with information regarding the collision is asked to call the Sacramento Police Department’s Hit-and-Run Tip Line at 916-808-6030, dispatch center at 916-264-5471, or Sacramento Valley Crime Stoppers at 916-443-4357, or submit an anonymous tip using the free “P3 Tips” smartphone app. Callers can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000.

http://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article138925143.html :cry:
Bicyclist killed in Tulare collision identified by police
By Jim Guy
A bicyclist killed late Tuesday in Tulare was identified by Tulare police as Johnny Marin Terronez, 69.
Police say Terronez died after a collision about 11:30 p.m. at the intersection of North Blackstone and East Prosperity avenues.
The collision occurred as Terronez was riding his bicycle west on Prosperity in an eastbound lane. He entered the intersection at Blackstone against a red light and collided with a Chevrolet Malibu driven by Antonio Cabrera, 28, who was northbound on Blackstone, had a green light and was driving at the speed limit, police said.
Terronez died after he was rushed to Kaweah Delta Medical Center in Visalia and then taken to Community Regional Medical Center in Fresno. It is the first fatal collision in Tulare this year.
http://abc7.com/news/deadly-hit-and-run-leads-to-chase-ois-with-suspect-in-seal-beach/1808334/ :cry:
They caught the guy a mile from my house.

SEAL BEACH- A deadly hit-and-run crash in Anaheim led to a police chase that ended in a crash in Seal Beach before officers opened fire on the suspect and arrested him on Sunday, police said.
The wild chain of events started about 5:40 a.m., when Anaheim police responded to a call of the hit-and-run near Ball Road and Gilbert Street, an unincorporated area of Anaheim, police said.
Authorities said an unidentified bicyclist traveling eastbound on Ball Road was struck by a 2002 Ford Expedition that for an unknown reason veered right, striking the victim. The bicyclist was pronounced dead at the scene.
When Anaheim police arrived, they spotted the suspect vehicle and a chase ensued. Officers then lost sight of the vehicle and when they found it again, it had crashed at the intersection of Seal Beach and Westminster boulevards in the city of Seal Beach.

California Highway Patrol officers and Seal Beach police took over the pursuit crash, and a Seal Beach PD officer fired his gun at the suspect "as a result of the suspect's actions," according to a press release from the police department.
The suspect was not struck and the officer was not injured, authorities said.
The suspect, later identified as 52-year-old Encarnacion Salazar Munoz, was taken into custody.
A criminal investigation of the deadly hit-and-run was being handled by the CHP. The Seal Beach Police Department was conducting an investigation into the officer-involved shooting.
http://www.recordnet.com/news/20170318/bicyclist-killed-in-hit-and-run-collision-with-truck :cry:
By Nicholas Filipas
Record Staff Writer
STOCKTON — A man riding a bicycle was killed in a hit-and-run collision Friday night in southeast Stockton.
The Stockton Police Department said the victim was in the 3000 block of Boeing Way near Highway 99 when he was struck by a red tractor-trailer truck pulling a flatbed trailer at 9:04 p.m. The driver fled the scene.
The victim, a 43-year-old man, died at the scene.
The driver is described as a Middle Eastern man, between 25 and 32 years old, 5 feet 9 inches tall, 220 pounds with an unshaven beard and last seen wearing a dark blue shirt, reflective vest and denim shorts.

Officer Joe Silva, a spokesman for the Police Department, said the investigation into the collision is ongoing.
Anyone with information about the case is asked to call the Police Department at (209) 937-8377, the Investigations Unit at (209) 937-8323 or Crime Stoppers at (209) 946-0600. Crime Stoppers pays cash rewards up to $10,000. Callers can remain anonymous.
Cellphone users can text information to 274637 (CRIMES) by entering the keyword "TIPSPD" followed by their tip. Internet users can visit the Police Department's Facebook page and click "Submit a Tip."

