ebikeriders.com Toronto MeetUp group unplugged


100 MW
May 24, 2007
Toronto Harbour
This am an email announcing the organizer has removed herself from the group and the site would go down in two weeks if another didn't step up to the plate... But right away, logging on to the MeetUp site an announcement that the group no longer exists. (sigh)

Seems a bit harsh/short notice. Too bad. MeetUp has lousy forums software really but the group of Toronto area ebikers was growing fast this summer... About 100 two months ago to 126 yesterday.

Not sure where this group will reconnect now. I actually set up a page on Facebook recently but only intended it as a fb pointer to the ebikeriders.com URL/MeetUp group.

There are only six fb users that have connected to the fb page so far and I don't know that they were all aboard the MeetUp group as well...

So watts a Toronto ebiker to do?

Kinda wishing ES had sub-forums for Countries and Cities where folks could tap about local issues, legislations etc...

The Toronto ebikers MeetUp group was already showing up on Page One of a google search for "Toronto ebikes" after only one year online.

Lock, i'm too much of a noob to do it, but make a roll call here for TO. I'd love to meet up and see some mean machines in the great white north (Hogtown).

Does anyone know how to contact the previous owner of the ebikeriders.com? Maybe we can arrange the transfer of the domain to preserve this historically significant for the e-biking community domain name. This is nice domain name and that would be even more sad, when it'll vanish like that meet up group. My English is not so good, especially writing, but I'm a computer guy, so maybe I can rescue at least the domain name being just like administrator for the domain and taking care of just the technical side of the forum or blog or meet up group functioning (yes, we can build under that domain anything you like). Then you guys would take care of the content filling it up with your posts like here. What do you say? I think it's viable and certainly make some sense. Anyone?
Meanwhile, here's my share in the uniting all kinds of e-biker's groups present currently on the facebook. There's like 30 something e-bikers groups I was able to find right away on the facebook I've got today.


If you know any more that are missing in my profile, just let me know, and I'll post them.

Also I'm working currently on the blog at Wordpress, where I can put even more information and e-biking resources and make it available to everyone.