Flag for the Global Electric Bicycle Nation

most flags are simple yet symbolic.


Needs work, I know...
Drunkskunk said:
I think your 8 spoke version is best. Lightning spark spokes is an epic yet simple idea!

What about a green wheel and hub on a black background?

And here it is ...


I totally agree about the 8 spoke version being better; the 16 spoke version looks like a crazy eyeball :oops:

Thanks for noticing that I'd kept the photobucket link to the 8 spoke version embedded in the editing history!
molybdenum said:
Drunkskunk said:
I think your 8 spoke version is best. Lightning spark spokes is an epic yet simple idea!

What about a green wheel and hub on a black background?

And here it is ...


I totally agree about the 8 spoke version being better; the 16 spoke version looks like a crazy eyeball :oops:
What's wrong with crazy eyeballs?

How about making the spokes out of stylized electric eels and adding the text "DONT TREAD ON ME"?
Hehe... crazy eyeballs.

Perhaps with more fullness of time.

Pick a date.

To agree on one day EVent in future. (At which one flag MIGHT be selected.)
I going to put mine in the back of my pants and hold on to it with my cheeks, if the flag pole is big enough to honor the mayor and his flag. Can you guys hurry up and get the flag ready for my new greased pole ?
Hehe... ebiker grin. Might we ask Lord and Master Justin Le... re use of the Engrish (sp?) word GRIN?
999zip999 said:
I going to put mine in the back of my pants and hold on to it with my cheeks, if the flag pole is big enough to honor the mayor and his flag. Can you guys hurry up and get the flag ready for my new greased pole ?
Hehe... OK. In 2015 a Majors Race (straight up).
"agree on one day EVent in future". In the mean time, anybuddy here NOT like facial contortions?
And the song is? (Think "Horst-Wessel-Lied" drinking-like tunage...)
(Seen on FacePlant (sp?). Forum for pedal-only antique lover two-wheeled types)

"Blue is the colour of 2015. Or is it orange?"

Sorta got a Ebikers Flag thingee fleshed out, and... colour of outfit anybuddy???

Thought... green/green-ish.

(But dunna wanna git confused Lass (laddie) w/that other bunch of rebels over in Sherwood Forest. Bunch in green leotards??? Sorry.)
I like playing with pictures but I readily admit I have no actual skill.
I put this together as a concept I guess with a lightening going through a ebike. And I can't argue its more an image then a flag.

Here is another one, 3 lightening bolts to represent each phase wire.
Hehe... ESB "Search found 32 matches: +flag"

Again... "Emanuel Wynn":

Emanuel Wynn (or Emanuel Wynne) was a French pirate of the 18th century, and is often considered the first pirate to fly the Jolly Roger. His design incorporated an hourglass beneath the bones to represent that time was running out.
