
I bought and tried the e-cig, but as it turns out it is actually more expensive than just buying real cigs ( for me anyway). After a few days of use i read the box it came in (from china of course) and it said "toxic when inhaled" so i just went to smoking ultra lights and cut back a whole lot.
CANI said:
I bought and tried the e-cig, but as it turns out it is actually more expensive than just buying real cigs ( for me anyway). After a few days of use i read the box it came in (from china of course) and it said "toxic when inhaled" so i just went to smoking ultra lights and cut back a whole lot.

Don't use chinese liquid under any circumstances.

There are many great suppliers online in the US and UK. tastyvapor.us is one of them but there are others with a good name.

The cost comparison for me is about $110 : $25 per week for normal vs ecigs. But I don't do it for money, it's for my lungs.
The cost comparison for me is about $110 : $25 per week for normal vs ecigs. But I don't do it for money, it's for my lungs.

Exactly. All my breathing problems went away in less than a week.

Funny anecdote my friend told me:

"Everyone I know who started vaping ecigs tells me that they feel RICH from switching away from normal cigs. I should start smoking and then switch to ecigs just so I can feel rich TOO!"

good on ya auraslip 8) .if ya got juice from wordup,then its all compliant to code and they use a pharmacist to make it.no toxins from there -usa made! i spend maybe 40-60 a month,but i cant stop buyin new things to try.cigs here are 10.75 for 20 players :shock: .and i know a few humans who smoke a pack a day for fun =300 month.and there always sayin i got to much energy :lol: .
El-steak just messaged me and asked about how my e-cigs were doing and what he thought he should order. This is how I replied:

I'd actually NOT recommend the 510. It works great, but the battery life is atrocious and it can be a pain filling it.

My girlfriend got a ego-t kit with two of everything and a bottle of juice for $100 from the local shop and she said it was the best money shes ever spent.

I upgraded my 510 first by getting an ego-T 1100mah battery (the threading on the batteries and atomizers are the same for the egos and 510) That battery is intense. It last like two days of steady chain smoking with a lot less sag.

Then I got an ego-t atomoizer and tip.

http://www.shop.wordupecig.com/Joye-eGo ... er-Kit.htm

As for liquids....way to many options... try 18mg of nicotine.... it sucks you don't have a local shop.... mine has a smoking table with two hundred flavors to try out :)

That being said, I think ecigs have changed my life almost as much as my ebike has. I haven't used my inhaler for months, and I'm saving tons of money!
I think smoking is one of those things where I like it, but don't want to expose others too the harmful effects of it. However, there should be places for free people to go to inhale as much smoke as they want too. 8) 8) 8) 8)

So in protest I am going to wear a bicycle helmet and smoke a big stogey on my illegal electric bicycle!!
So check out this "noego" made by a guy on the ecig forum:


Fits standard 510 and ego atties, but uses a 18650 battery! Only $25 too. SPLENDID!

Now just need to figure out how to charge 18650 cells with my imax. Charging two at one would be cool, but require a 2s JST connector. Which means waiting from china....

Need some way to hold the cells too. Radio shack cells little holders for AA batteries. Need something like that.
When I was about 12 I smoked 2 cigarets. Remember the nauseated sick feeling it gave me. That was my first and last experiment with tobacco. [Need to confess that I stole the cigarets from my cousin who was staying in our house] Recently I set up a e-cig for a friend. I am the go to guy for help with unfamiliar gadgets. Took a few pufs on the e-cig machine to test it. Got the same nauseated sick feeling from the nicotine juice.

Curious? Are there any other drugs that can be put in a electronic cigarette?
I gotta come clean. In a bout of serious depression and anxiety, i bought a pack of my favorite cigarettes - newports.
Oh man oh man are cigarettes gross. That smoke is so thick and foul and clings to everything. In a moment of weakness, i did a bunch of research about ecigs and tried an e-cig out. What a smooth way to deliver nicotine. And the odor of the smoke doesn't linger either. No more buildup of stuff in the lungs or throat either..

I feel kinda crappy for going back to smoking, but i used to smoke pot, do amphetamines, take a shit ton of caffiene, and smoke cigarettes all day every day. A little something to take the edge off helps..

I am cautious as to where my juice comes from though. I buy stuff with vegetable glycerin ( same stuff they use in smoke machines, i think? ) and minimal flavoring. This is surely a hundred times more safe than a cigarette, especially since it contains about a hundredth of the carcinogens and maybe 100 less chemicals.

