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Ebikes, Electric Cars, a "cure" for COPD, asthma

Jul 2, 2015
Smokers, people who live in polluted areas, and older people will run out of breath. Apparently, this is called COPD.

In Toronto, whenever the temperature was over 26 Celcius, the Air Quality Advisory warning would usually say that it is hazardous to be biking or doing any strenous exercising. So, a ebike (or electric scooter) was very healthy -- with no pedalling. Some kind of very tiny particles 2.5 nanometers or smaller could obstruct the lung and cause choking.

The VW diesel cars, with their cheating software now exposed, have probably killed thousands of people. For decades, medical boards have estimated that 30,000+ Americans and 5,000 Canadians die every year from diesel fumes, if I recall correctly.

On my electric 'cycles and electric vehicle, the city's gasoline/diesel fumes seem to assault my sense of smell when I get near them. So, I try to take the isolated designated bike streets.

People in Richmond, BC on average live 3 years longer than people in Toronto. Richmond has sea breezes whereas Toronto is in a "bowl" terrain, which is very visibly a soup of pollution when viewed from the air, or even from the down-looking highway from Barrie, Ontario.

Many years ago, China wisely banned gasoline motorbikes.

However, the rest of the world is secretly run by the oil companies -- if you've read "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman" and the second book by that same author.

A good book to read is "Lives Per Gallon", written by a policy-maker in the California government.

According to Dr. Mercola, two other cures for COPD are: Exercising (in non-polluted area, obviously) more and antioxidants.
The title of this thread got my attention as asthma and COPD are my areas of specialty in my day job.
So what is the purpose of this post ? Smoking and air pollution is bad ? Wow, stop the press!

If you're going to attempt to make scientific statements and quote numbers you can't follow it up with 'if I recall correctly'!
Likewise your randomly quoted Dr Mercola, who ever he's supposed to be, is wrong. COPD cannot be cured, it is an irreversible disease, by definition! Claiming exercise in fresh air and antioxidants as a cure for anything sounds like naturopath / alternative medicine BS. If "alternative medicine" actually worked, it'd just be called medicine :wink:

Tin foil hat comments aside, while the rest of your post has elements of truth it's largely wrong.
So I did a quick google to see what sort of hack doctor would be quoting completely wrong information


In 1999, Mercola announced that about one third of his new patients were autistic and that he had treated about 60 such children with secretin, a hormone he said "appeared to be a major breakthrough." [2] It is now well settled that secretin is ineffective against autism [3], but Mercola's Web site still says it works if a child complies with his recommended diet strategies [4].

In 2005, the FDA ordered Mercola and his Optimal Wellness Center to stop making illegal claims for products sold through his Web site [20]

Many of Mercola's articles make unsubstantiated claims and clash with those of leading medical and public health organizations

As suspected he's a nut job and full of crap. Which leaves us with just 2 facts that no one here will argue:

A: Ebikes = good
B: Sucking on car exhausts = bad.

Thank you, come again. :p
Ermagerd! Erliens!

Pub med at its best.
I remember the Mercola ban. What a dangerous man. I wonder if kiddies got killed by his witchcraft.
Been doing a bit more research into this. Think I've found a true cause.


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Hyena said:
So I did a quick google to see what sort of hack doctor would be quoting completely wrong information

As suspected he's a nut job and full of crap. Which leaves us with just 2 facts that no one here will argue:

A: Ebikes = good
B: Sucking on car exhausts = bad.

Thank you, come again. :p

Not so fast, if he's nut job, maybe we should question. You have a tailpipe available in the neighborhood, right?

But seriously, it's the nutjobs that do such an effective job of convincing the naysayers that it's all a load of bull. If the whack jobs believe, there could be no truth to it. I think of the Dr. Mercola's as public enemy number one.

Samd said:
Pub med at its best.

Pub med? Meaning he practices at the tavern? The saloon, alongside the courtroom of Judge Roy Bean?

Hyena said:
If "alternative medicine" actually worked, it'd just be called medicine :wink:

If "Medicine" worked, what would you call it?

Samd said:
Been doing a bit more research into this. Think I've found a true cause.

You're not taking into account that the upswing coincides with Dubya gaining the GOP nomination for president, then becoming the first defeated candidate to take office since Rutherfraud B. Hayes in 1876. It all comes to a head when people who held out hope for so long are forced to cope with the fact that the candidate who was defeated in the primaries, Barack Obama, was given the nomination anyway and was becoming an even worse president than Dubya.

If science had anything to do with it, the suicides would have been by more high tech means, such as a phone app created by Dr. Mercola.

Hillhater said:
......Many years ago, China wisely banned gasoline motorbikes....
:shock: :?: :?: really ?

Yeah, even the fire department are outlaw bikers now.

(When they outlaw eBikes, only outlaws will have eBikes.)

Several 'old fogeys' with COPD who own Harleys but are now riding Motorino scooters in Vancouver know that diesel (hope those VW murderers go to jail for doctoring their diesel-car software) fumes trigger their symptoms.


Diesel fumes kill thousands every year:


COPD is curable, despite what Western medicine is told (by the medical-industrial complex) to tell the public:



Those of us who use Dr. Mercola's information to cure ourselves of "incurable" diseases know that Western Medicine has been lying to the public.


Apprently, thousands Amazon reviewers agree too.


Even cancer is just a nutritional deficiency. Please educate yourselves. You'll need this information, sooner or later.



Medical industrial complex? Big Pharma?

More like big hippie. Mercola is a fraud.

The thought that millions of doctors globally conspire in some kind of weekly meeting is hilarious.
A few of us might know a thing or two about conventional cancer cures.

But there's one key flaw in your thinking:
- You assert diesel causes cancer
- You assert malnutrition is the cause of cancers
Cerebral Knievel.
4LivesPerGallon said:
hope those VW murderers go to jail for doctoring their diesel-car software
Ah ze Germans, when will they stop gassing people :lol:
I haven't paid much attention the all the VW hoo har. Yeah they lied and rigged the tests to make them seem better than the next best diesel car, but at the end of the day, meh. All cars spew out toxicity but thankfully we're on the eve of a big EV revolution.

COPD is curable, despite what Western medicine is told (by the medical-industrial complex) to tell the public:
Actually no it's not, there's irreversible damage and structural changes to the lung tissue. What would I know though, I just lecture on the subject at university and hospitals and conduct clinic trials research on patients with this condition. But you probably think I am "one of them" who's been brainwashed by rationally explained and scientific proven processes.

Those of us who use Dr. Mercola's information to cure ourselves of "incurable" diseases know that Western Medicine has been lying to the public.
I'm glad you think you've cured yourself of a disease you obviously didn't have to start with. Unfortunately it seems apparent Mercola's koolaid doesn't cure stupid :lol:

Apprently, thousands Amazon reviewers agree too

Even cancer is just a nutritional deficiency. Please educate yourselves.
Oh shit, I wish I had of known this when the doctors were pumping me full of chemo and radiotherapy a few years ago. I guess I got lucky somewhere during my treatment and the extra salad I had that day saved me.

Pass the tin foil Sam. A hat ain't gonna cut it, we're going to have to wrap up this whole thread!