ice sheet losses in Greenland and Antarctica reach new highs

And i would would call people who believe in man affected global warming deniers. Deniers of the real driving force behind the climate. Sol is by far the main driver of climate in the entire Solar system. I can't wait for the next mega volcano that throws the earth into a multi year winter. Oh wait humans put more gases into the atmosphere than volcanoes, that's why we are in a constant state of winter(sarcasm in case you couldn't tell) What are we at in the atmosphere 350 ppm co2. The dinosaurs lived in 1200 ppm co2. Where did the carbon go? Wild fires, that are a natural part of nature that have been going on long before white man discovered the new world, release more c02 in the state of California every year than the entire transportation sector in the state of California every year.
Frogslayer said:
And i would would call people who believe in man affected global warming deniers.
So people who think the planet is warming due to anthropogenic causes are denying that it is warming? That's some interesting logic there.

With logic like that . . . you're not a Trump supporter by any chance, are you?
Deniers of the real driving force behind the climate. Sol is by far the main driver of climate in the entire Solar system.
You are absolutely right. And solar output is trending downward and has been since 1950. I wonder why we are not cooling? Do you have any theories on that?
I can't wait for the next mega volcano that throws the earth into a multi year winter.
That's right! And a meteor could hit tomorrow and kill us all. Why does anyone care about the economy if we could all die tomorrow?
The dinosaurs lived in 1200 ppm co2.
Yes, they did. And while that would not kill you, it would make you pretty miserable (for several reasons.)
Where did the carbon go? Wild fires, that are a natural part of nature that have been going on long before white man discovered the new world, release more c02 in the state of California every year than the entire transportation sector in the state of California every year.
And more and more every year, as the climate warms and wildfires become larger and more dangerous. That's known as positive feedback.
Not a trump supporter but a fan of the disruption of career politicians i would say. At least he's way way way better than Hill-dog. The last data i looked at was a 2 degree F decline in average global temperature since 2012. Forest fires on average can only happen in a place once every 30 years or so because it takes a forest to have a forest fire. The heat from the natural process is actually required by some trees to get their seeds to germinate. Wild fires are down so much from 200 years ago when the prairies would burn almost every year. Humans wrecking the entire earth is not a thing, sorry to have to tell you that. I do believe however that millions of humans in mere 10s of square miles can't be good for that area.
Frogslayer said:
Im the one who didn't make it yet you're the one who keeps on repeating the Disney agenda. Lol for hilarious.

This is a new one...

You're supposed to be jumping on the "crisis in science" issue where a lack of reproducibility has recently been uncovered at the core of the social sciences and misrepresenting that to try and argue that physics and climate science are somehow invalidated.

Perhaps you need to study the Denier Handbook some more.
Frogslayer said:
The last data i looked at was a 2 degree F decline in average global temperature since 2012.

2012: 1.12F above average
2013: 1.19F above average
2014: 1.33F above average
2015: 1.62F above average
2016: 1.69F above average
2017: 1.51F above average
2018: 1.39F above average
2019: 1.67F above average

Forest fires on average can only happen in a place once every 30 years or so because it takes a forest to have a forest fire.
Not any more:
In federally managed forests in the western U.S. today, wildfires larger than 1,000 acres have become nearly five times more frequent and burned areas 10 times as large as in the 1970s, according to research by LeRoy Westerling at the University of California at Merced.
Humans wrecking the entire earth is not a thing, sorry to have to tell you that. I do believe however that millions of humans in mere 10s of square miles can't be good for that area.
True. Nor is the warming we are seeing now.
Punx0r said:
Perhaps you need to study the Denier Handbook some more.
Good article on climate change denial overall - its causes and how to overcome it. Some notes:

"Denial happens when climate science rubs us up the wrong way. Instead of making us want to arrest the climate crisis, it makes us resist the very thought of it, because the facts of anthropogenic global heating clash with our personal projects. It could be that the idea of climate change is a threat to our worldview. Or it could be that we fear society's response to climate change, the disruption created by the transition to a low-emissions economy. Either way, climate change becomes such an "inconvenient truth" that, instead of living with and acting upon our worries, we suppress the truth instead."

"Contemporary social psychologists tend to talk about this in terms of "motivated reasoning". Because the facts of climate science are in conflict with people's existing beliefs and values, they reason around the facts. . . . they're reasoning in the manner of a defense lawyer who clutches for post hoc rationalizations to defend an initial gut instinct. This is why brow-beating deniers with further climate science is unlikely to succeed: their faculty of reason is motivated to defend itself from revising its beliefs."

" . . Climate communications may do well to appeal to more diverse values, particularly those values held by the deniers themselves. Experiments have shown that, if the risks and realities of climate change are reframed as opportunities for community relationship building and societal development, then deniers can shift their views. Similarly, in the US context, appealing to conservative values like patriotism, obeying authority and defending the purity of nature can encourage conservatives to support pro-environmental actions."
New high temperature record just set in Antarctica of 20.75*C (69*F):
Watched 60mins last night on TV. Main story was about all the fires and the accelerated warming of the Planet and the harm deniers are causing. Main point, they did not think we would be here until 2050 we are warming at an accelerated rate.
January 2020 was the hottest ever in the 141 years since records began:
Punx0r said:
January 2020 was the hottest ever in the 141 years since records began:
Should read...” since man made records began “
If it was the hottest in 141 years, who cares? ..We know It was hotter 7,000 years ago, hotter 120,000 years ago, and hotter for most of the history of life on Earth.
It doesn’t mean CO2 is the cause.
It doesn’t mean warming is bad.
It doesn’t mean it will continue to warm.
And it doesn’t mean we understand what drives the climate.

If it is due to CO2, according to the “models”. It should have been much warmer !
ZeroEm said:
Was the earth hotter? Yes. Will it be hotter again? Yes. Were we here and will we be? NO!
You are missing the point..
Why was it hotter before.. ?
Why do you think you can control the change of temp now ?
Why are the model predictions so wrong ?
Where did you buy your crystal ball ?
..and Can you get your money back ?
Hillhater » Mar 06 2020 5:56pm

ZeroEm wrote: ↑Mar 06 2020 7:14am
Was the earth hotter? Yes. Will it be hotter again? Yes. Were we here and will we be? NO!
You are missing the point..
Why was it hotter before.. ?
Why do you think you can control the change of temp now ?
Why are the model predictions so wrong ?
Where did you buy your crystal ball ?
..and Can you get your money back ?

1 It's not my point it's yours.
2 High level of CO2 before plants, look at Venus.
3 Want to stop the control and let the earth do it.
4 Our control is stronger than they thought.
5 Amazon
6 No they said it's contaminated with trump 19.