If it rains on my batteries, will is short them out


100 kW
Jan 20, 2009
Will it short out my Thundersky cells with the terminals being right there on top? Maybe I should get a waterproof bag to carry in case it rains. I've been fortunate to not have been in the rain but I really want to ride more often and I might get caught in the rain sometime. All that is needed to short out is for water to make a connection between a positive and a negative. Right?
The terminals are far enough apart that there is low chance of short-out, unless you lay a wrench across. The vulnerable places are plug connections (if +/- are close together) and the controller box
ok thanks. Maybe I could carry a garbage bag just in case. I'd need some way of bungie cording it on, though.
On my commuter, I have lots of room to carry stuff in panniers, so I carry a few trash bags. One I can cover the bike with, the other I can put on like a poncho. If just sprinkling, I also carry a small roll of electric tape so I can tape a trash bag over the battery and controller and keep riding. In this climate, only once has any of this been used in 2.5 years though.