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Buying forest land, implementing solar

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So you around those hoes/players making you feel so special, be careful. Be very careful.

I see from looking at https://www.google.com/search?q=he+makes+me+feel+special&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwitooLE-PzXAhVs7oMKHXqgB6sQsAQIKA&biw=1115&bih=717 , this quote of mine is somewhat specious. So I need to clarify.

If someone is making you feel special right out of the starting gate without actually have had first interacted with you so there was some kind of pre-existing rapport, be careful. They're probably after something. If they make you feel that way after you developed that rapport and "it's progressed right along" (For example, you're now officially unofficial bf/gf), than that's absolutely fantastic, no problems. I guess it really just comes down to... who it's coming from. Someone you never said a word to vs. the person you have deep esprit d'corps with.

And Jacques Derridas was more concerned with verbally impressing his readers than actually having meaningful insights, so post modernists can suck it if the field is anything like him.

And, it's true, I'm a little disgruntled with my van being down since yesterday morning (Wheel studs started sheering off, only 2 out of 5 are still on my right rear wheel. I found this out when I was 25 miles away, so that was a $162 tow charge.), but there's good signs it's getting rectified today. A good friend of my neighbor offered to help yesterday. He's the same guy who built his house by himself, so he's someone I should get in contact with.

And, it feels like the actual winter temperatures started about 3 days ago, so "true winter" seems to start sometime around Dec 5.

It snowed a day ago, and the affect was marvellous in the deep of the forest. It looked pretty, white snow and green pine needle contrasts. White goes so well with lots of colors. It's definitely more appreciable in these forests since the pine trees are packed much closer together than in Spokane, it looks like a consistent blanket o whiteness in the canopy.

My neighbor warns I'm going to get robbed when people discover I have an operation going on here, but that's one of the cool things about my business. My advertising is online, so no one locally knows if I don't tell them. The biggest giveaway is the generators, but that's not necessarily a giveway, since I obviously don't have $8000 in power lines heading down here. (And there is no way in hell I'm paying that if I can buy a wired property for $5000)

No one could guess from the looks of my vintage 50s rundown RV, lol.

Suspect the mexican neighbors are targeting me for robbery, it seems to dog is constantly going off sometime after 9:55-11 p.m. and I find him near the shed. If I didn't know anybetter, I'd suspect someone was going thru my back into the shed. Of course, they could just be there lying in waiting for me to turn off the generators, to do whatever they were planning on doing when they were lying there in the bush in front of my RV at 7:55 a.m. right when I was going to turn on my generators.
That's the word I was looking for. Ambush! Yeah, either my neighbors targeting me for robbery or ambush. What kind of ambush they hoping to do? Murder? Kidnapping and extortion? I know that's popular down in Mexico and the latin countries, earning money by way of ransom.


In southeast houston, armed robbers ambushed neighbors in early morning attack while she was taking out the trash. No mention on date on the page, but I guess it shouldn't surprise me. Wouldn't it be great if I was on my property fenced in, instead of having these armed robbers waiting to ambush me while I'm vulnerable for the time being? Pinned down to work, can't do property improvements until after christmas.

Oh well, the current method, alert dog and being armed will have to suffice. And, I see my need for a bulletproof vest wasn't misplaced.

I was told by my neighbor that in Houston, mexicans and blacks are the armed robbers, not just blacks like in north Florida.

Isn't it funny how I told my neighbor how well I was doing, he started warning about robbers, and then about 2 days later, I get the first signs of armed robbers waiting to ambush me. I'm starting to think I can't really trust my neighbor. His "warnings" are more like "Here's what I'm going to make happen". Seems pretty predictable now if I make him jealous, he starts "warning me". I think I'm going to stop sharing the good fortune. I think that's a pretty good way to tell if someone's a real friend or not; they revel in your good fortune, instead of resenting it. Not that I really care if my neighbor is a "real friend" or not, but I sure don't want these armed robber ambushers! lol
Talked to steve, another local guy. Apparently has had 3 wives. All took the house after divorce. Apparently at least one of them screwed the county judge to get the judgment in her favor.

