GOOD PC, Online, PS4 Games


100 TW
Jan 9, 2014
Canada and the USA
Please list some of the better games you have played in the past 5-10 years.

I have been playing World of Tanks (online PC) for awhile now. I like the realism the game offers. Also I get really into it, I find myself emotionally connected to the game. I get upset one when someone explodes my tank, and I say "Boo Yaa" when I explode their tank. I spent money to upgrade my video card for WoT. I spent another $200 over-all on the game to speed my way up the ladder of tanks. Right now I have about 16 garage spots for my tanks, will probably get 4 more parking spots and stay around the Tier 5 mark. I read World of Tanks GURU as well for tips and insights into the type of tank I play. At first I loved the speedy ones, until I learned there is no real joy in that other then ramming other tanks. I like to play Medium Tanks or Heavy Tanks so I always have a few speedy ones on hand, never really got into Arty but I can see the fun in it for sure.

I have a new PS4 system, but never play it much. Bought it for the kids this past xmas, but they seem to not play it. What are some of the best games out there for PS4.

I am on the computer all the time, so PC games are another option. I used to absolutely love the simulation games like the original SIMCITY, and there was a train one I loved, Railroad Tycoon also the Kingdom/Quest games. Kingdom Quest, Police Quest. That alien exploration/fight game forget the name. Sometimes I wished I kept those games around.

Are there any reputable companies out there that you can rent games from, perhaps online, like the original days of Netflix I believe it was where they sent you discs in the mail. Blockbuster you used to be able to rent games, but those video rental stores are long gone now. I will roam the pawn shops to see what they have on offer and what the price break is. $70 is a ton of money for a game.
I would sell it as soon as possible, i used to game but i think its a waste of time ;D
Anyway for the PC i loved oblivion, elder scrolls, and fallout
Jihaddi John started early on war games. he loved Duke Nukem and now he gets to live the part in real life too.

it really is no wonder there is no interest in tinkering with stuff that guys once did now that they can be totally immersed in war games. nobody reads books or does their math, physics and chemistry homework anymore.
Adam Lanza liked computer games too. A "What's a good assault rifle?" thread is probably coming soon.
Pfff.. i'm 32.. i play games maybe 10-12 hours a week and get my work done.. Hell, i started working at 14 years old and played games like crazy since i was 4 years old. Still got shit done..
That argument about violent video games promoting violence is BS. Video games got dramatically more violent and realistic in the 1990's, and violent crimes, murders etc have inversely continued to drop.. violent games are an excellent outlet for redirecting male aggression. It's kinda like the equivalent of watching porn. Better to use that as an outlet, than go seek out a prostitute or cheat on your wife, no?

The difference between your average gamer and school shooters always tends to be psych meds. These shooters are without fail, on some kind of antidepressant with dissociative, personality and emotion altering effects. Homocidal ideation is listed as a side effect in tiny prints, particularly in SSRI type drugs.. the tricyclics that the columbine kids were on were not pretty in that regard either:

I was still in my teens when the Columbine shootings happened. I played games as violent, if not more so than what the Columbine kids played. It was a FANTASTIC way to vent off the frustration and fear of living in an abusive home. I've never physically hurt a person in my entire life.. the majority of gamers will not either.. just understand that this is a coping mechanism. We all have our coping mechanisms, no? my wife's coping mechanism is listening to some really dark death metal and eating craptons of sugar.. her mom prefers to down an entire bottle of wine and pass out for the night.. way better than virtually shooting some virtual people in a virtual world, right? :p
Okay, back on topic.

For games, i've been a playstation fanboy for a long time, but it feels like PC is the better platform. I'm skipping the PS4 entirely.. as it's not a big stretch to build a more powerful PC for the same $.

If you're not hip to using Steam as your main spot for buying PC games, you're missing out.. it's kind of like the walmart or amazon of the videogame marketplace. They have a sale every season where games can go for up to 90% off.. we should be having a spring sale any time now.

I'm a RPG, oldschool gaming, and simulation nerd who doesn't play online games ( too much of a time sucker ), so these are my single player picks:

