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flooding risk from climate change country by country


1 PW
Jun 9, 2008
portland, or and loveland, co
235 million in U.S. are ‘sleepwalking into disaster’


by Paul Farrell, marketwatch

Yes, America’s “sleepwalking into disaster” warns the U.N. secretary-general. Sleepwalking. Because “our brains are wired to ignore climate change,” says George Marshall in his new book, “Don’t Even Think About It.” In one interview, Nobel economist Daniel Kahneman admits, “I am deeply pessimistic. I really see no path to success on climate change.”

The big takeaways here ... The American brain is programmed to ignore and reject global warming ... humans are sleepwalking, will be unprepared for future disasters ... only 24% see climate as a problem ... even the world’s leading brain researcher is pessimistic ... sees “no path for success” because the human brain is undermining future planning and policies. But why?

What about the future of capitalism? Global economy? Planet Earth? If Kahneman is “deeply pessimistic,” should the UN, USA, EU, leaders like Bill Gates, Bill McKibben, all other activists and policy makers just give up? Because whatever they do will be sabotaged by the “collective unconscious” of our climate-denying brains?

Kahneman sees “climate change as a perfect trigger: a distant problem that requires sacrifices now to avoid uncertain losses far in the future.” But these sacrifices we refuse to make. Why? Our brains focus instead on today’s pocketbook issues, family, jobs, food, payday, a new smart phone, latest tech gadgets, today stuff. Climate change is future stuff.

Americans love freedom. New cars. Need gas. Every day. We’re focused on short-term issues. Is climate a “big issue?” Gallup polls says no. Only 24% of Americans think “climate change” is a big problem, near the bottom of 15 national problems polled. We’ll worry about climate later.

But will later be too late to prepare? Yes. Environmentalists like Bill McKibben, Earth Institute’s Jeff Sachs, and RiskyBusiness.org leaders Mayor Michael Bloomberg, former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson and billionaire Tom Steyner are warning it may already be “too late.”

Humans are unpredictable, contradictory, closet saboteurs. Big Oil creates nine million jobs, about $1 trillion in annual revenue. Vanguard Funds own over $15 billion of Exxon Mobil across 170 funds and 20 million shareholders. And our own governments just keeps giving Big Oil $4 billion a year in tax incentives.

Did the ‘Invisible Hand’ of God wire our brains to self-destruct the planet?
In Clive Hamilton’s “Requiem for a Species: Why We Resist the Truth about Climate Change,” we’re warned that Earth will soon “enter a chaotic era lasting thousands of years. Whether human beings would still be a force on the planet, or even survive ... one thing seems certain: there will be far fewer of us.” Maybe even none. Remember, last time the planet went dark, the dinosaur species was wiped out. Never returned.

So today, a huge 76% of us, 235 million of us, are admitting climate change is not a top priority for Americans. Get it? We think short-term. Denial is wired into our brains, by God, the Invisible Hand of capitalism, or some other grand power that reveals itself in many mysterious ways, like the brain research of Kahneman and other behavioral scientists.

Here are 10 other ways the collective human brain, our conscious soul, is blocked from focusing on long-term problems:

1. Narcissism limits America: Me-first today, global warming tomorrow
Experts at Earth Policy Institute and Worldwatch Institute agree with Gallup, asking: “Peak Production From a Planet in Distress: Can We Keep It Up?” No. Instead, the global economic system is “programmed to squeeze ever more resources from a planet in distress ... A mixture of population growth, consumerism, greed, and short-term thinking by policy makers and business people seems to be inexorably driving human civilization toward a showdown with the planet’s limits.” But later is too late. No time to prepare.

2. Fears the American Dream is dying, we need jobs, economic growth
Our brains are split: We want the good ol’ American Dream. A world of hope, promises. Since 1776 we’ve banked on Adam Smith’s vision of a “Land of Prosperity.” Our brains keep telling us the glory days will return. A new Industrial Revolution. 3% GDP growth. Robert Gordon asks: “Is U.S. Economic Growth Over?” As inequality accelerates. The rich get richer. Is capitalism killing us? Gordon sees our GDP falling below 1% growth by 2100.

3. We believe the self-destructive myth of perpetual economic growth
The economists’ myth of perpetual growth is based on fairy-tale assumptions. We’re wasting nonrenewable natural resources, will eventually destroy the planet. Traditional economists work for companies with short-term views. In a system that says: If we can’t grow this quarter, the long-term is irrelevant. Our mythology has us on a suicide mission. Our brains are saboteurs.

