Hub motor with built in batteries.


100 W
Dec 10, 2012
I found this on kickstarter:

Haven't seen it around the forum before, so I'm sorry if it's already been posted.

I love the idea of everything being inside the hub though.
"...Bike+ is able to automatically provide assistance and to recover energy, such in a way that will never be necessary to recharge it"

Bullshit :D
Well, let's see...

No rear brake, mono-geared, minimal battery capacity, and except for downhills it's a lot of work to pedal because your legs are the extremely inefficient charger.

Probably not going to catch on, IMHO...
Bike + is able to assist the cyclist when he needs more help without discharging completely the
system by capitalizing on the efficiency gaps of the human body, as well as the recovered energy,
for example by braking or slope. Above all the system decreases the human effort by an optimal
use of the system energy.
How is this possible? Thanks to a fine calibration work of the control system and to the metabolic
studies conducted on the human body.

:shock: HAHAHAHA what load of.. :roll:
Sorta like the Copenhagen wheel without a charger port.

Tons of "sales engineering" it seems to me....

This is the ticket for built in batteries as long as you don't have to peddle mountains.