Here is some info i found..

^-- nitrosamine ( carcinogenic ) ppm count of ecigarettes VS regular.

^-- list of additives known to be in regular cigarettes.

^-- a recipe for making e cigarette juice; involves food grade vegetable glycerin ( present in your food ) or proplyene glycol ( present in your food ), water ( ? ), optionally nicotine extract, and optionally flavoring.
marty said:
Curious? Are there any other drugs that can be put in a electronic cigarette?

Hehe, i am curious about this one too..
I switched to ecig s about three years ago. Best bet if you don't mind a device that's more the size of a small cigar than cig is a 1300 mah vision spinner batt, and vivi nova mini tank. Problem with the small ecigs that look like cigs is that the battery life sucks and you're constantly charging. The cost savings is dramatic after initial device purchase, especially when you mix your own juice (propylene glycol which is pharmaceutical grade, glycerin: found in toothpastes cake icings other foods, nic extract from wizard labs and food grade flavorings From the perfumer' apprentice).
You may want to check out other forums that are geared towards ecigs like ecf, or you're more than welcome to pm me for more info. Nic with out the combustion and other chems added by tobacco companies is about as harmful as caffeine, but the stigma around cigarettes influence the way folks view ecigs even though its completely different.
neptronix said:
Scroll up.
The substance itself actually isn't all that bad for ya..


Start here and scroll down. This article has plenty of sources.

Scroll up and see my post about tobacco additives vs ecig additives ;)

Meh, either way, I wouldn't want to be exposed to the smoke. Caffeine has a lethal dose of 150mg/kg, nicotine has a lethal dose of 60mg/kg. Sounds like at least on that concept, nicotine is 2.5 times worse/more toxic for you than caffeine.

This lovely discussion or perspective boils down to freedom in my mind. In the US, they add fluoride to tap water (and some bottled water) under the guise that it is good for public health (teeth). Even if that is absolutely true, mass medication isn't acceptable. Even if ecig smoke was good for me or pleasant in some way, unless ecig smoke was billowing out of flowers growing from the ground, I'd prefer people did it only in the privacy of their own home and not force me to, at best, walk through their cloud.

I am not trying to argue that I am likely to get a lethal dose of nicotine from walking through a cloud of smoke, only that regardless of it's content, I require the freedom to not be exposed to something. I can plug my ears, avert my eyes, but how long can you hold your breath?
bowlofsalad said:
I require the freedom to not be exposed to something. I can plug my ears, avert my eyes, but how long can you hold your breath?
Ah the freedom to never be exposed, wouldn't that be the day?
...well, today isn't free... in 5 oclock traffic, dodging every bad driver in town, having to listen to 140 dB hip hop down the block, all's I can tell you is...e ciggies don't make the pollution index news at all.
In fact, they ARE the bomm baby, that is, if you need to get a quickie nikkie high. I looks forward to the day they can deliver some other toxic goodies as well, cuz they don't smell, BOS. Compared to a rat's fart, they don't smell.
I get what you're saying about not wanting to be exposed, but the health risk of potentially walking through a cloud of vapor, not smoke (nothing's burning) is so negligent it doesn't seem worth being concerned about. Smoke machines at concerts and haunted houses use the same chemical minus the nicotine and flavorings. You are putting your self in substantially more danger by sitting in traffic surrounded by combustion engines pumping out exhaust or just being outside exposed to the chemicals released in the air by factories, or eating bacon ( god I love bacon). However, we don't zero in on these more serious threats to our health, instead we scrutinize ecigs. Why, because it looks like smoke and people immediately apply the same level of fear and disdain that we apply to cigarettes. However, I don't condone blowing billows of vapor in others faces, because that would be rude and obnoxious.

As far as the lethal levels, no one is consuming that much nicotine and to say that because the lethal levels are different, then so are the health effects, would be a false argument. That's like saying it takes less Tylenol than ibuprofen to kill you, so ibuprofen is safe and Tylenol isn't. (Yes I'm aware Tylenol can cause liver damage over long periods of time, not my point). Methane can also be lethal, and we all no where that comes from. Hell, the most dangerous thing any of us do is probably working with these high powered electronics and lithium based power sources. Or riding them. Ecigs tend to evoke a visceral reaction that is more rooted in fear, generally not equal to reactions of other much more dangerous exposure in our daily lives.
Becoming a controlled substance in the uk soon.
Not sure how there actually targeting them, but it's all going to be over the counter.
bowlofsalad said:
Meh, either way, I wouldn't want to be exposed to the smoke. Caffeine has a lethal dose of 150mg/kg, nicotine has a lethal dose of 60mg/kg. Sounds like at least on that concept, nicotine is 2.5 times worse/more toxic for you than caffeine.