4. Global population is out of control: too many new babies, old retirees
Scientific American says global population growth is “the most overlooked and essential strategy for achieving long-term balance,” yet, by 2050 global population will explode from 7 to 10 billion. Five years ago Bill Gates, Buffett, Soros, Rockefeller, Winfrey, Bloomberg and other billionaires met secretly, all agreed: World’s biggest time-bomb? Overpopulation. Jeremy Grantham says we can’t feed 10 billion. Gates says 8.3 billion people is the limit. Jeffery Sachs’ Earth Institute warns that even five billion is too many.

5. Ideological taboos blind us to planning, limiting global population
In “The Last Taboo,” Mother Jones editor Julia Whitty hit the nail on the head: “What unites the Vatican, lefties, conservatives and scientists in a conspiracy of silence? Population.” Unfortunately, these hot-button issues ignite powerful reactions from religious fundamentalists. Politicians, global leaders are silent saboteurs. Even though runaway population is killing our world. By the time we wake up, it’ll be too late to prepare.

6. Capitalist brain is self-destructive, widening the global inequality gap
Anthropologist Jared Diamond says public-health advances have “increased life spans in the Third World.” Still, today about “80% of the world’s population” survives on a few dollars a day. In “The Price of Inequality,” Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz warns, “there’s less equality of opportunity in the U.S today than in almost any advanced industrial country.” Since 2008, the Super Rich have captured 93% of all income growth. Capitalism has lost its soul.

7. Our short-term brains actual help climate-science deniers get rich
Even Exxon Mobil’s $40 million-a-year CEO Rex Tillerson admits climate change is real. But just an “engineering problem” with “an engineering solution.” Humans “spent our entire existence adapting.” Sea-level rise? “We’ll adapt!” Even with the U.N.’s 2,500 climate scientists 97% certainty climate change could wipe us off the planet, we unconsciously support the world’s biggest climate-science deniers, Big Oil, the Koch Bros, as they spend millions buying votes of American politicians, and we keep buying more cars, more gas.

8. Big Oil has no public conscience, is Planet Earth’s biggest saboteur
The world has “1.4 trillion barrels of oil, enough to last at least 200 years,” says U.S. Chamber of Commerce CEO Tom Donohue, quoting Big Oil stats ... “2.7 quadrillion cubic feet of natural gas, enough to last 120 years ... 486 billion tons of coal, enough to last more than 450 years.” Yes, 200 years of oil. Too bad it’ll kill us in 50 years, says McKibben in Rolling Stone. Burning all that will increase carbon emissions, trigger suicide in 50 years.

9. Planet Earth is running out of food, we cannot feed 10 billion people
Jeremy Grantham’s firm manages $124 billion. He warns that by 2050 there will be an “inevitable mismatch between finite resources and exponential population growth” with a “bubble-like explosion of prices for raw materials.” Commodity shortages are becoming a “threat to the long-term viability of our species;” it is “impossible to feed 10 billion people.”

10. Too much faith in Silicon Valley, they won’t solve big problems in future
In Robert Gordon’s provocative paper predicting declining economic growth, not only will America’s GDP drop under 1% by 2100, the reason is that new technologies will never match the rate of GDP since the Industrial Revolution. Why? Silicon Valley’s overoptimism will never translate into results, cannot reverse the decline in America’s economic growth.

Why? Silicon Valley is already falling behind warned Jason Pontin, editor-in-chief of MIT Technology Review in a provocative article, “Why We Can’t Solve Big Problems.” The Review’s cover hammered home our myopia: “You Promised Me Mars Colonies,” warned astronaut Buzz Aldrin, “Instead, I Got Facebook.” Government stopped investing in big problems, like a moon landing. Capitalists took over. So did short-term thinking.

So ask yourself again, did the Invisible Hand of capitalism program the human brain to self-destruct? Take with it the human race, civilization, the planet? Wake up, clues are everywhere, not just in the work of Kahneman, Marshall, Hamilton, Sachs, Ban Ki-moon, McKibben, Bloomberg, Paulson, Steyner. All around us.

Why is the human brain wired to think short-term, ignore future threats, refuse to prepare for the risks, and ultimately self-destruct all we love? Was the end game also prewired in our brains? Ask yourself. Why ...
chicken little.jpg

And it all the Koch brothers' fault.

