Hyena's e-bike builds (now with HD video)

Yeah I hope it doesn't melt! But at the same time there's already been what, 2-3 failures reported ? And at modest power levels too. I don't know if these are QC issues or what but we'll soon find out I guess. These Hx motors aren't cheap though and getting a supply in Au is looking like it's going to be increasingly difficult so I'm not keen to blow one up 'Luke style' just for the fun of it. I wanted to try and get away without drilling holes in the HS motors but at the same time I want to check the winding temps and I don't know if I CBF'd running extra temp sensor wires through the axle at this stage. I might drill one of my spare covers and just swap that one side over - I can measure the winding temps with my IR thermometre and keep an eye on the copper colour. I'll drill my own personal motors anyway but I want to get away from supplying them like that to other people.

Who in Australia has access to a CNC machine that can cut a cool side cover design for me ? Sadly, it will be cock free :lol:

Like you say, we're all very much R&Ding what these can take and it's the price we pay. I've offset my R&D costs by assembling and selling kits - the proceeds pay for the new gear as it becomes available and when I test it to failure I'm not constantly out of pocket (and everyone benefits from the knowledge) I guess I'm kinda like a car salesman in that regard, always getting to drive and take home the latest cars as they become available :p Or to use your Mr Asia analogy, selling just enough to support my own habit :lol:

Greg, I wasn't wearing the balaclava in that vid, it was the middle of the day and I was just ducking up to the shops. I only wear it for my early morning commutes. Speaking of which I came blasting up a steep hill today on the footpath, came rapidly to the end of the path at a T intersection and straight into a paddy wagon stopped at the lights. They had a VERY good look at me as I sat there waiting for the lights to change but I quickly pulled the balaclava down under my chin and was quite visibly puffed out from just tackling that steep hill so vigourously :lol:
Nice video.

If its moving its got to be chased, right? :wink: Poor roadies.. Have you even got a slightest idea of how much money they spend on their bikes just to go that extra bit faster?

Hyena said:
Who in Australia has access to a CNC machine that can cut a cool side cover design for me ?
Mark_A_W is finishing his
full-throttle said:
Have you even got a slightest idea of how much money they spend on their bikes just to go that extra bit faster?
haha yeah that's why its all the funnier when I scream past with my knobbie tyres on a bike that costs less than their tights :lol:

Mark_A_W is finishing his
Cool, I might gave to be his first customer :)
Making one myself is on my list of things to do one day but given the amount of stuff I have on these days I think it won't be until I retire in another 30 years :lol:
Been a while since I posted a video, I've been crazy busyand my dad has been down from interstate to visit. Not wanting to miss an opportunity to make a video I of course took the gopro out on our ride yesterday! My old man loves the ebike I built him for xmas. I wasn't sure he'd get too much use out of it so didn't make him anything too extreme, just a cheap kmart bike with 12S lipo pack and small "350w" 9C front motor with 40a controller. As it turns out he rides it nearly every day and goes for miles on the thing just for something to do. It's actually been a great rehab tool for him, now 5 months post major open heart surgery.

So that being said there's nothing wild in this video, but it's cool to feature another ebike for once.

That's a really cool thing to do for your dad... did you make it for him for father's day?

Nice vid, too. No wind noise nor "extreme" head banging music. Just smooth riding with easy but motivating rock n roll.

Maybe youre dad would like an mp3 player/PC speakersound system on his ebike with his favorite cruising tunes.
Dee Jay said:
That's a really cool thing to do for your dad... did you make it for him for father's day?
I think it was actually christmas but I told him I'd make him an ebike on fathers day. I remember because I took a fathers day card in to him the day after his heart surgery in intensive care and he said he hoped we could go riding again when he got better

Nice vid, too. No wind noise nor "extreme" head banging music. Just smooth riding with easy but motivating rock n roll.
Thanks, I thought the music was pretty appropriate, my old man is a big CCR fan and of that vintage (I bought him tickets to see John Fogerty when he was out a year or 2 back) and the song suited us cruising around going no where in particular but having a bit of fun - chooglin man! 8)

