Gods of the Ebike


1 PW
Jul 9, 2013
Ummm.. Started out in Victoria BC Canada, then sta
Mentioned here last year:

... about M. Stanley Whittingham.

(Sorry! Doesn't count in this thread! Gotta only be those now gone to ebiker valhalla.) :)

But I might suggest Serbian-American inventor Nikola Tesla.

Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge Fellow Michael Faraday also near top of list. So, betcha there is already some list of grrls (guys listed also) famous for their contributions to ebiker nirvana? Somewhere.
ANOTHER Fellow, Scottish guy James Watt
Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta
André Marie Ampère
Georg Simon Ohm
ANOTHER Fellow, James Clerk Maxwell
Heinrich Rudolf Hertz
Guglielmo Marconi, 1st Marquis of Marconi
Hehe... bit of dark:
“Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five.”

... one might ask how many times their daughters heard similar words from their father.
(Above quote from Benny F (American Benjamin Franklin, a master of some repute, including his stable of ebikes. And other electric thingees.)

GoE Benny!
Lock, I'm with you on all the names you listed. I might add:
Carl Friedrich Gauss
Michael Faraday
Ohhh... One for the ebiker hospital (private wing, of course).

Though I understand hangin' w/Carl was a Gauss, I believe I mentioned that Mike guy in v.first message in this thread?

(Guess we can give the guy two points.)
Aside from all the electrickians we of course need a bicycle;

Kirkpatrick MacMillan

and where would we be without pneumatic tyres;

Robert William Thomson
John Boyd Dunlop
In this context, I'd definitely recommend watching Cosmos: A SpaceTime Odyssey: Season 1, Episode 10 - The Electric Boy, all about Michael Faraday,
a child of poverty who grew up to invent the motor and the generator. His ideas about electricity and discovery of magnetic fields changed the world and paved the way for future scientists to make giant strides in the world of high technology and instantaneous communication.
Amazing what he did. And yes, he's the guy credited with inventing the electric motor, so where would we be without him? A lot of e-Gods came before, but it was Faraday that made electricity usable. I bow before the altar of Michael Faraday, lite a candle and wave camphor, and laugh ha ha ho ho in adoration.
Sir Humphrey Davy would be the biggest mortal EV related God. Second to none perhaps.

His interactions and nitrous huffing with Watt and Faraday and others was the point they themselves became 'switched on' and inspired as well.
And Master Mike retains his commanding lead. Not three but FOUR mentions now. (Watt in second.) EVen Davy hired Faraday at one point as labratory assistant. And his lesser known writing "Consolations In Ebike Travel" a soon-to-be one day masterpiece.
LockH said:
And Master Mike retains his commanding lead. Not three but FOUR mentions now. (Watt in second.) EVen Davy hired Faraday at one point as labratory assistant. And his lesser known writing "Consolations In Ebike Travel" a soon-to-be one day masterpiece.

Davy's work directly enabled the others after him. Take a peek at Davy's life accomplishments. It's startling a single human being can be capable of so much.
LockH said:
And Master Mike retains his commanding lead. Not three but FOUR mentions now. (Watt in second.) EVen Davy hired Faraday at one point as labratory assistant. And his lesser known writing "Consolations In Ebike Travel" a soon-to-be one day masterpiece.

Davy's work directly enabled the others after him. Take a peek at Davy's life accomplishments. It's startling a single human being can be capable of so much.
Anon Unknown for the invention of the pedelec aka ebike handicapped to be forced to pedal and cuted off with 25km/h to be forced to peddal the 30kg ebike? faster than 25 wich not possible (like on normal bicycle) becouse its hevier and resistance of hub DD motor ect. :)
Thank u mister Anon Unknown this is by far the most advanced invention in human history. :mrgreen:
liveforphysics said:
Davy's work directly enabled the others after him. Take a peek at Davy's life accomplishments. It's startling a single human being can be capable of so much.
And yet Faraday only blossomed into the scientist he became after liberating himself from the oppressive sphere of Davy, and in no way is his work a mere elaboration, but original and most necessary for the world which emerged in his wake.
Thank the Chinese for making them mass produced, so cheap and practical. The others' contributions were around for decades or centuries, but ebikes did little more than a big goose egg until the Chinese started building hubmotored ebikes by the millions for use in Asia. No doubt that making a workforce more mobile played a big role in China's leap forward in prominence in the past decade plus.
Hey MJ. Mass produced? Check.
"Cheap"? Check.
"Practical"? ...

If I recall my Physics 101, physically speaking, the heavier a mass, the more energy needed to start from zero RPMs/speedup, and to escape gravity (up hills). Yes?

