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Grim News on the Oil Front!

deronmoped said:
How can anyone in their right mind not be pro-nuclear?

Living in the PEP (plume exposure pathway) zone of an originally designed for 40 years BWR-4 (boiling water reactor) now entering it's 41st year and just relicensed for another 20, can give one pause on being "pro-nuclear".
they are gonna restart one, and leave the other with the damaged steam tubes until it is fixed. honda is offering a $3k CNG credit card with a new 2012 CNG civic. it would be even better if they offered a free home philling compressor instead like they once did.
Kurt said:
Not to sure about that. Yes its a huge area in each of the energy hungry country's . But 1/2 the earths land mass :? the earths a massive place and the sun is one crazy powerful free charger .

I really wish I could find the actual figures. I'm fairly sure they were worked out by a U.S. physicist on a program by Brian Cox (also a physicist) about trying to meet the Earth's energy demands with nuclear fusion.

The total figures were huge, but the rate of building/installation required were even more daunting.
So if your against nuclear energy,

then you want the Sun shut down,

just to be consistent in your argument.

Please turn off Foxnews for a couple of months, and read this instead: http://enenews.com/.

If you want to help the nuclear cause, Tepco is in dire need of people to work on their Fukushima disaster. Maybe you could help them develop the technology to handle this disaster, as they are quick to point that that technology doesn't exist today. So please volunteer six months over at the Fukushima plants and report back how that is working for you.
Its too easy to look at nuclear energy from the negative perspective. Naysayers :roll:
Why did gas powered vehicles take off instead of batteries, obviously the technology was still in its infancy and the future effects were, well, in the future.
Look at the damage oil has done to the environment and still is.
If governments and industry spent more on funding nuclear and energy storage than the did on oil and coal where would we be now.
Looking forward, hopefully if i have grandchildren, to joking with them about petrol cars, what you mean the fuel exploded and nearly all the energy was given as heat to the environment joking me, right!?

Nothing comes anywhere near nuclear for its yield, even harnessing the energy of the weak forces within atoms which scientists are making breakthroughs with now, with LENR.

Most of the other renewable technology at the moment are toys in comparison.
Look at the size of say a 2MW wind turbine for example and the issues with a generator up at 80m+.
compared with a possible 2MW LENR in a container on the ground.
Also too much reliance on centralised energy generation still, even solar and wind obviously can't service base loads we need technology breakthroughs with energy storage like batteries and supercaps in decentralised energy generation whichis scaleable and more personal responsibility with pay as you go and penalties for lack of energy management, probably the biggest chunk of the other edge of the sword, massive waste all the way through society.
I work in the energy industry and dealt with solar. I managed solar installations for a while. I
mentioned to a client he needed an energy audit, that his usage history was 3x average.
He said that's ok ive got 10kW of solar now.
What can someone reply to that, when the wife's using the dryer when the sun's out and the aircon is on all sectors at 18 degC. Thyve got 2 cars in the drive and 1 is old and blowing smoke :?
Fridge size safe neuks hopefully are coming soon all the nuclear activity happens within the reaction for a few grams of nickel and pelletized hydrogen, kick start once in a while.
IBScootn said:
Please turn off Foxnews for a couple of months, and read this instead: http://enenews.com/.

I can't quite work out what that site is. There's not much info about it on google, no explanation I could see on the site itself. Just lots of video links with sensational headlines. It'd be easy to mistake it for a scaremongering site...
DrkAngel said:
A scary article about the Worlds future, Oil wise.

Can the World Survive the Impending Oil Crisis?

There will NEVER be an OIL CRISIS, at least not one created within the Earth. The fact is, Crude Oil is created in the Earth just as Lava and Salt.

Repeating Oil Crisis like a Parrot does not make it so.

You need to educate yourself on the PETROL DOLLAR. Find out why countries like IRAQ, LIBYA, and IRAN stopped excepting the U.S. DOLLAR for trade in OIL. Find out WHY U.S. INC is preparing to create and wage WWIII.

