Hyena's e-bike builds (now with HD video)

I love cartoons!

So, are you trying to say you are bi-curious?
I already knew that. :roll: :mrgreen:

D3O stuff really works and it's light. I got some recently for racing. Mostly against sharp rocks and such. Not for commuting. Won't save a wrist either.
Rix said:
Jay, I know your a good rider, hell when I was following you on the Bomber and you almost crashed into those trees and bushes on the Yosemite ride, a lesser rider would have ate shit big time. BTW, did that come out the go pro?
I believe it did, along with me making excuses for why it happened in the first place :lol:
Ill find the footage and upload it tonight. As part of the 'hyena can't ride for shit' series I'll see if I can dig up some old cds (low res VCD format from back in the day) of me stacking a postie bike and seriously breaking my wrist.

Got the package delivery slip today, will get it on the way to you tomorrow
Awesome, thanks mate! I'm looking forward to testing version XX of my new high powered set up. Errr, when I get this plaster off atleast...
I might have to pay the local moto shop a few bucks to fit the tyre for now, I'll have bucklies of fitting a tough moto tyre with one hand in plaster.

full-throttle said:
So, are you trying to say you are bi-curious?
I already knew that.
No I believe YOU were suggesting that. Sorry I'm not, but I believe Aussie Jester is. If you fly him across from Perth I'm sure he'd make it worth your while and give you your moneys worth :p
I'm BIKE FURIOUS !!!11one :mrgreen:

remf said:
Both. My tests have been similar to these
Nice, someone needs to make a video testing a cheap chinese knock off version. Lulz to ensue, I'm sure.
Rix said:
when I was following you on the Bomber and you almost crashed into those trees and bushes

Here's the clip, not very exciting though.
And here's a screen grab of the 'oh shit' moment


It's probably not that clear but my original direction of travel is indicated by the tyre mark at the bottom third of the shot. With the front wheel off the ground the bike pitched sideways and started to lay over, also making it difficult to get off the throttle. This further pulled me into a turn and with the 50+ kg weight of the bomber it was hard to recover and I was fighting against centrifugal force. It was all said and done in 2 seconds but it's one of those slow motion kinda moments when riding. If nothing else it's a good example of me not always crashing :p

Glad it came out on the go pro, but, it really doesn't convey how close that crash was. I thought for sure you would be one with the trees. As far as wrist go, I used to snow board. I got the idea of wrapping duct tape around my wrist at the joint to the hands from a guy who was always breaking his wrists on the mountain. It works. Take some duct tape and wrap around the wrists 3 times or so. You can still brake your wrists but it will be harder to do so. Heal fast my friend so you can get back to riding :D .

Yeah I think the real secret is training yourself to overcome the instinct to throw your hands out when you fall. It's annoying though, I've had harder falls (one I hit the road hard and slide along the palms of my hands chewing through 2 layers of leather in my gloves) and walked away injury free. The time I broke my wrist on the postie bike was the most trivial of falls and yet I did the worst damage and needed major surgery.

Anyway here's another vid from my US trip, buzzing around on a 2012 zero
Pod racers, start your engines :mrgreen:

25mph officer :p
Nah I wasnt going fast most of the time, I didnt know the road at all + it wasnt my bike. I was regularly doing 40-50 and topped out around 60-70.
Looking back at the footage myself I thought a couple of times "cmon stick the boot in!" :lol:

I noticed on youtube the other day they've shuffled things around a little and now invite you to upload a trailer for your youtube channel to go on your home page. It was a rainy day here yesterday so I spent a chunk of it making this, 2 hours of which was making the opening title!
As a total fluke the youtube selected thumbnail happens to be the same shot as my ES avatar! What are the chances of that in a 3.5m video!! (OK I'll tell you, 1/6300)

25 my ass :twisted: . Hah hah. The one reason why I don't have a road bike is I cant keep it anywhere near the speed limit. 25=50, 70=140 and so on. Nowadays that could cost me my job. Great vid, thats the best Hyena products advertisement video ever. Makes me want to spend money I don't have. Bought me a beat up Karpiel Disco Volanted DH frame and swingarm. Not going to make an ebike out of it, going to use it as a basis for an adjustable jig for a custom Ebike frame. Since I don't know shit about CAD, I got to use someone elses geomitry for for head tube to seat tube to bottom bracket tube relationship. The Karpiel has an inch longer top tube from seat post to head tube than my Bomber. I like that. This is going to be this winter's project, provided I get a house with a shop that is. The designe will be a cross between trellis and unibody. No design infringments if you know what I mean.