This post is like a collage of every leftist's wet dream. It must be the fault of capitalists; right?

This coming from the UN. You know, the folks that gave Iran a top spot on the UN Human Rights Committees.

Nobody cares what the Buffoons at the UN think. Has anyone actually used their brains and thought about what an absolute conflict of interest it is to have an IPCC in the first place. the panel is the International panel on climate change. Period. This in itself is foolish. Let's say that we fix climate change and that it is no longer an issue. Do you really think that the IPCC will allow itself to be disbanded? NO matter what is done, no matter how much impact we make on the issue, the IPCC will ALWAYS include the cataclysmic conclusions on climate change because they have to. It is the only way for the turds to justify their existence. It will always cherry pick the worst possible scenarios even though they NEVER come to fruition. This is why fewer and fewer people are buying into the climate change hype. It is because at EVERY single prediction that was measurable proved again and again and again the the Computer models are WRONG!

The Lead author of the 3rd assessment report basically said the fifth is trash and called for the IPCC to be disbanded.

But no, let's just keep on with the status quo and worship the very ground they walk on. After all what fault can you possibly find with an organization that is rife with fraud and cronyism and believes that Iran should be a leader on human rights. Rotflmao!

Jeez, give it a rest.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know... Denier!!!

...Why is the human brain wired to think short-term, ignore future threats, refuse to prepare for the risks,....
...... Ask yourself. Why ...

Probably because it is rational, and realizes it is impossible to predict the longer term future.
Its makes more sense to devote most of its energy into dealing with the immediate risks that are present.
Well, I'm going to build myself a big assed barge and float around on top of it all.

I suggest you all do likewise, then we could link them together and ride our ebikes around in circles till the batteries wear out.

fourbanger said:
Well, I'm going to build myself a big assed barge and float around on top of it all.

I suggest you all do likewise, then we could link them together and ride our ebikes around in circles till the batteries wear out.


Better bring your barge down near the equator, because you don't want to be on a barge during a hurricane, and they're just beginning to form and only a bit of wind and rain up to at least 10° north or south of the equator.
So now why is it that the New York Times thinks under 4 million Americans are at risk, while Marketwatch squalls 235 million?

Mine is getting to 14 years old and closing in on 200,000 miles, wouldn't a new one be. . . .

13783 Posts? I am probly not worthy to try to reason with you. But the world needs to end soon and things are the way we made them so advancing toward that well deserved end? :shock: It's another way of looking at it anyway. Nothing wrong with a bit of climate change we get California’s weather California, who feeds 25% of us turns to a desert and so we eat less most of us are too fat anyway. :shock: We do need the kids though I think everybody should raise a couple so they can get a small glimpse of what It is that's really important in life. If we don't have the kids then the average white guy will be the minority in a few more years and we can finally cash in on that minority status windfall. :wink: As far as the rest of it goes just think about how hard it is to change yourself and you will understand how difficult it is to change even a single soul out there let alone the masses programed by the media to follow blindly down the dark paths of destruction. I think it’s all good in some sick but useful way. :twisted: The best thing about all of this is that as long as you blame somebody else then you don't have to actually do anything and you can save your enrgy to use on something more important.
Trying to get by but sick again so maybe next week.
There is only one certainty in life and that is change.
When you guys talk about the end of the world it is the energy hungry world.
The future is an Amish lifestyle. Columbus and Cook had sailing ships made of wood, so things take a bit longer so what.
As was said we could all lose a few pounds and walk. The big advance in our lifetime has been communication, we can all stay in touch we just won't be visiting anytime soon.
Columbus was genocidal profiteer, and Cook was killed and eaten by the very natives he tried to woo.

So an Amish barge it is, then. See you sometime around the equator.
fourbanger said:
Columbus was genocidal profiteer, and Cook was killed and eaten by the very natives he tried to woo.

So an Amish barge it is, then. See you sometime around the equator.

Yes but it was done with renewable resources. :roll: so it was green genocide. From what I gather from this discussion people are the problem so Columbus should be the poster boy for the green movement. :roll:

I don't think Cook was eaten. If he was it is the ultimate in recycling, another poster boy? :shock:
fourbanger said:
Columbus was genocidal profiteer, and Cook was killed and eaten by the very natives he tried to woo.

So an Amish barge it is, then. See you sometime around the equator.

