Bike insurance


10 mW
Apr 12, 2015
Hi all,

I want to build a bike myself for my commpute (40kph). Problem: you need a moped licence plate if you have/build a pedelec which goes max 45kph with a motor above 500W. With this you also need an insurance. To get an insurance you need a certificate of the constructor. My question: do you guys all ride your bike without doing this or how ? Because this was an EU law which was imposed to Belgium I think. Are there any Belgians on this forum who have build their bikes themselves AND have the insurance?
It's been a lot in the media lately here that ebikes/pedelecs need an insurance, licence plate and helmet. I dont want to build a bike and lose it in the first week because the police sees me riding around without a licence plate/insurance...I searched on this forum and found some German member, and another one saying not to worry. But if I'm about to invest in a commute bike I want it to be OK from the first time (and not be stopped by the police and paying alot because its not ok).
Any other people who had problems like this?
Yes, that's where i found the German member. Problem specific for me is that I need a 'paper' (gelijkwaardigheidsattest in dutch) which i need for the insurance. No paper (if i build it myself = no insurance = no licence plate).
Its really an insurance like a car if I cause an accident, not for damage to the bike itself.