Yeah, that's one thing I was wary of with the craigslist girl. Her being all sorts of "Making me feel special" RIGHT OFF THE BAT, based entirely on my ode to the HEB chick where I mentioned I was building a dream house. My thoughts? This girl wants the house, so I was like.... I'd rather meet a girl in real life and click with them first... I'd trust them a /little/ more that way. Even then, though, I make it a solid point I'm not giving up the house. Don't marry them until after all the property improvements are in place, lol, so it stays out of "common property".

Another guy on the craigslist warned, "All these skanky sluts" making his and his son's finances in shambles. Skanky slut? Yeah, that's pretty much what the HEB chick seemed to be, lol. Granted, I was entranced by her song and still am at times, a particular kind of yearning that's not unrequited yearning...

[This guy, steve, mentioned the wife would take the money out of the joint account and put it in her separate individual account. He took her off the joint account, she found out, argument ensued and she divorced him.]

I guess whether it works out in the guy's favor tends to depend on the guy. If you've never tried, it's a possible gamble. Just like any wise investor, maximize your gains, minimize/cut your losses.

Steve's 2 story tiny house was pretty interesting. Definitely more interesting than most of the flat dwellings here. I think I might make it a point to have multiple stories, definitely at least roof access at a minimum.

The top floor of house was definitely noticeably warmer than the bottom. Yep, height seems to really make a difference with heat at the ground level here.

This place has interesting tenants. The mexicans aren't the only ones being welfare mommas and popping out children for the welfare and housing multiple families / welfare mommas under one roof. Steve apparently has one as his neighbor.
Saw a picture of someone wearing this shirt.


I believe it! Sex with your crush is some amazing stuff, lol. Definitely one of those things where you're not concerned with this and that factor, you just NEED to get it done!
Looks like Steve isn't pulling thru. Well, doesn't that suck, not entirely unpredictable, but it sure wasn't predicted. Well, my neighbor said he'd willing to go monday (Though I'll ask him tomorrow).

The importance of the van running is not merely delivery of christmas presents, it's MY FOOD! No van = no food = I starve. And it looks like i'm running out of bananas today, 1 left.

I've learned I can't really depend on other people, so I'm a big DIY person (otherwise, it never gets done), and I'm a big believer in backups. Backup generator, backup laptops, backup vehicles. Just that I'm tied down right now, so I can't just pick up a vehicle. And in Houston, I need a vehicle to go buy a vehicle, lol. I need a vehicle to pick up repair parts to get a vehicle to work, lol. Thus why I need at least two operational vehicles at any one time, to ensure I always have a vehicle to get another one if needed or, preferably, get one running.

I could mail them in, but... that'd take forever. I have shipments that need to go out monday.
thieves, illegals, tramps, and crackheads. That's what Steve called the inhabitants of this neighborhood, lol.

He also warned me that people's houses get burned down here, and there's definitely resentment for those that get ahead and they will try to keep you in check. Well, I guess I won't be sharing the good fortune with anyone, but I feel like I can trust steve; he seems to be doing well enough on his own (Likes to brag about it, that's a good sign. :mrgreen:), he won't feel resentful about my relatively minor successes in comparison, lol.

So, if you build an impressive house, it better be built from cinder blocks, lol.

Jeez, I guess I'm going to be forced to move for my roman villa, fudge. I guess I'll keep this as a tiny "operating base" and nothing more.

And, anyways, YES! Steve helped me change out the studs, it was much easier than I thought it'd be. But, it does require a vehicle to pick up the repair parts.
swbluto said:
(Wheel studs started sheering off, only 2 out of 5 are still on my right rear wheel. I found this out when I was 25 miles away, so that was a $162 tow charge.)