Cook wasn't eaten. He wouldn't have been killed if he hadn't been so damned determined to take their King hostage. After a few days of this he'd worn out his welcome.

But that statement wasn't near as bad as calling Columbus a "Genocidal Profiteer." Postmodern bombast is usually meaningless.
Well let's face it, Global Warming is such a hard thing for most simpletons to grasp.

I mean, cmon, it's so complex - the earth transforms sunlight’s visible light energy into infrared light energy, which leaves Earth slowly because it is absorbed by greenhouse gases. When people produce extra greenhouse gases, energy leaves Earth even more slowly–raising Earth’s temperature.

People actually deny stoichiometry. All the while driving their ICE powered cars, which run on the principle of stoichiometry!

Were he alive, I'll wager Arthur C Clarke would have ripped you a second vagina for arguing by exception.
So ....... we don't want cancer but we still want to smoke? (Disaster....fossil fuels)
We could try Vaping. (renewable energy)
Why not just get off the nicotine? (Live simple)
There is so much utter bull$hit in most of the global warming propaganda that it's very hard to take it all seriously.

What we all know is:
(a) The world is warmer than it was 100 years ago.
(b) We're making more CO2 than we were 100 years ago.

And then the politics and personal agendas get mixed up with these facts and you get wild tails of millions dead in 20 years, and the world uninhabitable in 200. People begin to panic about CO2, thinking it's bad to produce any. Governments begin to tax based on CO2 emissions, media makes big money whipping the public into a frenzy of fear over the impending crisis so they can sell more advertising time, etc, etc, etc.

But lets use some common sense. Fact A. The world is getting warmer. Yep. no denying this. We have global warming. And it is apparently a trend going back many hundreds of years. Partly a natural phenomenon, but very likely partly man made for the last 100+ years.
One important fact to keep in mind is that this is a natural phenomenon, so it can't be reversed. we can only at best neutralize our portion of the issue.
Fact B. CO2 emissions are rising. This is an indicator that all our emissions are rising. Eliminating CO2 won't fix the problem, we need to globally consume less everything, stop wasting what we have, and take better care of the planet in general. Now eliminating 2 major sources of CO2 , Transportation and energy production, will help lower CO2 levels, that will only eliminate ~40% (this number varies widely depending on source and agenda) of our emissions. The rest come from agricultural and industrial processes.
Along with Rising CO2 we have rising waste of all kinds. basically we're poisoning our biosphere so fast that a few inches or yards more water on the coast isn't going to matter much. We need to fix our consumption of resources and pollution of the environment on a global scale or natural selection will begin fix the problem for us.

For the most part, the rest of the doom and gloom preached by the Global warming acolytes is just comedy to me.

You're commenting on consumerism making the planet ugly and polluted, not commenting on humans modifying the atmosphere versus recent (homonid) timeframes.
Drunkskunk said:
Eliminating CO2 won't fix the problem, we need to globally consume less everything,blah blah

That's an oxymoron.

Here it is again, you can't escape it:
"the earth transforms sunlight’s visible light energy into infrared light energy, which leaves Earth slowly because it is absorbed by greenhouse gases. When people produce extra greenhouse gases, energy leaves Earth even more slowly–raising Earth’s temperature."

Modelling this to a fair amount of accuracy is easy. The only bit scientists are arguing about it the precise amount of warming. The magnitude is readily known. We just use the same stoichiometry we use in other branches of science.

You're on a train that is travelling about an inch an hour, and is going to crash one day. The precise speed is hard to measure. But while it's happening, there's no sense arguing about humans littering aboard the train...
Ok, some people are kicking and screaming, but that prick Monckton up front trying to tell you everything is ok is a monumental dickhead and a mathematical nonce who couldn't produce highschool statistics if his arse was on fire.
Samd said:
Well let's face it, Global Warming is such a hard thing for most simpletons to grasp.

I mean, cmon, it's so complex - the earth transforms sunlight’s visible light energy into infrared light energy, which leaves Earth slowly because it is absorbed by greenhouse gases. When people produce extra greenhouse gases, energy leaves Earth even more slowly–raising Earth’s temperature.

People actually deny stoichiometry. All the while driving their ICE powered cars, which run on the principle of stoichiometry!

People ignore Avogadro's law too. But, the fix is natural. The earth has more CO2 and so more plants will grow, because they love it! And eventually, it returns to Carbon and Oxygen all over again for us lowly humans to breathe.