Fact is,if people would devote half the Miles they Commute to Electric, that would blow-away the Speculators and Gasoline would be back to $1.25 per gallon.

Do You want to prepare for the "Up Coming Oil Crisis"? Do not participate in spreading the lie.


Do not read past this line if your TV PROGRAMMING is always right and you've lost all common sense.

People speak of FREEDOM, yet they voluntarily participate through consent, registration and ignorance as 'Legal Persons' to the CITY OF LONDON Corporations known as UNITED STATES, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, etc. In fact, “There are no Governments only Corporations”. If you claim to be a CITIZEN, PERSON, INDIVIDUAL or RESIDENT within their documentation, you are giving consent to be treated as an employee or beneficiary of the Corporation under the Trade & Commerce Codes.

see youtube: Season of Treason Full
see youtube: Santos Bonacci Reclaiming Dominion
see youtube: Ring of Power ~ Empire of the City
deronmoped said:
What do you think makes all life possible on this planet. Nuclear radiation.

The Universe and our SUN is Electric. Dogma within the School Systems and Universities teach about the Fraud that is "nuclear fusion".

People need to get back to the understanding of Electrical and away from the modern day losses found in the teaching of Electronics.

See YouTube: Thunderbolts Of The Gods

"These are just my opinions, if you don't like them I have others."
Wow! ...
Conspiracy nuts shouldn't interbreed with flat earthers ... ?
schpankme said:
deronmoped said:
What do you think makes all life possible on this planet. Nuclear radiation.

The Universe and our SUN is Electric. Dogma within the School Systems and Universities teach about the Fraud that is "nuclear fusion".

People need to get back to the understanding of Electrical and away from the modern day losses found in the teaching of Electronics.

See YouTube: Thunderbolts Of The Gods

"These are just my opinions, if you don't like them I have others."

When the energy measured in nuclear reactions is expressed by eV, eg GeV etc, due to the alteration of in atomic bonds, i can't see how the statement regarding electricity can be wrong.
schpankme said:
The fact is, Crude Oil is created in the Earth just as Lava and Salt.

I was intrigued by this *hypothesis* a few years ago. Sadly, there isn't a shred of evidence to support, nor anyone else promoting it apart from the creator. Just some wild rumors about secret Russian deep wells that defy belief.
Yeh reckon Myth Busters would soon debunk that one.
That's why we have earthquakes, no lube down there :D
Just plenty of free heat which could power the planet forever.
Punx0r said:
schpankme said:
The fact is, Crude Oil is created in the Earth just as Lava and Salt.

I was intrigued by this *hypothesis* a few years ago. Sadly, there isn't a shred of evidence to support, nor anyone else promoting it apart from the creator. Just some wild rumors about secret Russian deep wells that defy belief.

Now wait a minute, what are you disputing? Put enough organic material in the ground, get enough of the right bacteria to work on it, you have enough oil. If we scaled back to less than 10% of our current coal and oil use, the earth could make enough that we'd never run out. (Sigh.)
Could make syngas, might be easier and just as :twisted: could be a biblical theme conspiracy theory here too with the abbreviation.
Dauntless said:
Put enough organic material in the ground, get enough of the right bacteria to work on it, you have enough oil. (Sigh.)
Good point!
In fact, the human race has been carefully burying "organic material", for centuries!
Also, this could make a dent in "free carbon".
Just gotta step it up!

Plant another 7 billion ...

No more oil crisis!
No more pollution!
No more deforestation!
No more war!

A big win for the entire planet!

A 99.44% cure.
Dont have to wait for the oil.
Just stick some pipes in the dump and run on the methane.
Most peoples needs are so wasteful.
What dyou reckon, i would say 90% IMO
megacycle said:
Most peoples needs are so wasteful.
What dyou reckon, i would say 90% IMO
That is one of my pet peeves.
Misused and overused by the vast majority.

Anyone with teenagers has seen the "need" affliction.
"I need $3000 for school clothes!"
"I need an ipod!"
"I need to go to this party."
"I need a tattoo."
"I neeb anober tongueb stub."

