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Controller only going WOT


100 kW
Oct 11, 2011
Brisbane > AUSTRALIA
Hey guys, I was wondering if you guys have any idea on how to resolve the issue with my controller,

I have a Kelly KBL controller, It was working very well for a long time, I then wired up Variable regen, One day all the sudden, The throttle turned into a on off switch, Delivering full power and ignoring the settings of the controller, e.g. 30% motor and battery current....

lol So I remember going down a hill, Using variable Regen, And then it stoped, Had to restart controller, Then hit the throttle 1/8 way or so, it instantly wheelied, I soon discovered what was going on. My throttle is now and on or off switch

Things iv tried,
- Rewiring entire controller,
- Re-programming ( testing different setting combinations )
-Burst flash
- Tried 5k0hm pot and various hall throttles
- Disabled all regen functionality
- Tested hall and phases on motor.

Other controllers works on the motor, All motors on this controller behave the same way.
Contacting kelly and waiting for a response to see if i can get it fixed up, Was wondering if anyone here knows what the issue is? im thinking something to do with the throttle/5v rail/regen is shorted internally ?

Something must of got shorted when i was riding, its very strange for it to still work very well if i wanted a Full on or off controller lol
Brushed controller? With brushed a failed fet results in WOT.
Have you tried measuring voltages on the throttle wires and pads on the PCB?

I once had a controller shutdown due to a flake of solder that found it's way across the +5V line. Being a Lyen edition it merely shutdown until the short was removed.
It's a Brushless controller,
I think the fets are okay as the controller drives the motor very smoothly still, just tap the throttle and it just goes full power...
Tried multiple throttles and pots just so i can know its def not that.

I think it must be something inside the controller that's shorting, im going to send it back to kelly if they allow me to,
Ill ask what is actually up with it,

It was kinda fun to use for a little bit, its like its stuck in "bang bang/drag mode"