I need help for my throttle


10 mW
Mar 25, 2012
Hi guy

Sorry for my english
Oke i have a little probleme wit my setup, i have a kelly khb 120v 250 amps and a 5403 the green light on controler are on,but i close when i touch the throttle little bit and the controler give to me a error code ?????? Five days on the same probleme :s

Thanks you

Voltage sag? That's a big controller. Maybe it just sags the battery so fast it shuts off? Just a guess. If you get it running, it should melt your motor real good.
My prob resolved i change phase order and Bam the motor run. The 5403 at 126v and 135 amps on the CA is REALY REALY fast
Yeee Haw! Bet it is. Ignore my comment about melting, I was thinking 5300. Duh.
After many test my norco is not enought strong for this power level and my speedo not work but i view 17kw peak(CA) on acceleration, some video's come soon!!!