Hyena said:
25mph officer :p
Nah I wasnt going fast most of the time, I didnt know the road at all + it wasnt my bike. I was regularly doing 40-50 and topped out around 60-70.
Looking back at the footage myself I thought a couple of times "cmon stick the boot in!" :lol:

I noticed on youtube the other day they've shuffled things around a little and now invite you to upload a trailer for your youtube channel to go on your home page. It was a rainy day here yesterday so I spent a chunk of it making this, 2 hours of which was making the opening title!
As a total fluke the youtube selected thumbnail happens to be the same shot as my ES avatar! What are the chances of that in a 3.5m video!! (OK I'll tell you, 1/6300)

The trailer is bloody marvelous. Well done, Hyena
Thanks guys, not a wasted half day then :p

Ken, could get by on a XP aged machine with low res but 720p will struggle and you can forget doing 1080p.
New PCs are pretty cheap these days though, I built a new box specifically with HD video editing in mind (because really you could get by with a tablet for doing just about anyway else) and it only cost a grand and that's with a small SSD + a few TB of storage
Yeah hardware is cheap, I just prolonged the dinosaurs life by putting a 120mm fan in the drive bay 'cos it kept blue screening with overheating. Ms movie maker with win 8 or whatever on a new machine would be a good option I guess.
SSD is very choice for OS drive hey :) super fast boot up?
pendragon8000 said:
SSD is very choice for OS drive hey :) super fast boot up?
Yeah pretty quick, though I rarely turn it off so it's not a big consideration. I have the OS and main software on there and was using it for editing my vids too but it was creating multiple temp files of 1-3gb and a time for every clip in the sequence I was editing and quickly filled up the drive causing windows to be unhappy so I moved the temp folder the another drive and it's good now. Win8 was only just being released when I built this but gave it a miss because I dont like the tabletish feel of the GUI.
BTW did you get the thermostat ?
hahah I forgot a about that. I grabbed some scrap paper my 3 year old had been drawing on to wrap it up for a bit of protection.
I think I told you previously but that has to be wired in series with a hall wire, not in parallel. Ie pick a hall wire (any wire, it doesnt matter), cut it and solder that in.
Hyena said:
hahah I forgot a about that. I grabbed some scrap paper my 3 year old had been drawing on to wrap it up for a bit of protection.
I think I told you previously but that has to be wired in series with a hall wire, not in parallel. Ie pick a hall wire (any wire, it doesnt matter), cut it and solder that in.
i found by cutting the common positive on my monster and puting a 100ºC in there it would just cut power instead of going into "michael j fox" mode.
i was riding tonight and got an epic pic on the hill at sunset after 2 thermostat walk breaks. hopefully with the 110ºC and more holes and maby the thermistor i wont have to walk any more.
True, I should have mentioned that, cutting the main -ve or +ve will suddenly cut power when it overheats. On my crystalyte controllers they stutter for a second then cut power anyway, and I actually prefer this because you know the reason it's cut is the thermostat other than another possible random fault. Though I guess you'll be giving the bike a hiding just prior so it's somewhat expected.
And yeah 110oC should give more tolerance for cut outs, I've found the motor hits 100 quite easily but you need to work it a bit harder to get to 110. On an old motor that just had temp monitoring it'd regularly hover in the mid 90s and only creep up to 100 when thrashing and then stopping. Also I mount htem on the stators not direct on the windings, so 110oC there is a little higher direct at the windings. But IMO the heat soak of the stator is a good indication of how hot the motor is overall, and when it's starting to struggle to safely wick away the heat.

Also random thought for the day - my ride to work is normally my "thinking time" where I come up with ebike related ideas that are either good or not so practical in equal measures :p Driving today in bumper to bumper traffic my thoughts strayed to electric cars, or more specifically temporary or quick retro-fit hybrid kits.
My car is a bit of a gas guzzler - xr6 turbo, but it's big, fast and heavy (best part of 2 tonnes) so that goes with the territory. Obviously converting such a big, heavy car to electric would be a terrible idea and the drop in performance would be soul crushing. But sitting in start stop traffic that crawls along or intersections that let one car through at a time suck and increases my usual fuel consumption but nearly 50%. Sure I could turn the car off at lights and what not but then I'm constantly restarting to inch forward.
You can buy can sized hub motors but I wouldnt want that on there all the time affecting handling, steering feel etc.
And then I thought, what about a small towbar mounted bolt on large hub motor ? Something wound for bulk torque down low to push along a 2 tonne beast, with a top speed of say 40km/hr. This could push the car along in slow crawling traffic and then when it opens up you start the engine and power away.
Kind of like a push trailer of sorts. It could either be in contact with the road at all times (increased tyre wear but simpler mounting) or raised up off the road and only drops down when needed to engage. Maybe a 10" cast scooter wheel - it wouldn't stick out far beyond the tow bar, or could even be mounted backwards to sit under the tow bar between the end of it and the back bumper.
A chain driven motor would probably be more efficient to gear down appropriately but as with all hub motors they bring simplicity
Ramblings of a man man or possibly a good idea ?
About how long does the motor take to cool down enough to be usable after the switch trips?

