First friction drive build - ideas?


10 mW
Jun 15, 2011

I'm thinking about adding a DIY friction drive to my Kent Genesis Onyx 29er Cruiser. My inspiration for the project comes from those who used HobbyKing Outrunner motors and Lithium batteries. First thing I need to decide is on the motor, batteries, motor controller and electronics controls. I weigh 240 lbs and mostly want motor assist for a couple small hills. Otherwise, I'll just pedal. So keeping things cheap, small and relatively light are my principal objectives. Any specific suggestions for components?

Hey good luck with the build.

The shopping list I put together for my kits is probably a good starting point.

and here is a rough idea of the sort of performance you could expect with these parts.

- Adrian
Thanks Adrian, I misplaced the link to your website somehow. Are you selling your commuter parts kits yet? If so how much does it cost and what is shipping to the US?
I sold out the first batch, and want to incorporate learnings before I make the next batch. Hopefully by then I will have complementary electronics to go with it.

Price for the mech alpha kits was AU$175 + ~AU$20 shipping to the states.

Exactly when I make the next batch depends on a few things falling in to place, but won't be in the next month as I need to wind up some previous commitments.

Sorry, but I want to make sure the kits are more refined before I scale things up.

But this isn't about me, it's about your build. Have a crack yourself. If you have some basic power tools, and some spare time you can definitely do it yourself. I made all my prototypes with pretty simple tools in my shed. Give it a go. :D

- Adrian
Thanks Adrian. My concern now is that this is starting to look more costly than I had hoped. Not your bits, but the overall costs look to be around $500+. I may have to look at less expensive options, although I'm finding that nothing is cheap when it comes to 29er's. ;)
Let me know if you manage to shave some $$$'s off of building the ebike. I spec'ed pretty much the cheapest options that would do the job for my shopping list. You could go for a smaller/cheaper motor, but would then need to baby it or add current limitting somehow. There is a cheaper 85Amp ESC lower down on the list as an alternative that has been working really well. The rest of the parts you may be able get away with more DIY solutions, and save some coin.

The other alternative is a basic hub motor kit, but for anything with decent performance/range you are going to be looking at similar $$$'s.

I think cell_man is an ES member that has decent priced kits for sale.

All the best

- Adrian
Thanks Adrian. It sucks to have to do things on a limited budget. Next life I plan on being filthy rich. ;)