I'm 15 stone I wish to buy an legal 250w.

Feb 13, 2014
Derbyshire, England.
Will I kill the motor? lol. I'll mainly be using it to help me claim hills. I've been diagnosed with postural tachycardia syndrome which means my blood pressure doesn't increase when I stand up so my heart has to rush to 120bpm although cycling doesn't trigger this issue. The problem is my weight. I already have an 1000watt kit but the battery is faulty as I short-circuited it and wasn't able to fix it well enough, although now I rather go road legal but is that even possible with my weight? Thank you.
I am about your same weight, tried a 250W geared motor and it was totally and utterly lame.

I say skip that lame motor, and go with a 1000W motor at 48V. MAC geared motor, or Direct Drive.

No pig is ever going to know the difference between a 250W motor and a 1000W motor. Go buy yourself a holographic 250W sticker and stick it on your 1000W motor and use common sense. Do not do wheelies up and down main street (or is it high street in the UK?), dont be going fast where you shouldnt (like on bicycle pathways and walk paths). Direct Drive is more silent, I never had no head turns yet, even on my 3000W motor. Now even on a 250W geared I had heads turn all the time. That should tell you something. You will most likely get a rat calling the pigs on you with a geared motor, or doing the things your not suppose to do, as mentioned.
Perhaps consider a plant based diet.

I was 3.5stone heavier, and in such poor shape I couldn't run a 1/2mile, despite working out.

I eat only plants now with minimal effort got 6 pack abs and can run marathons and hardly feel tired afterwards.

My blood pressure is very low now, my insomnia gone, heartburn gone, blood-sugar always normal, I can fast for a few days and always feel strong and energetic, and it's a priceless burden off the mind to no longer pay folks to torture and murder animals for a fleeting taste on my tongue.

For your hill climbing, 1kW minimum in a small diameter wheel if possible.
I now weigh exactly 9 stone (6'3") and with my Quest velomobile on the flat it's OK but any kind of uphill gradient and it's pretty useless.

I hope to set a new world land speed record of around 125 mph using probably about 11KW on Pendine Sands here in South Wales. We'll see.
markz said:
I am about your same weight, tried a 250W geared motor and it was totally and utterly lame.

Hey Mark that's spot on the money for this information I wanted. I think I need to look at fixing my 48v 1000 watt's battery. It's only an 10ah Chinese one but if I can fix it I can just use it till it dies. Either that or see if someone on here wants to buy it to fix themselves for cheap. I had to soldier a new connection across the batteries although I used copper and the solider was a mess. I can only run it for 5-10 mins now before the BMS cuts it out. Might be that there are other connections within which need to be resoildered as well. Or I could just buy an 48v 20ah battery? Lol

Also thank you Drunkskunk for your input as well.
liveforphysics said:
Perhaps consider a plant based diet.


Interesting feedback liveforphysics although my condition needs an increase diet of salt and compression stockings it would seem. I do agree it would make me healthy, I don't really eat well let alone eat meat. I do eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds at the moment. I even went about eating hemp seeds which is uncommon in England. I need to buy some more, thanks for the insight.
250w rating doesn't mean anything. There's some very powerful "250w" motors. The only relevant legal requirements are that the motor has to be marked or catalogued at 250w and limited to 25 km/h. There's no limit on how much power you push through it. If you want a ready-made kit, look at the Woosh Big Bear kit. If you want a pick and mix kit, choose a slow wind (201 rpm) motor and run it at 48v. You can run a 250w Bafang BPM or CST at 20 amps and 48v, which will give plenty of power for what you want. There's also the Xiongda 2-speed motor that has double the torque of your average 250w ready-made ebike if you get the 48v version. Panda Bikes sell the 36v one as a kit.

Any crank-drive kit will also give enough torque to get you up steep hills, though I don't like the gear-changing that you get with that system.
quackstar84 said:
liveforphysics said:
Perhaps consider a plant based diet.


Interesting feedback liveforphysics although my condition needs an increase diet of salt and compression stockings it would seem. I do agree it would make me healthy, I don't really eat well let alone eat meat. I do eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds at the moment. I even went about eating hemp seeds which is uncommon in England. I need to buy some more, thanks for the insight.

You must realize, no doctor can live healthy for you. No friend or advisor can live healthy for you. If you wish to enjoy the pleasures of a healthy strong capable body it's entirely your choice alone.

The best part about any kind of choice in this human reality is that you don't have to make it for tomorrow or the next day or a month out etc. Just this one infinitesimally small moment of Now. If you choose health for yourself Now, you're done with the only real part, because the rest of reality is an imaginary construct of what may have been or could yet be.