Depending on the wheel, I've popped those in right where I found the problem, or at the auto parts store/dealer etc. where I acquired the replacement. I can't speak for all cars, but I've seen it be easy plenty.

swbluto said:
thieves, illegals, tramps, and crackheads. That's what Steve called the inhabitants of this neighborhood, lol.

Always stop and consider that YOU are one of those inhabitants when someone says that. Don't worry, at least you have an excuse for your house coming up short of expectations. Bad for the neighborhood anyway.

swbluto said:
My neighbor warns I'm going to get robbed when people discover I have an operation going on here. . . but I feel like I can trust steve. . . .

They always prefer it that way. So you go with Steve to pick up studs, eh?
I'm still trying to make some sense out of what you were saying about unemployment. 18 million More people working than 10 years ago, lower unemployment, plus of course it is falling right now rather than rising as it was 10 years ago_O Duce came close to 20 million lost jobs in his first term,

I always wonder if they count me as unemployed. I'm sort of a permanently cyclical as a freelance. During Rossevelts record 28% I would have counted. When Reagan topped FDR when both were measured the same way I would not have been, so Reagan had about half what FDR. But Ronnie whipped him like the commie sympathizer that he was. (FDR) directly protected known spies in his administration, including atom spies.)
Dauntless said:

I sure hope so. It's about time something was good for us.


I found it funny your "women with bad taste in men" comment. Because, based on my observations, it's probably more like "Bad men with a good taste in women", lol. Not sure if I really should be repeating this but... guys are naturally born hunters. They were designed to hunt down food, jobs and women. You hunt down the women like the fearless hunter you are, and they fold into your arms just so readily. Not all of them, of course, you got to keep searching... sometimes that means you might have to settle for a slut, lol, but whatever gets your blood boiling, no use in denying yourself your own nature, lol. I didn't actually /have to/ settle for a slut, I had lots of good girls expressing interest, but the provocative slut was definitely making me horny, so I made a move on her. I think she was actually a flirt or tease when I met her, but she quickly became "not one" after I made the move, lol.

That's when I was looking (i.e., "hunting"), but I'm not hunting for the time being. Waiting for the mayhem to end, establish residence and solve a few problems (Like the noisy generator), and try to make life more suitable for possible cohabitance. Even then, I'm not sure if I'd be looking and what's holding me back. Possibly the sense this is looking transient, "first stop". Need to find a better hood where the villa is likely to survive, lol. Some guy has a 100+ acre property with his mansion well hidden from public view, maybe that's what I'll need to consider, hiding it.

I see what drives communism. Resentment and they'll drag you down (via sabotage, usually destruction or theft of property) if you're trying to get ahead. It's pretty easy to see how that'd bode poorly for society with the much lower productivity as a result.

Your right about better for the hood. People don't want higher property values here! lol, property taxes, lol.

A local resident was telling me the woodlands is where all the rich people live. I lol'd because it seems like where my family would've lived if they were in Houston.
One solution to a noisy generator would be. . .SOLAR PANELS!

swbluto said:
I found it funny your "women with bad taste in men" comment. Because, based on my observations, it's probably more like "Bad men with a good taste in women", lol.

The light is the left hand of darkness. Your 'Bad men with a good taste in women' wouldn't matter without the women having a taste for bad men.

What drives communism is the search for power. They easily fooled will take whatever promises are offered, then your new government will start telling people "We've increased the ration from 30 to 27" and wait for the cheers, which come because there's the people who realize they'll be PUNISHED.

Yeah, Bernie sounds like he's planning another run in 2020, hoping vision isn't that. Appears he'll be runninhg again Elizabeth Warren, who is still smarting over Hillary not making her the running mate. Will they take enough votes from each other that neither is in it until the other drops out?
Lot of the older folk here appear to be fallout from the Great Recession (Lost their 401k, lost the house with his last wife,disabled). A lot of the new younger folk here are illegals. Don't see a lot of out-of-state upstarts like myself here, lol, but I guess that'd suggest I'm at risk of eventually relocating, lol.