http://fox40.com/2017/03/18/police-collision-with-truck-kills-bicyclist-on-auburn-folsom-road/ :cry:
AUBURN — A man riding a bicycle died Saturday after a truck collided with him on Auburn Folsom Road.
The 65-year-old was killed just south of Sunrise Ridge Circle.
The Auburn Police Department reports their officers arrived at the scene of the deadly collision around 1 p.m.
The investigation is still ongoing and Auburn officials are asking the public for help in finding information surrounding the crash.
This is the third deadly collision in under a week involving a bicyclist and a vehicle. In the two other incidents the drivers fled the crash sites.
Wilfredo Cortez hit and killed a man on a bicycle Wednesday while the two were traveling down Marysville Boulevard in Sacramento. Cortez was arrested Friday at a police station.
In Stockton Friday night a 43-year-old bicyclist was hit on Boeing Way near west Highway 99. The driver fled before officers could arrive and authorities are still searching for him.
http://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/loca...ehicle-in-West-San-Jose-Police-416771973.html :cry:
Cyclist Killed in Crash With Vehicle in West San Jose: Police
By NBC Bay Area staff
San Jose police on Tuesday were investigating a fatal collision between a vehicle and a bicyclist in West San Jose.
Officers responded to the area of Leigh Avenue and Coit Drive about 2:50 p.m. on a report of a collision involving a vehicle and a bike. Upon arrival, officers found a man suffering from serious injuries and a vehicle stopped nearby. The man, who had been riding a bicycle, was pronounced dead at the scene. The driver of the vehicle stopped and was cooperating with the investigation.
The cause of the crash was not known. The identity of the bicyclist will not be released until the Coroner’s Office has confirmed the identity and next of kin have been notified.
No further information was available.
http://abc30.com/news/police-treating-deadly-hit-and-run-in-northeast-fresno-as-a-homicide/1813755/ :cry:
By Gene Haagenson
Wednesday, March 22, 2017 05:20PM
FRESNO, Calif. (KFSN) --
Police detectives are now treating Tuesday night's deadly collision as a homicide and have been going door to door along Gettysburg looking for witnesses. A man on a bicycle was run over and killed by a car.
Police were called out to an area on Gettysburg between First and Fresno after getting a report of gunshots being fired. They found a victim in the street; he died at the scene, but not from a gunshot.
"At this point it looks like he was hit by a car, but the circumstances surrounding it are part of the investigation right now. It's a little more complex than a typical traffic collision," said Capt. Michael Reid, Fresno Police.
Homicide detectives took part in canvassing the neighborhood, trying to find witnesses to what happened.
Detectives found the car that hit the man a few blocks away and are trying to figure out who was driving. They can't say whether the man was hit accidentally or deliberately, but they have been asking a lot of questions.
"We have identified some people who either witnesses to this thing or actually involved in it," said Reid.
The coroner's office is trying to find relatives of the victim, a man in his 30's, and have not released his name.
If the man is a victim of a traffic fatality it would be the 17th traffic fatality in the city so far this year-- that compares to six at this time last year. Of the victims 11 were pedestrians, all were hit at night.
http://abc7.com/news/female-cyclist-killed-in-pico-rivera-hit-and-run-crash/1816951/ :cry:
Police are searching for the driver in a fatal hit-and-run crash after a passerby found a woman, who had been riding a bicycle, dead on a Pico Rivera street early Friday morning.
The crash occurred shortly after 2 a.m. at Rex Road and Rosemead Boulevard. Responding sheriff's deputies alerted paramedics. The victim was taken to an area hospital, where she was pronounced dead.
Investigators described the suspected hit-and-run vehicle as a 2003-2007 Honda Accord that is possibly dark gray in color. The car likely has significant front-end damage.
Rosemead Boulevard was temporarily shut down due to the investigation.
The victim's identity was not immediately known. The coroner's office described her as a woman in her 30s.
If you have any information regarding this case, you're urged to contact Detective Jose Marquez at (562) 949-2421 at LASD's Pico Rivera station.
http://www.recordnet.com/news/20170...aylight-while-riding-through-central-stockton :evil:
Bicyclist shot in broad daylight while riding through central Stockton
Posted Mar 26, 2017 at 5:25 PM
Updated Mar 26, 2017 at 5:25 PM
By Joe Goldeen
Record Staff Writer
STOCKTON — A bicyclist was shot while riding through central Stockton in the middle of the day Sunday, police reported.
About 12:50 p.m., the bicyclist was riding on North Union at East Fremont streets when he heard a loud pop. Not thinking anything of it, he continued to ride toward home but eventually started feeling pain and finally realized he had been shot, according to police.
Once home, he reported the incident and was subsequently transported to an area medical facility for treatment of an unspecified, non-life-threatening gunshot wound. The victim could not provide any suspect information, according to the report. No motive was provided.
http://www.nbcdfw.com/news/local/Ma...cks-Woman-And-Gets-Arrested-PD-417540133.html :x
A Denton man is behind bars after hitting multiple cars, striking a bicyclist and attacking a woman with his bare hands all in one evening.
It began Tuesday at about 7:52 p.m., when Denton Police got flooded with calls reporting several accidents all involving a Nissan Altima and a male driver, described as a black man wearing a white shirt, said police.
The driver of the Nissan was identified as 28-year-old Kevin Rashaad Walker.
Walker reportedly struck three vehicles in separate incidents along Fort Worth Drive, and then collided with a woman on a bicycle at the intersection of Myrtle Street and Fort Worth Drive, police said.
Walker then ditched his vehicle and took off running.
While fleeing the scene, Walker encountered a 21-year-old woman getting out of her car.
Walker said, "he needed to use her car to get something to drink," according to police. When she didn't hand him the keys, he attacked her.
Police said Walker punched the woman several times, puller her out of the car, then hit her again, and then ran off with her keys and phone, but not the car.
http://www.dailynews.com/general-ne...cle-rider-stab-him-to-death-in-firestone-park :cry:
WATTS — Authorities today investigated the stabbing death of a 22- year-old man in an unincorporated area near Watts.
The stabbing was reported at 9:23 p.m. Wednesday on East 92nd and Bandera streets in unincorporated Firestone Park, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. Responding deputies found the man suffering from stab wounds to his upper body, said Deputy Caroline Rodriguez.
The victim was riding his bike in the area when a gray SUV drove directly in front of him, blocking his path, she said. Five males exited the SUV and attacked the man, during which one of the assailants stabbed the victim with an unknown weapon, Rodriguez said.
The suspects then got back into the SUV and drove west on 92nd Street and out of view. The man was taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead, she said.

