found SEXY girl on electric bike!


100 GW
Apr 8, 2007
Quebec, Canada East
Interesting bike (nice pics too!). The description says it runs on 24V, so I looked into it a bit more and found this

which says it uses two 24V 10 kW Delco motors. Are they using starter motors?
23.091 at 48.38mph in the ¼ mile

Hmm... I drag a bike that gets to 50mph in ~2 seconds, and a lot of other amateur guys launch harder than I do. And yet the article says they had trouble finding male riders who weren't afraid of the "hard launch"? I'm thinking something closer to not being able to find male riders who would be seen on something running the quarter slower than a fully loaded school bus with a sleepy driver and a bad turbo. :D

However, it is always nice to look at pictures of cute chicks :)
She needs to keep her helmet on, it suits her better! :lol: Nothin sexier than a chick on a bike, I say 8) . Sounds like a good example for the Doctor to challenge to a 1/8 mile race. What's your 1/8 mile time anyway Doctor?
I still dont know my 1/8 or 1/4 mile time.. but i've calculated it!

and ... i know my 0-100m (330ft).. it is 8.7sec at 72V 70A on flat

She does 8.07sec!!.. so i'm close to her!!!

I expect to get 20sec or less this summer on a real 1/4 mile track!.. here is a quick calculator for that:

if i enter the total weight including me (280lbs) with a real 6.5hp on wheel i get 20.4sec at 66mph

and... i should get closer to 66mph this summer with the WYE/DELTA contactor on the motor

When i'll switch from WYE to the DELTA mode i'll get 1.73x faster and should peak at 9kW if nothing blow!

The tail end is SMOKIN but the bike looks a bit TOP HEAVY! :D

Tail_is Smokin.jpg
Knuckles said:
The tail end is SMOKIN but the bike looks a bit TOP HEAVY! :D

:shock: I think you just redefined what is SEXY :mrgreen:

Go ahead, knock yerself out hehe
Doctorbass said:
:shock: I think you just redefined what is SEXY :mrgreen:

Now this ride is SEXY!
liveforphysics said:
I'm thinking something closer to not being able to find male riders who would be seen on something running the quarter slower than a fully loaded school bus with a sleepy driver and a bad turbo. :D

BWAHAHAA...will be interesting to see how it goes at 120v apparently thats here plan...Doc your a North American, why dont you go for a cruise round to see her and give her a run, how pissed would she be to see a electric bicycle keep up/beat her hahaha...

etard said:
Nothin sexier than a chick on a bike, I say 8)

oooh i dunno...chick on a bed naked calling my name does it for me LoL :p

Knuckles said:
I think you just redefined what is SEXY :mrgreen: a bit 'seat sniffing' went on there :-|


Apprentice Gangsta 8)
LOL, you guys are too funny.

Now I'm going to have to get some lady friends to pose on my E-bike and share the pics :)
Lock said:
Go ahead, knock yerself out hehe

Whoa, check out the melons on this one

Hyena said:
Whoa, check out the melons on this one


:-| well she doesnt have very big breastassess at all hyena ;-P
Me thinkz you should takez a ride down to Bondi get a few tarts sittin on your bike and show these North Americans what a REAL wiminez lookz like hehehe
it is actually very hard to find pics of sexy girls on electric bicycles..

anyway i found a few good pages on ebikes.. sort of OT
general ebikes-
nice offroad ebike-
chinese gymnists girls on bikes -

now not to dissapoint...



.. I cannot see an "electric bike" in those pics ??

Underneath the pink shorts you would find a dark blackish socket, as well as a reddish socket. One of them is Positive and the other Negative, but I can never remember which is which, so I usually stick it in both and see what happens.

But that is why I have kids, because I forgot the rhyme that tells you which is positive and which is negative, and thus keeps you out of trouble:

"One up the Bum - no harm done!"
Hillhater said:
.. .. I cannot see an "electric bike" in those pics ??
...maybe i am just not looking in the right spot . :shock: i will just keep looking ! :wink:

lolz yea you have to keep looking..