I figure I might be able to build my villa here, as long as I build 10 feet walls and privacy fence the entire thing so no one can see inside. If they can't see a mansion, they can't get jealous, feel no reason to torch it down.

I have some incentive to build it here, less money put into the land means more money that can go into the villa.

In regard to men and women, I think players and sluts are nearly identical. They are pretty much universally horny people and many are skilled or talented at making you feel special and/or horny. Players /tend to/ go after good looking women, sluts /tend to/ go for the muscular and wealthy guys.

I suspect there's a good percentage of slutty highschool females who become tramps in adulthood (Hidden sluts), because of the very real penalty for having a slutty reputation. It's of little consequence in highschool, but matters a bit more when ones job is at stake. [Although, one could say the HEB chick did cost her her job by provoking a male, like myself, to make a move on her, lol, assuming parents intervened. So her sluttiness could have already been costing her in highschool, lol.]
I'm not really sure if this is really a trend... but, it almost seems like the marriages that last are the ones where there's compromise, not an uncompromising unyielding male. But, that could be just my small sample size. Everyone in this particular sample has divorced, so not quite reflective of people like my parents, who never divorced. And my dad isn't exactly known to be yielding and compromising. He is, however unlike these residents, pretty wealthy and never really experienced financial hardship.

He had near guaranteed income from the airforce during its halcyon years, and then guaranteed retirement income afterwards. So, he's had pretty much guaranteed income his entire life. In contrast, I have no such guarantees and need to be shrewd and ambitious to achieve similar financial success. I suspect college and the great recession has set me back a decade compared to my parents (Just as they had my entire generation as to the age of first marriage), but I have a feeling ambition and good business sense can reverse the tide long term.

I think when it comes to sales, it's good to be appear authoritative and helpful, but I think it also helps to SELL DREAMS! Stoke the imagination. If I were to offer excavation services, I wouldn't just list "I can dig holes", I'd explain that I could create the most beautiiful pond they've been imagining, that swimming pool that'd be the envy of your neighbors, or that lap pool that would be the key to great daily cardiovascular exercise that you've been looking for in this sweltering climate. Etc. Selling dreams and possibilities, not /just/ services.

Dauntless said:
One solution to a noisy generator would be. . .SOLAR PANELS!

swbluto said:
I found it funny your "women with bad taste in men" comment. Because, based on my observations, it's probably more like "Bad men with a good taste in women", lol.

The light is the left hand of darkness. Your 'Bad men with a good taste in women' wouldn't matter without the women having a taste for bad men.

Maybe it's true. But, if I were to take those same "Bad men" and remove their initiative and advances they made on the girl (i.e., "Their balls"), I don't think they'd have that so called "taste" for 'bad men' as it would seem to appear prima facie.

And, it's funny your comment on "good women with a bad taste in men". Because, it's very plausible I have a "bad taste in women" with my apparent preference for sluts, lol. Might these "bad men" be making these girls horny? Now the question is... for those wanting to know... how...

Btw, nice guy dan sitting in the corner doesn't make Susy horny. Dan actually has to talk to susy. Dan needs to flirt with susy. Dan needs to make moves on susy. If dan doesn't click with susy, that's fine, he'll probably never escalate to the point of making a move anyway, no loss, no foul.
When she was squirming in desperation as I was about to leave, I did look at her with a suspicious look (One eyebrow cocked) because it'd seem really weird she'd be that desperate for sex, and she then had an embarrased sheepish look after realizing she was looking like a whore, lol, and then took a "playing it cool" look like everything's fine, lol, with her cheeks glowing red and a smile she was somewhat subduing. She then had that naughty smile as I was really exiting, didn't know what that was about, but I eventually realized she was smiling about anticipating getting some hot dick. Not just dick, but the dick of a guy who made her steamy hot.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I questioned it, but I now think I was talking to a horny slut. But... oh, I do suspect tenancy issues because the sense of urgency persisted after I left, and she went passive-aggressive almost immediately after it appeared to her she definitely wasn't coming with me, which she was apparently hoping.