https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime...clist-in-central-las-vegas-valley-identified/ :cry:
By Rachel Hershkovitz Las Vegas Review-Journal
April 6, 2017 - 3:54 pm
Updated April 6, 2017 - 6:14 pm
Las Vegas police are investigating the scene at 605 E. Twain Ave. after a man was shot dead in the east valley Tuesday night.
A man fatally shot by a bicyclist this week outside a central Las Vegas Valley business has been identified.
He was 42-year-old Jordan Taitano, the Clark County coroner’s office said. His city of residence is unknown.
At about 8:20 p.m. a bicyclist approached Taitano near a liquor store on 605 E. Twain Ave., fired twice at Taitano’s chest and rode away, police said. Taitano died at Sunrise Hospital less than an hour later.
The shooter may have fought with Taitano and pointed a weapon him at the same location that morning, the Metropolitan Police Department said. Police believe he returned later with the weapon and fired.
No arrests have been made in connection to the homicide as of Thursday, Metro spokesman Larry Hadfield said.
Taitano’s death is the 50th homicide in Clark County for 2017.
http://www.latimes.com/socal/burbank-leader/news/tn-blr-me-bike-fatality-20170410-story.html :cry:
A 74-year-old Burbank man died Friday afternoon after being struck by a car while riding his bike.
Jin Soo Oh was riding east on Empire Avenue around 2:35 p.m. when he was hit by a car making a right turn onto the westbound lane of Empire from Frederic Street. Burbank Police Sgt. Derek Green said Oh was not wearing a helmet at the time of the collision and suffered a head injury.
Oh was taken to Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center where he was pronounced dead a short time later.
http://sfist.com/2017/04/11/band_of_deplorable_teens_pepper-spr.php :evil:
A group of 7-10 teen assailants attacked a Market Street cyclist Monday evening, pepper-spraying him then stealing his property.
Police say that the crime occurred at 9:49 p.m. Monday evening near the intersection of Fifth and Market Streets, near the Powell Street BART station and cable car turnaround.
According to the San Francisco Police Department, "a group of 7-10 juveniles" surrounded a 44-year-old man as he unlocked his bike.
One of the teens, who police say was about 15 years old, sprayed the victim with pepper spray then took his bike and cell phone.
The suspects then fled in an "unknown direction." According to the SFPD, the bike was later recovered, but no arrests have been made in the case.
http://abc30.com/news/bicyclist-killed-after-being-hit-by-car-in-fresno-county/1867546/ :cry:
Bicyclist killed after being hit by car in Fresno County
The California Highway Patrol said a bicyclist is dead after being hit by a car in Fresno County. (KFSN)
By Veronica Miracle
Thursday, April 13, 2017 12:42AM
The California Highway Patrol said a bicyclist is dead after being hit by a car in Fresno County. It happened just after 9:00 p.m. at Academy near Belmont not far from Sanger.
The CHP said two bicyclists were southbound along Academy when a car traveling in the same direction hit one of the bicyclists from behind. Investigators said at this point there are no signs indicating the driver was speeding or intoxicated.
"Right now there is every indication that we had a bicyclist in the roadway that had no lighting on the bike whatsoever," said Sgt. Leonard Sherman, California Highway Patrol.
The CHP said the cyclists were a transient couple traveling together.
One of the first at the scene was a nursing student who tried to get the rider's pulse but the CHP said they could not revive him.
The driver is cooperating with the investigation.
http://www.villagevoice.com/news/ny...box-truck-driver-slipped-off-her-bike-9894416 :cry:
NYPD Says East Village Cyclist Killed By Box Truck Driver "Slipped Off Her Bike"
MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2017 AT 12:57 P.M.
After a box truck driver fatally struck 31-year-old cyclist Kelly Hurley as she rode in the First Avenue bike lane twelve days ago, the NYPD issued a single summons to the driver for not having a crossover mirror. “He didn’t have any issues with his license, he was not driving under the influence, the victim sadly slipped off her bike,” NYPD spokesman Detective Ahmed Nasser told the Voice.