Maybe youre dad would like an mp3 player/PC speakersound system on his ebike with his favorite cruising tunes.
Heh I think a watt meter will be the next addition he gets. I thought he'd only cruise around on it locally but he's been going on some pretty big rides and I dont want him to get stuck out somewhere and not be able to pedal back. He's physically fit for his age and his heart is supposedly OK for the time being but having ones sternum cut in half takes quite a while to recover from. Simple fractures take ages to heal properly, let alone one that's been cut clean in half with a power saw :eek:
on an unrelated, I got majorly cut off by 3 assholes riding to and from work today. 1 pulled out straight in front of my, one turned right in front of me and the other blew straight through a round about and very nearly hit me (only that I braked and sweved up onto the concrete island)

I've decided my next mod will be a handlebar mounted paintball cannon. No, it won't change anything and it won't do any damage to their car but it'd give me great satisfaction to splatter the side of their car or window with paint.

The barrel doesn't need to be long because it'll be at close range and won't need to be hugely accurate. A small cylinder I can pressurise to to power it, something like a stainless steel drink bottle would probably do. Maybe even soda bulbs if they'll discharge fast enough to fine a paint ball hard enough to make it break. I only need 1 shot per commute (hopefully!), unless I make a double barrel :twisted:

Time to do some research on how best to make this :mrgreen:
The barrel doesn't need to be long because it'll be at close range and won't need to be hugely accurate. A small cylinder I can pressurise to to power it, something like a stainless steel drink bottle would probably do. Maybe even soda bulbs if they'll discharge fast enough to fine a paint ball hard enough to make it break. I only need 1 shot per commute (hopefully!), unless I make a double barrel

Maybe Hyena you could pioneer an old idea of mine. You like your Knight Rider style LEDs, so this could work for you....

I long ago came up with a way to avoid or reduce road rage. Most road rage occurs (in my opinion) from people being unable to adequately vent their frustrations about each other. So I proposed long ago that we each have digital displays on our roofs (like some cop cars have, or road work signs etc..), and for you it could be on your handlebars etc.., and you can broadcast over the display what you want to say to each other. Imagine if when you cut someone off, you could look in the rearview, and get a clear picture of just what they think of you, and about how they think you were conceived of a weak sperm, when your dad wristed and your mum sat on it? How satisfying would it be when you are stuck behind some bad old driver etc.., to be able to explain in the Kings English, just what you think of that person?

I know the "dogooder"s would say it was a hazard like text and driving, but that is what they said about cigarrettes and credit default swaps, nuclear weapons and all that other fun stuff that has been getting an unfair rap lately.
Careful out there, dude. Road rage can get out of hand! Car vs Ebike is no-win situation, and so is tire iron vs paintball gun…

I would suggest videocams front and rear so you can record the incidents to use either in court or to get the plate number so you can have your way with their cars on your own time, savvy? :wink:

Anyway, yeah CCR rocks! Music heals, man.. 8) And brainwave entrainment, too. I'm recommending BWE to friends and family because I'm amazed by how much it helped me. It could help your dad heal faster or avoid chronic pain later from the surgery.

I had some guy threaten me in Frenchs Forest - claiming that I was lucky that he didn't bring his shotgun with him! And he was the dickhead that cut me off! I should have expected it, he was driving a black merc C200.

It's better to be silently on the moral high ground and alive than feel vindicated and be dead. 1.5 tonnes of metal vs a puny bicycle helmet - I can guess who's gonna win.

Mind you, on your bike, there's no way they'd catch you :evil:
I don't see how you guys can justify riding like that and expecting people to predict how fast you are going. Your on a very fast silent bike of corse people are going to cut you off and pull out in front of you. You as ebike riders need to be on your toes and expect the worst from drivers. Just as most motorbike riders would.