Fallout 1,2,3, new vegas.. ( best RPG series ever in my opinion )
Pixel Piracy ( quirky, lots of fun )
Shadowrun Returns ( excellent turn based strategy set in a cyberpunk world )
Broforce ( fun, twitchy pixel-retro shooter )
Cities XL ( Buy it on sale, if you are twitching for some Simcity-esque action )
Deadlight ( Great 2d zombie platformer )
Double Dragon Neon ( fighting game remake done VERY well on the PC.. )
Elder Scrolls: Skyrim ( this should be obvious.. :) )
Intrusion 2 ( Fun platformer, similar to metal slug, but a bit deeper )
PixelJunk monsters Ultimate ( best tower defense game in my opinion.. hawaiian themed )
Borderlands ( if you like that shooter and RPG fusion, this game hits the nail on the head sorta like fallout 3 does )
RAGE ( think Borderlands, but more of a shooter than an RPG. )
Terraria ( Basically 2d single player minecraft, all the minecraft action without the inherent addiction of online gaming. )
Tropico series ( It's simcity, communism edition, lol.. )
Unepic ( 2d rpg platformer.. if you like castlevania:symphony of the night, or the later 2d metroid games, you'll like this.. it's deep. )
Need for speed: hot pursuit ( if you've ever played the 'burnout' series on playstation, this game will be very familiar. I'm not really into racing games, but this is excellent )
Legend of Grimrock ( ever played dungeon master, back in the day? this is kind of a remake.. a dungeon crawler with a nod to early RPG games.. )
Goat simulator ( Goofy as hell; it will make you feel like a 6 year old.. guaranteed )
Capsized ( really cool platformer in an alien world, similar to solar jetman on the NES )
Rogue Legacy ( you just need to play it.. )
Super Trench attack! ( 2d RPG army game with a fun sense of humor, definite nod to the SNES era )
Wasteland 2 ( have not played yet, but it's made by the same folks who invented Fallout.. can't go wrong )
Skyrim, with all the DLC. Also, find the DLC mods for it.
We'll see you next fall. :mrgreen:

When that gets maddening, try Goat Simulator. Awesome stress relief.

If you haven't tried Portal and Portal 2, Do. The game is great, but the writing and voice acting is over the top. GLaDOS: Okay. Look. We both said a lot of things that you're going to regret. But I think we can put our differences behind us. For science. You monster.
Actually, plays these before Skyrim. There is sort of a tie in.

Tropico 4. skip the new one, 5 sucks, but 4 was both fun and humorous.
If you're not hip to using Steam as your main spot for buying PC games, you're missing out.. it's kind of like the walmart or amazon of the videogame marketplace. They have a sale every season where games can go for up to 90% off.. we should be having a spring sale any time now.

Whats the interweb addy?
Do me and my friends a favor and buy a copy of Secret Ponchos. Out on PS4, soon to be out on steam:

Or play one of Relic's games, like Company of Heroes or Dawn of War.

Of course, the fact that I work for Relic Entertainment and used to work for Switchblade Monkeys has nothing to do with these suggestions ;)
I started playing video games back in the C64/Amiga days. Did the phreaking thing to help spread the warez and get them as well.
I remember the group I was in at the time got duke nukem before everyone else. Ahh the good ole days.

Last 7 years played a MMO eve online like it was going out of style then just got burnt out on any games. Everything seemed to similar.

I'm buying the commercial version of the oculus rift and will give them another shot. I think that tech is going to make
all the difference. Just need them to release a consumer version.

My kids tho can not get enough. +1 to the "if your not using steam you are missing out" comment. The license tracking
alone makes steam worth it.

Here's to hoping VR changes everything.
Agreed, games/tv are guilty pleasure, so balance is needed.
I might check out AC or witcher, heard alot about them.
For me though a good game only comes once or twice a decade prob like Descent2/halflife2/fallout3/ ?

There's been others like bioshock, crysis, portal, but they're all pretty much sub 10hr playthrus.
For me fallout3 really takes the cake, a perfect rpg flavor in a shooter. Get direct options and results of being good or evil, and the open world is the most open I know of.
No doubt for me FA4 will make this decade!
I just spent a good 12 hours playing World of Tanks on the internet. After about 7000 games, I finally downloaded the "mods" for the game.
The PS4 I havent touched. Its for my brothers kids, you should see the toys they have. Then you times it by 3, for my brothers house and his ex wives house...full of toys.
I used to play those game consoles years ago, the Xbox. Broke my leg in Kelowna and sat on the couch all day for days on end playing Tony Hawks Skateboard and finished it. I will sometimes browse the stores that sell those games, they are expensive! They also have the Wii U, and the Wii. Thats collecting dust.
I am currently recovering from a bad spill on the ebike, crashed hard on the apshalt, got bruises. Thats why I killed 12 hours. Been like this for 2 days now. Really sore.
Well get better soon! -Yep games are pretty good for those times. I've put an interesting documentary on utube and just play windows minesweeper till I can't see strait. The multitasking is a perfect balance sometimes.

I haven't had or played console in about 20years. Pc for me. More universal, and less share/design/control limitations.

Maybe check out 'limbo' as a 5$ tiny sized shortish highly original game. I was playing it last time I got laid out.
PS/ the best 'experience' on this one is a dark room with good volume on the game. So well done to freak ya out.
I was listening to the Rogan 'Experience' and they ended up on 'gaming' during the normal weed fueled random conversation fun. I immediately got the impression of the above game 'LIMBO', but was fairly certain they were talking about something new.

First, I totally recommend Limbo as a one day get-away type thing, VS the practical 'lifestyle' that comes with most mass online games. It's a work of art and there's value in a 10hr game VS a 100hr game like Fallout too.