So, a horny slut looking for a place. Just like that song...


That would've been any guy's dream, right? Taking a hot horny girl home? lol. Man, maybe it's just me, lol.
Anyway, I will have to mention... there was resistance. This resistance just had to be persisted with until it suddenly gave away and she submitted. This moment of surrender was quite pleasing, yes, lol. I don't really know what exactly it symbolized, her accepting the subordinate position, or accepting that I had conquered her and she accepted she was now mine, whatever it was exactly, yep... pleasing, lol. She was also very happy about it, yes she was.
Thinking about solar.

Solar would be capable of powering my lower energy needs. Like my laptop, fans, lights, etc.

It'd also be capable of high power, assuming low use times, so low overall energy.

But high power, 14 hours a day, everyday, no go.

But high power for 30 minutes a day... Seems plausible.

So solar could power a lot of different business ideas, but not the one I'm currently in. But that's OK, I can always use the generator for that, since the customer is ultimately paying for the gas and the generator. The only problem is when my revenue is low enough such that it's not that much higher than living expenses. But, my living expenses are actually pretty low, and a discretionary income of $600/month isn't really that bad considering 60%(Or was it 80%?) of america lives paycheck to paycheck. And when I expand, I should be consistently that much higher above living expenses.

I've been thinking for the generator, I could have two separate concrete "rooms", one for the generators, and another for the exhaust gases. I'd have to port the exhaust gases out, though... looks like I need some kind of part to attach to the exhaust so I could attach a pipe to it? Might need to machine steel and weld a pipe to the steel? Or maybe I'd just buy the part off of ebay. It'd be kind of cool, though, having that capability... machining and creating parts. I think my CNC router could machine aluminum. Not sure about steel.
Dauntless said:
I'm figuring there has to be a way for you to impress women. Maybe this is it.

Impress her by initiating a conversation with her, lol. As much as I want to say this isn't important (Impressing a girl)... it seemed like I was doing that and it did seem to have good effects. But it was absolutely true, wasn't making up stories or fictionalizing real life events, lol, I guess I was just simply doing impressive things. Not because I wanted to impress others but because I had no other choice.

So you want to impress a girl. Be ambitious and do impressive things. Don't try to sound impressive like you're trying to manipulate her, be impressive.

But, skillful manipulation of a girl works, yes, I won't deny that. But, it's easier when it's simply true, in terms of keeping it consistent and not looking like you're trying to manipulate her. (Skillful manipulation is manipulating someone without looking like it)

I would think skillful manipulation would tend to be a short-term strategy, like the kind used by a machievellian bad boy.

And, I will acknowledge that was just a lead-in to sharing an interesting video, no desire for a response. But, I had to analyze this shit, it's just my nature.
Oh, I know that whole surrender thing was about. That was sexual consent, yes it was (Or probably more like sexual acquiescence, or sexual surrender, one of the two.). I have experience with that, but it's not usually that pronounced, but it was with her. Usually it's more like she's pushing you away, but you keep reaching for it, and eventually she lets you because you've been so persistent.

If you're in doubt such a thing exists and this is how it REALLY WORKS, look no further than https://www.google.com/search?q=sexual+surrender&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjIjpriqIPYAhVG34MKHSdhB3EQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=588 .

Looks like submission is often seen in these images. Yep, domineer and she submits, submissively surrenders.

