Correct size pins and bullet connectors for 9 pin motor cable


10 W
Mar 24, 2018
Hey, I need to shorten the motor cable but I can actually just repin the cables instead of soldering.

Anyone know the correct size pins and the bullet connectors that come on the normal motor cables from BMS etc?

Same as below:

Yes, the plastic Hall connector adds some bulk and is hard to hide when dressing the controller wires. I didn't see a need to have the extra connector in the motor cable when I wired up my BMSbattery motors. You already have the disconnect in the 9 pin connector if you want to remove the motor.

It's cleaner if you can get rid of the Hall connector and the three bullets. Solder or crimp the extension directly to the controller wires. They make crimps for thin wires. If you really want a clean look and have space inside the controller, get rid of the extra wires and run the 9 pin cable inside the controller. That way, your connections are protected from mechanical or weather damage.

Otherwise, I remember going to the automotive store and buying a bag of bullet connectors with varying sizes when I did my first ebike. You can get them on aliexpress for about $5 if you can wait 6 weeks. The pins might be hard to find. Be faster to cut the 5 or 6 wires and join them.