Anyway, turns out the highly touted game is by the same peeps - Play Dead. Similar almost dystopian theatrical artistic style, and I'm about to give it a shot. Steam prob has a demo if you don't have a friend to lend, but I'd still recommend 'Limbo' first for this 'genre' if you haven't already.

The huge thing that's refreshing is there are minimal physical control needed. There's some timing, but it's nothing like FPS or the days of Descent trichording I've been used to. It's more like an experience.

For PS4, I'd recommend all of the following:

-Dark Souls series/Bloodborne
-Mad Max
-Wasteland 2
-Fallout 4
-Final Fantasy XV

I have yet to devote the time necessary to beat all of them excepting Mad Max, and have other priorities, but each of them is interesting in its own right. Mad Max was a very mediocre game, yet at the same time it was fun to play and didn't require 50+ hours to finish, and I recommend it just on that basis alone.

The Souls series is what got me back into gaming in 2010 after games started getting too easy and boring to me in the early 2000s. It's a delightfully bleak action RPG series that provides a meaningful challenge and has tons of charm. When I had the spare time back in September, I enjoyed Dark Souls III. The best feature about this series is the ability to invade the worlds of other players and kill them as they are traversing through the dungeon. It has an online component, but you don't need it active in order to progress.

Fallout 4 is pretty much self explanatory, although Fallout: New Vegas surpassed Fallout 4, IMO.

Wasteland 2 is a very niche title with a lot of depth. You are forced to compromise what you want your created characters to be good at, but the options for interacting with the game world are varied and immersive. If I had the time, I could easily see myself sinking hundreds of hours into it just to see all the different facets of its world. The balance is great on the hardest difficulty setting, but it is not for everyone. I haven't beaten it yet.

Final Fantasy XV has left an impression. This series was a childhood favorite of mine, my personal favorite titles in the series being 6 and 7. These games are interactive artwork more than they are games. I've been disappointed since FFX, having tried each one since only to get bored/annoyed after the first few minutes, mainly due to the diminishing interactive aspect of the art(A Madden football game has more RPG elements than FFXIII, and if I wanted to see a constant barrage of scripted cinema scenes, I'd watch a movie). Then this FFXV came along and renewed my interest in this series. I'm still only 7 hours in, but bought it shortly after the launch date. It is sort of an anti-FFXIII, other than the fact that the characters still annoy me, but I can forgive that flaw, because this game has an insane amount of attention to detail and the map is about 5x the size of GTAV's, most of it which I haven't seen yet. It's sort of a Japanese version of The Witcher 3, in a highly unique setting and world.

I also recommend highly the Shin Megami Tensei series and the Persona series, even though they are outside the scope of this topic. It's basically an X-rated Pokemon with demons. The occult wisdom contained within will have you studying their bibliographies with enthusiasm should you seek to enter that rabbit hole...
My newest great game on the PC is Steam is called Terrorhedron, its a thinking mans game, like Desktop Tower Defense which is a free flash game. I rarely pay $5 for any game, so this game I can assue is a few dollars at most.

I got about 40 games on Steam now, so its hard to tell which games I played, so I have decided to type a description next to the title. And I am trying to come up with game genre's for the folders. I tend to lean toward the thinking mans game, rather then blow 'em up type games.

I like world of tanks because it has some historical significance, I dont know how close they are to the real thing.
I am trying to get off World of Tanks, its like heroin to a junky but I find the maps are changing fast enough. The newest is the Paris map then the next one after that will be Paris with snow or debris. Another reason is I am not making much progress since I am in Tier 6, 7 and 8 tanks. Plus I seem to be playing fast light tanks. I may top out at tier 6 and limit my playing.
markz said:
I like world of tanks because it has some historical significance, I dont know how close they are to the real thing.
I am trying to get off World of Tanks, its like heroin to a junky but I find the maps are changing fast enough. The newest is the Paris map then the next one after that will be Paris with snow or debris. Another reason is I am not making much progress since I am in Tier 6, 7 and 8 tanks. Plus I seem to be playing fast light tanks. I may top out at tier 6 and limit my playing.

That game is like crack; Instant gratification. I'm too old to be competitive at FPS games. Heck, My 16 year old nephew says he's gotten to old to still be competitive at FPS games. :mrgreen: But World of tanks is full of nice slow tanks. players have time to think before they shoot. The action takes place in a couple of seconds, instead of a couple thousandths of a second, so old folks like me can actually see the enemy before being shot full of holes.
I got 90+ hours in for the Steam game Terrorhedron, not sure if thats actually playing or just having the game on, at the main menu, which is what I think its counting. I am also replaying Desktop Tower Defense which is a flash game online. Weaning myself off World of Tanks, may try Armoured Warfare.

Currently finished all beginner and easy levels for each course for Terrorhedron, I am working on the 2nd course for hard level. And man oh man is it......well.........................hard.