Sadly, "need" is the type of hyperbole that I just can't stomach.

Children must be explained the difference between need and want.
Hopefully this should carry them on through adulthood.
Sometime ... Soon? ... Society as a whole must come to realize the difference.
Dauntless said:
Now wait a minute, what are you disputing? Put enough organic material in the ground, get enough of the right bacteria to work on it, you have enough oil. If we scaled back to less than 10% of our current coal and oil use, the earth could make enough that we'd never run out. (Sigh.)

I assume you're referring to this?


As opposed to the established theory of petroleum formation: organic material subject to intense heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over many millions of year.
DrkAngel said:
megacycle said:
Most peoples needs are so wasteful.
What dyou reckon, i would say 90% IMO
That is one of my pet peeves.
Misused and overused by the vast majority.

Anyone with teenagers has seen the "need" affliction.
"I need $3000 for school clothes!"
"I need an ipod!"
"I need to go to this party."
"I need a tattoo."
"I bo neeb a tongueb stub."

Sadly, "need" is the type of hyperbole that I just can't stomach.

Children must be explained the difference between need and want.
Hopefully this should carry them on through adulthood.
Sometime ... Soon? ... Society as a whole must come to realize the difference.

This would be my number 1 peeve, there's no accounting for quite a few people,
ive been guilty myself, in the past, so i shoudnt harp on.

Its just a good job IMO, governments are on the conservation bandwagon, otherwise i reckon about this point now we could have already been done for.

I looks like 2 out of 3 of my children get the message,
problem is 1 can negate several times the improvement made by 1 fairly enlightend child.

Australia, i find, is seemingly a bit behind, it waits for the major changes to be implemented elsewhere and then slowly adopts.
It comes across as so cool to act dumb bravado, f@#% the environment, when so much invention comes out of here in the contrary.
But from what i see of people trying hard eg they act nonchalent but put their rubbish in the right bin.
Talk about stupid V8's and drive an economical vehicle and use public transport more.
Eg every year we have the Clipsal, yawning, same bogan BS, an electrical company now taken over by Schnider, an international, thank god, might see change, major sponsor of fuel guzzling event, dont get me wrong im full into racing, wouldn't be on the forum otherwise, but if they raced ev's i reckon could be one of the biggest racing venues ever IMO.

My rant for the day over by :lol:
Dauntless said:
They do that. People don't appreciate the effort that goes into recovering wastes. But it bings such a small percentage of our needs.
So true!
Take an average American, bury him 1 mile down, let him percolate, with the right bacteria, for 100 million years ...
and we'd be lucky to get .1 barrels of crude oil back!

Compare this to his 1000+ barrels consumed!

(The USA annually consumes more than 22 barrels of crude, per capita-person)
Punx0r said:
Dauntless said:
Now wait a minute, what are you disputing? Put enough organic material in the ground, get enough of the right bacteria to work on it, you have enough oil. If we scaled back to less than 10% of our current coal and oil use, the earth could make enough that we'd never run out. (Sigh.)

I assume you're referring to this?


As opposed to the established theory of petroleum formation: organic material subject to intense heat and pressure in the Earth's crust over many millions of year.

Actually I'm confused at what you're saying. I'm referring to the prevailing postulate that the earth creates oil from the wastes of bacteria feeding on organic material underground. Or from the algae experiment. Of course there's the psychoreligious types who insist the world was created fairly recently compared to geologic theories, that all the oil and coal was there when the world was created and we don't get no more.

A mineable vein of coal is supposed to take as little as 2,100 years, oil considerably longer. But give the planet enough time and it'll produce it.

And before any creationists decide to blow their stacks, just let me say I grew up in Catholic school, where we were taught the Darwin Theory as the official position of the church because 'The Lord works in the ways of nature.' We were supposed to take scientific explanations as 'Oh, so THAT is how he did it.' Really aggravating to my mother, who would really rather be a creationist.