A typical nicotine dose might be about 1-2mg. It would be *extremely* hard to kill yourself smoking. I don't think you could even kill yourself by smoking an entire pack of cigarettes at once. You'd likely nod off first.

After 7 years of not smoking, i walked into an ecigarette shop for the first time, out of curiosity. There were dozens of people smoking inside. What surprised me is that there was no haze inside the store, and i couldn't smell what anyone was smoking. You get more vegetable glycerin in your system by standing next to a smoke machine or eating highly processed food.

bowlofsalad said:
This lovely discussion or perspective boils down to freedom in my mind. In the US, they add fluoride to tap water (and some bottled water) under the guise that it is good for public health (teeth). Even if that is absolutely true, mass medication isn't acceptable. Even if ecig smoke was good for me or pleasant in some way, unless ecig smoke was billowing out of flowers growing from the ground, I'd prefer people did it only in the privacy of their own home and not force me to, at best, walk through their cloud.

Well then, the same rules for cigarette smokers should apply to ecigarette smokers then, right? by the way, ecigarettes do not create a cloud like regular cigarettes do. All i know is that my girlfriend is highly allergic to cigarettes.. i can walk inside the house and kiss her after smoking and she can't even tell that i have been smoking at all.

What is really bad is marijuana smoke and cigarette smoke. If the stink gets on you, it's hard to get off. You would never catch a secondary high off a cigarette or joint though unless you were in a car or small room with someone smoking the stuff.
bowlofsalad said:
Caffeine has a lethal dose of 150mg/kg, nicotine has a lethal dose of 60mg/kg.
What really matters a lot more is theraputic index
Theraputic index = effective dose / Lethal dose

The average pack of ciggies is 1mg, so lets say about 3 ciggies is an effective dose...
according to your lethal dose that makes:
Theraputic index Nicotine = 1:180

...Roughly! the point is its not so bad, look:

1:4 - 1:10

Where nicotine reins supreme is addiction/dependance:



Apparently Japan have some much healthier cigarettes, but tobacco advertising is banned, so nobody here in the UK knows. They have things like carbon filters in the tips and the plants used are not covered in only god knows what. This is totally flipped over for american ciggies who's smoke is much harsher and filters are often very poor. The paper I read on it was quite convincing in how it explained these cleaner cigs really were a lot cleaner.
After 6 years without a cigarette, I met a girl who smoked and it go it me started again
And I hated it..I bought my first e-cig and ego variant Wii th 1300mah battery
Got it from Dealxtreme cost $US22 for the starter kit which has two batteries and to
Cartomizes...picked up some e-juice from local store (contains nicotine)
Top put the cost for me into perspective, it cost over $AU20 a packet for cigarettes
In Australia, for 25 pack. It both huge money saver, I can vape anywhere and
I'm already feeling the effects of not smoking....I hope to gradually lower the nicotine
And eventually stop all together, great quit smoking aid Imho

About putting other drugs in the e-cigs, namely hash oil as I have A LOT of "leaf"
Left from last year's plants, I will be using it to make up some hash oil up.
I found it is indeed possible to smoke has oil in a e-cig....Shall report back and let all know how
It works out...

Last week I borrowed a workmates ecig and liked it. I have ordered about $50 of gear from Fasttech.com and still waiting for it to arrive. It's going to run on NCR18650B's .

Considering it's $20 a pack and the stink from normal cigs, I'm happy to try an alternative. And really I just like any gadgets with batteries.

Gregory said:
Last week I borrowed a workmates ecig and liked it. I have ordered about $50 of gear from Fasttech.com and still waiting for it to arrive. It's going to run on NCR18650B's .

Considering it's $20 a pack and the stink from normal cigs, I'm happy to try an alternative. And really I just like any gadgets with batteries.


I will likely continue to buy all my e-cigs from Dealxtreme as their range is huge and the quality of the product
I received are superb, juice however I'm using these guys http://www.totallywicked.com
They're Australian supplier delivery is couple days....regarding Dealxtreme, if you
Pay the extra 20 bucks to expedite delivery, you get the order in a week and a bit!

Enjoy the e-cigs Greg
