Going to talk shop at Golden Motor USA Friday - Questions?


100 W
Sep 15, 2008
Hey fellas, been away from the forums for a long time, but I randomly ran into Phil who's a rep for Golden Motor USA here in Scottsdale and realized they have a facility right down the street from me. I'm going to go up there to check it out tomorrow, I'd be happy to take any questions/suggestions you guys may have up with me. So, what would you like to ask/tell the folks at Golden Motor?
Are they going to carry some real inventory stateside with China prices plus the proportional share of sea shipping, or are they just using the GM name with a big layer of profit to warehouse stateside? When can we expect 5C or better lithium packs for $.50/wh or less with shipping from stateside?
icecube57 said:
Get rid of that POS black GM regen controller.

do you have a model number/name?

John, I'm not sure I understand your warehousing question exactly. I'll def find out the scope of their operation stateside, but from what I understand already they're looking to do design and distribution from the US, not sure about manufacturing. The guy I spoke with last week said the owner is here from China (if i remember correctly) and it seems like it is/will be a full-scale operation. I will ask about their plans on battery specs and prices for the forseeable future.
I would, in general, like to see some reliable documentation (max and continuous controller current draw, etc).

Another thing I'd like to see would be a heavy duty geared hub motor that can take some serious off-road use (minor jumping, etc) without worrying so much about stripped planetary gear sets.

Oh, and I want a 3 pound 100ah 10C LifePo4 battery that will fit inside any frame for no more than 50 USD...