Ride safe.
Hyena said:
A small cylinder I can pressurise to to power it, something like a stainless steel drink bottle would probably do. Maybe even soda bulbs if they'll discharge fast enough to fine a paint ball hard enough to make it break.
Seemed like an electric solution more appropriate, so started looking for and finally found this vid (posted somewhere else by AJ?) - relevant mechanism from 2:04:
but now i'm not sure the central door locking device would have the strength. :roll:

since you've got so much free time on your hands tho, might be worth a go. :lol:

ps. re sudden braking: i've ALWAYS got two fingers on my front brake lever (and one finger on the right lever). in one of your vids it looked like you were only reaching for the brakes when you needed 'em?

pps. awesome vid. happy father's day!
haha don't worry, I'm not really going to add artillery to the front of my bike :lol:
(I've got too much other crap on the handlebars to fit it :p )
Thinking about it and planning it out in my head so I could do it if I wanted to makes me happy though. haha

Philistine said:
you can broadcast over the display what you want to say to each other. Imagine if when you cut someone off, you could look in the rearview, and get a clear picture of just what they think of you
Sounds like a plan to me! And yours for just $27.95 delivered :lol:

GCinDC said:
ps. re sudden braking: i've ALWAYS got two fingers on my front brake lever (and one finger on the right lever). in one of your vids it looked like you were only reaching for the brakes when you needed 'em?
Nah around traffic I'm on high alert, if I'm crusing I might relax a bit.
I DO ride expecting cars to do their worst, I guess I was just pissed I had multiple counts in one day. I don't ride beyond the ability of my brakes to stop me very rapidly and I totally get that cars can underestimate speed but these near misses I've had are from drivers totally disregarding or not paying attention. I'm close enough that I can see the look on their face as they look right through me and then pull out anyway :roll:
Anyway I digress...

Just encoding a new video. I got a new headlight a few days ago and it's mighty bright! XML T6, supposedly 1000 lumens which I don't believe but it's brighter than my old P7 which claimed to be 900 lumens so I guess it's in proportion. Whether this one is really 500 lumens and the other was 400 is another story... haha

I'm going to order a second one and have one pointed fairly low and one higher.
Introducing the MaxFlasher 6000. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively need to be seen by every car on the road, accept no substitute.

Hyena said:
Introducing the MaxFlasher 6000. The very best there is. When you absolutely, positively need to be seen by every car on the road, accept no substitute.


lol... errrr overkill?

and people will still fail to see you. cause theyll be BLIND :shock:
Hey Jay

Thats one bright frikking light there Bruce :p over here you would get pulled, technically you are not supposed to have a light flashing if it is fixed to the bike, I think that you be unlucky to get anything more than a ticking off as they dont seem to bother about folks riding without any lights which I can never understand as they are so cheap.

I use a Cree on the front of my bike and its overkill to be honest, if it moves up it blinds the drivers causing them maybe more hassle :? I think the real thing is the cops want to be the only ones with flashing lights :lol: you certainly dont want to put flashing blue lights on your bike ha ha.

great videos

P :mrgreen:
Oh god, that's overkill and fullest annoyed bother every drivers! I bet they pissed. LOL :shock: :lol: :lol:

If you are doing flasher on your bike in california. I guaranteed you that cop will pull you no time. :lol:
Just be careful, you might give some other driver a SEIZURE and they will run right into you!! LOL!
knoxie said:
technically you are not supposed to have a light flashing if it is fixed to the bike

Are you sure about this? At least where I live, Brisbane Australia Ive seen many if not most cyclists in the morning with flashing front and back lights, though not as strong as this.

I think given the speed possible with some ebikes a brighter light is needed, such as this one. Also flashing front lights are sold in bike shops here so they must be legal.

Maybe Jay you should ride behind some cops to see what they do.. I would guess nothing.

2:02 - in the video - the guy stopped for you..
I think that light would be good on a solid beem on some pitch black trails, that's what I'm after.

What was the cost? Does it use a separate battery pack?

Well yes it has changed and i didnt notice? back in 2005 it seems

UK Cycle Light Law and Flashers

Thanks to the 2005 RVLR amendment on 23rd October of that year it finally became legal to have a flashing light on a pedal cycle, provided it flashes between 60 and 240 times per minute (1 – 4Hz). Even better: it became possible for a flashing light to be approved, meaning no other light would be needed in that position. And since BS6102/3 does not cater for flashing, approval is granted simply on the basis of brightness (as specified above). But because DfT very much prefer things to be evaluated against a proper technical standard wherever possible: any flashing lamp that is also capable of emitting a steady light is approved only if it conforms with BS6102/3 when switched to steady mode. Since most flashing lights do also have a steady mode, they're legal but not approved, so you'll probably need another lamp that is