According to Detective Nasser, the box truck driver was stopped at a red light at the intersection of First Avenue and East 9th Street early on the morning of April 5. When the light turned green, the truck driver “made a left turn from the rightmost lane” onto East 9th Street. Hurley, who was traveling north in the bike lane, “dismounted the bicycle and slid onto the roadway, and came to rest in the intersection.” 
“She was actually trying to avoid [the truck], she came off her bike and slid under the truck as he made the turn,” Nasser said. 

We asked Detective Nasser if the truck driver, a 59-year-old man who remained at the scene of the crash, should have been making sure that he wasn’t turning into a cyclist or a pedestrian in the intersection. 

“Well, I suppose you can say one or the other, but it seems like he probably didn’t see her, and she was going up north, he was making a left, he’s actually already into the intersection, he was already making the turn,” Nasser said. “She probably didn’t stop in time, and she slipped and fell under. . . . He’s already in, she tried to stop, she came off the bike, she slipped under the truck."

Hurley, a SoulCycle instructor who lived on Orchard Street, died of her injuries last Wednesday.

Steve Vaccaro, a safe streets advocate and personal injury attorney who frequently represents cyclists and pedestrians, disputes Nasser’s analysis of who had the right of way in that intersection, which is known as a “mixing zone,”where drivers are allowed to turn left through northbound bicycle traffic, provided they observe the “yield teeth” triangles on the ground and give cyclists the right of way.

“You can’t say ‘one or the other,’ ” Vaccaro says. “The traffic going straight has the right of way — the bicycle traffic going straight has the right of way, motor vehicle traffic entering the turn bay through the yield teeth absolutely does not have the right of way and must yield to all traffic that it might come in conflict with.”

Vaccaro also pointed out that if the truck driver turned from the rightmost lane, “that’s a totally illegal maneuver.”

“Let’s say that cyclists have the right of way in the mixing zone, they still have to stay alert for motorists coming into the mixing lane. But you don’t look all the way across First Avenue to the eastmost lane.”
Vaccaro added, “That the driver didn’t have any issues with his license and that he wasn’t driving under the influence, that’s just a start. We are now in the realm of the Right of Way Law, and if you violate that law, you should be charged with a crime.”

After Hurley’s death, police were seen ticketing cyclists at the spot where she was struck.
Detective Nasser said that the NYPD’s investigation is ongoing.