After she surrendered, is when I was doing the goodbye thing, then she squirmed in desperation, I was looking suspicious, she had a sheepish look after realizing she was looking like a whore, then she was playing it cool...
Thinking about starting an RV park. I see a property I could purchase for the electricity and water and it's on the main road and it has enough acreage to get a few RV lots on it. Think it'd be fun developing it, marketing it and finding tenants. Rumors are they are going to pave the main road, which would be a boon for an RV park. Just thinking about it for now.

Think it'd be a pretty good income opportunity. I even got an RV I could put on the lot for the first tenant, lol.

I think for this area, I'd definitely offer some kind of shading for the RVs. Rain and sun protection, both very highly desirable things for this area. (I would know, I've lived in one without such a thing for a year, it effing sucks, lol.)

Think I'd paint the RV before renting it out. Wouldn't want to subtract from the lot's market appeal TOO MUCH, lol.

The neighbor on the other corner gave me the idea, with him appearing to be a mobile slumlord. Saw a couple non-mexican tenants hanging out in front of one of the mobiles on his lot, making me thinking he's not really a mexican harriet tubman, lol, but a mobile landlord.

With the extremely high demand for RVs (RV manufacturers can't keep up), I guarantee that means there's going to be increasing demand for RV lots in warm climates, like HERE! All the RV lots I see in the area are PACKED.

I think with the layer underneath the topsoil being sand, I think one could just remove the topsoil and top it directly with rock to create a road.

A landlord at age 30. Sounds like I'd be doing pretty good.

Worst case scenario, I have electric, water and enough acres to grow some serious food.

Best case, I can be operating a profitable RV lot, lol. Think I'd have to add a pond and some palm trees.

Planting the palm trees around the pond... like an oasis? Be pretty cool seeing what kind of wildlife it would attract.

It's interesting I would be willing to put far more money into the RV lot than my own property. What was that habit of the rich? Putting more money into investments and stocks as opposed to their own homes. Yep, sounds like I'm on my way, making my money and labor making longterm income for me.

That lot would become my "work area" with the access to electricity and tenants, and this property would remain my personal residence for my less energy intensive personal needs that could be satisfied with solar.

I think I'm going to earmark $1000 for IRS taxes, just to make sure I have enough to pay taxes, because I really don't know what my tax bill is going to be this year. I have a feeling it might not be 0, but I do suspect it'll be minimal.

Think I could build some cottages on the lot overtime.

It's interesting that'd my "job" property, and this property would be my "retire for the night" and "my villa and garden" property.

Oh /f/, looks like the IRS thinks I would have made $50000 this year. But, I clearly didn't make that much this year based on my bank account. There's A LOT of deductions I'm going to have to keep track of so they have a better idea. Will I have to earmark more than $1000? lol.

Now that I think of it, I should keep a few of the pine trees for the "camping in the forest" appeal. Plus, they provide a little bit of shade.
Latino girl comments in a somewhat flirtatious way, "You have some beautiful blue eyes.", lol. Oh gosh, girl, I don't go for latinos, lol. But, I found it interesting because they were the same eyes that seduced the HEB chick, so maybe they have mystical powers, lol. Or maybe they do with a certain state of mind, that excitement-for-the-future/ambition state that I've been having lately. That's the same state I had when I encountered the HEB chick.

I'm thinking girls can sense the ambition/excitement, and want to come along for the ride.
swbluto said:
Latino girl comments in a somewhat flirtatious way, "You have some beautiful blue eyes.", lol. Oh gosh, girl, I don't go for latinos, lol. But, I found it interesting because they were the same eyes that seduced the HEB chick, so maybe they have mystical powers, lol. Or maybe they do with a certain state of mind, that excitement-for-the-future/ambition state that I've been having lately. That's the same state I had when I encountered the HEB chick.

I'm thinking girls can sense the ambition/excitement, and want to come along for the ride.

"maybe they have mystical powers" Powers, what kinds powers? Maybe with those powers you could install that solar you promised.


PS: Now your gonna open a RV park. What will the money chaser do then? Or maybe you could put it under the dogs name :p
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