Hyena said:
Also random thought for the day - my ride to work is normally my "thinking time" where I come up with ebike related ideas that are either good or not so practical in equal measures :p Driving today in bumper to bumper traffic my thoughts strayed to electric cars, or more specifically temporary or quick retro-fit hybrid kits.
My car is a bit of a gas guzzler - xr6 turbo, but it's big, fast and heavy (best part of 2 tonnes) so that goes with the territory. Obviously converting such a big, heavy car to electric would be a terrible idea and the drop in performance would be soul crushing. But sitting in start stop traffic that crawls along or intersections that let one car through at a time suck and increases my usual fuel consumption but nearly 50%. Sure I could turn the car off at lights and what not but then I'm constantly restarting to inch forward.
You can buy can sized hub motors but I wouldnt want that on there all the time affecting handling, steering feel etc.
And then I thought, what about a small towbar mounted bolt on large hub motor ? Something wound for bulk torque down low to push along a 2 tonne beast, with a top speed of say 40km/hr. This could push the car along in slow crawling traffic and then when it opens up you start the engine and power away.
Kind of like a push trailer of sorts. It could either be in contact with the road at all times (increased tyre wear but simpler mounting) or raised up off the road and only drops down when needed to engage. Maybe a 10" cast scooter wheel - it wouldn't stick out far beyond the tow bar, or could even be mounted backwards to sit under the tow bar between the end of it and the back bumper.
A chain driven motor would probably be more efficient to gear down appropriately but as with all hub motors they bring simplicity
Ramblings of a man man or possibly a good idea ?

I never thought you would be the guy to be driving anything but a camry-like family car. I feel utterly shocked lol

Maybe you can buy Johnincr's superpower hubbie, or something even larger :shock: :?: . And when you are driving have it do moderate regen so you don't need such a large battery in the back to power the beast. Since one of the issues you posted was about trying to keep the feel of the car the same. I feel you would need something unstoppable, like a pool pump or something especially on the hills.
Trackman417 said:
About how long does the motor take to cool down enough to be usable after the switch trips?
Usually only a few minutes. You can either pedal or sit and rest. Though I opt for pedalling usually as the air moving by cools it quicker.

I never thought you would be the guy to be driving anything but a camry-like family car. I feel utterly shocked lol
Dear god, what have I done to portray myself as a camry driver ?! :shock:
This was my previous car, loud, lumpy cam, rebuilt high compression engine race spec bits etc etc, and a clutch my girlfriend couldn't push in :lol:


Then I got married, had kids and needed something a bit more sedate. It looks fairly low key and is big and comfy but it gets up and goes with a 300kw turbo engine.


Camry. Pftttt :p

Maybe you can buy Johnincr's superpower hubbie
Yeah something like that, wound slow though not fast.
And when you are driving have it do moderate regen so you don't need such a large battery in the back to power the beast.
Exactly, an extra steering wheel mounted button. Infact a while ago after riding daily and not driving my car for months i found myself looking for a regen button when I went to slow down :lol:

I feel you would need something unstoppable, like a pool pump or something especially on the hills.
Yeah it'd need to be chunky but not excessive. It probably wont have sustained use but needs high torque at near stalling speeds.
A temp sensor would do anyway with any issues relating to overheating. If it;s getting hot and bothered I simply dont use it.
And because weight and size is no real issue I could have big air cooling holes with fans above blasting air onto the windings and side covers.
I wouldnt expect it to work on hills and for hill starts though, just pushing along in start-stop traffic.
Hyena said:
Dear god, what have I done to portray myself as a camry driver ?! :shock:
uhh, you're on an ebike forum? :p .

And when you are driving have it do moderate regen so you don't need such a large battery in the back to power the beast.
Exactly, an extra steering wheel mounted button. Infact a while ago after riding daily and not driving my car for months i found myself looking for a regen button when I went to slow down :lol:
I wouldn't use the extra steering wheel button. Do you know how annoying that would be when you are turning? Especially if you have a manual car and your turning while shifting gears :shock: .... Good luck with your button mate :D . Have it engage as soon as you put your foot on the gas pedal or as soon as the motor is not pushing your car.

I feel you would need something unstoppable, like a pool pump or something especially on the hills.
Trackman417 said:
uhh, you're on an ebike forum? :p
I can think of numerous members here with fast or hotted up cars and/or sports motorcycles.
Sure ebikes are good for the environment but we don't all wear tie dyed shirts or pocket protectors.

I wouldn't use the extra steering wheel button. Do you know how annoying that would be when you are turning?
My steering wheel is covered in buttons, as are most cars these days. I've never once bumped a button in general driving. But yeah, simply wiring it off the brake pedal would be easier, and because regen is largely not proportional on most controllers you'd only need the slightest pedal touch (with the switch adjusted appropriately) to engage regen.
I never thought you would be the guy to be driving anything but a camry-like family car. I feel utterly shocked lol
Yah Trackman, Hyena is a scientist, father to wife and kids, and desinger/owner of a super fast and powerful 9KW Fighter, I am totally shocked that Jay would drive anything else but a Camry. I may just shit the bed over this revelation :shock: :shock: .

I can think of numerous members here with fast or hotted up cars and/or sports motorcycles.
Sure ebikes are good for the environment but we don't all wear tie dyed shirts or pocket protectors.

Jay, I watched revenge of the nerds. How can it be that not everone wears tie dyed shirts and has a pocket protector? :?: :?: Say it ain't so?