And recently China elected to phase out lead? (As used in betteries, eg seen on the electrific bicycle.)

NA folks have been terming some made-in-china bikes "scooters". A certain design that harkens back to the Vespa et al. And some eg riding the pedal-only antique Victorian-era bi-cycle are maybe less than impressed.

`Round here it may be an "issue" for some at least. Many rolling around "scooter" style are often not EVen from the same/established bike "community". For some the vestigal pedals are just an "inconvenience". A "legality". (Without regarding the advantages in electric traction to pedal from starts and to assist up hills, aka "smooth the spikes".)

Anyway. Just sayin'. Some may be less than impressed w/China-made design.

(PS. "MJ" = Master John)
Frenchman Gustave Pierre Trouvé.
LockH said:
Hey MJ. Mass produced? Check. "Cheap"? Check....
....Anyway. Just sayin'. Some may be less than impressed w/China-made design.

I've seen Chinese manufacturing do some very amazing things and some very crappy things. It all seems to be tied back to the description and understanding the objective of the product. IMHO, we should be constantly bringing products back onshore. I dream of a day when more than 60% of the parts of an ebike are made onshore....

Oh, and one more thing:
LockH said:
Hey MJ. Mass produced? Check.
"Cheap"? Check.
"Practical"? ...

If I recall my Physics 101, physically speaking, the heavier a mass, the more energy needed to start from zero RPMs/speedup, and to escape gravity (up hills). Yes?

And recently China elected to phase out lead? (As used in betteries, eg seen on the electrific bicycle.)

NA folks have been terming some made-in-china bikes "scooters". A certain design that harkens back to the Vespa et al. And some eg riding the pedal-only antique Victorian-era bi-cycle are maybe less than impressed.

`Round here it may be an "issue" for some at least. Many rolling around "scooter" style are often not EVen from the same/established bike "community". For some the vestigal pedals are just an "inconvenience". A "legality". (Without regarding the advantages in electric traction to pedal from starts and to assist up hills, aka "smooth the spikes".)

Anyway. Just sayin'. Some may be less than impressed w/China-made design.

(PS. "MJ" = Master John)

Ahh, but don't let the known-corrupt bumbling fool lawmakers harm causing BS prevent you from appreciating a functional lightweight electric vehicle my friend. With or without pedals, and with or without some scooter shaped body plastics, it's still a radically more sustainable and practical human transportation option than perhaps anything else, even your own feet.

I spent many hours last week cycling in moving seas of electric scooter/ebikes in China. I like it much better than cycling in large groups of non-electric bicycles, even though I was on a pedal-only roadbike myself. Also, they put the bulk of the scooter to good use! I saw whole families, with there groceries all riding on the same one together many times.

In the USA that would likely be some D-bag in a multi-thousand pound steel cage of death that pukes carcinogens in your face as it goes by. Welcome the e-scooter, it's a radically better alternative. The fact corrupt moronic lawmakers have an issue with them should be more proof they are a good positive thing for the world rather than a deterrent from the use of a radically better-than-cars/suvs viable human transportation option.
liveforphysics said:
Ahh, but don't let the known-corrupt bumbling fool lawmakers harm causing BS prevent you from appreciating a functional lightweight electric vehicle my friend. With or without pedals, and with or without some scooter shaped body plastics, it's still a radically more sustainable and practical human transportation option than perhaps anything else, even your own feet.

"radically more sustainable and practical human transportation option" and "radically better alternative." Et cetera.

Totally agree Oh Master (capital "M" - and sorry about the Latin).

Time will tell whether "China style" vs "Euro style" will prevail in terms of reliability and ease of use? And in my `hood, it may not only be the lawmakers that are "moronic". (Many addicted to the gas/diseasal horseless carriage, and some on two wheels already "expert" at fending off constant attacks, so sharing "their" bike lanes w/ larger vehicles... they are not thrilled.)
"whether "China style" vs "Euro style" will prevail in terms of reliability and ease of use? "
... add exercise to above list. (Maybe see also "Health Club" mship fees saved per year.)

ED: King Billy (William Gilbert, a med guy working for Queen Liz One. See also the effects of the lodestone and electrica.)
Style isn't relevant to my point. I find the vast majority of the ebikes they were building to be ghastly from a style standpoint. China developed ebikes to a point where they made a huge beneficial impact on their economy.

Regarding style, comparing Euro to China is silly, since China will quickly come around to what people want in terms of style. The pricing of the Euro stuff will make their stuff irrelevant, because multi-K Euro pricing makes ebikes just a niche market. China pricing is the route to broad use. Don't be fooled by the early export stuff where people who didn't know any better imported bottom of the barrel cheap stuff in an attempt to make a quick buck.