If you wish to eat healthy, it only requires making a single choice for a healthy meal whenever you're hungry. That's the whole secret, it's not some awful multi year commitment, just make your meal healthy when hungry.
For 18-stone? (250-Lb) 250W will not cut it. Any money spent on a 250W system will be better spent on something else.

250W on a direct drive will be especially horrible. In a well-designed gear hub it will be slightly better. In a mid-drive you have the option of downshifting into a VERY low gear, but...nobody thinks they spent their money well if the only gear a 250W mid drive can accomplish the job at is at 4-MPH.

I am 200-lb (14-stone), before I use the loo, so I sympathize, but...I am using a 1500W mid drive street commuter that I feel is just "adequate" so...draw whatever conclusion you want from that, as you wish...
I actually lost 90lbs eating the opposite of a plant based diet ( atkins / low carb ) and my blood pressure went down. i also stopped having chest pains that i had since i was 18.. i'm in my mid 30's now. This is after being sold the plant based diet as a cure to all my ails and following it for a year and a half, in complete denial about it not working for me ( but i felt so morally superior to everyone! ).
Our bodies are not all the same.. some of us thrive on dead flesh instead of dead veg.. try both approaches and see which one works best.


How old are you? i spent most of my adult life terrified of my heart giving out, having symptoms of hypertension, fainting, etc. All of the issues with that went away when i started getting the nutrients i needed ( i had several deficiencies eating a 'standard american diet' which got even worse when i became a plant/grain eater, namely B12, D3 and Potassium ) and getting back into better physical shape which included cardio exercise as part of the solution. I have been doing computer programming and IT since i was 14 years old and realized just a few years ago how physically frail i was from SITTING so long.. sitting and not moving actually makes things much worse.

Back to the original question.. i was as heavy as you were when i got into ebiking, but i had the advantage of being a cyclist for a while even though i was heavy.. a 250w ride will make pedaling much easier for you than a non electrified bike, but like me, you'll probably find yourself unsatisfied with the power, especially when it comes to climbing hills.

If i were you i'd fix my 1000w rig and optimize it for as much pedaling as possible so that you can get some physical activity in. That means changing the gearing ratios so that your motor's top speed matches a perfect pedaling cadence for you.
I agree with the recommendation to install the 1000W and get it running. After all, you already have that system. If that works for you, then you are done until the horsepower bug bites.

I weigh about as much as you and for daily exercise I ride a Trek Valencia+ (Bionx) on a 7-12 mile loop in the early morning or late evening. The Bionx is the US version (350W nominal) but will put out up to ~800W (40Vx20amp) at ideal conditions.

Part of my loop is rolling hills with a 5-6% gradient and about 1/2 mile from peak to peak. I coast the upper part of each downhill and then attack the next uphill. It is lots of fun, good exercise and I never drop below 16mph at the top of each hill. The motor helps tremendously ... if you pedal like mad to keep the RPM up so the motor is efficient.

There is another hill that is ~5% grade for two miles. That hill turns into a grind before it is over but the motor does not overheat.

The point is that even 250W (nominal) could be fun to ride. The big thing is to find a system that makes you WANT to continue riding. Even in the beginning when I was really only riding 4 miles or so, it was FUN and I wanted to do it again the next morning.
That is the most important thing. That your ride makes you wanna ride more and more.
I am 16 stone sharp and 500W DD fed with 1kw on a velomobile is definitely not overpowered on hills. I have to pedal hard if the hill is steep to get on the top.
i just lost one stone by just cutting out the added sugar. Added sugar is everywhere, it takes some investigation to find it. I still eat Whoppers occasionally. It"s not bad if you take it w/o cheese and without anything else, just the burger. Pretty good meal. Burgers are not bad, it all them other things that people usually take with them that are bad.
Beer is very bad. Estrogen-carbohydrate liquid.
So you got me reading about ketogenesis because I had a hunch there were steroids involved from the name 'Keto.' Indeed, this is essentially a diet to induce your body to produce its' own steriods, which should be able to get Bobby Bonds and A Rod through any drug test Major League Baseball could come up with. Basically I get that this will cause your vital organs to be taken care of FIRST, even if you're under eating. Interesting concept. Sounds scientifically accurate.

I'm hyperactive, contrary to the thoughts of so many who say you're suppose to outgrow it I'm never still even after my accident last year. Though it was tough doing all the walking I just have to do when technically I was incapable of walking. When I hear someone talking about spending all their time sitting, I'm somewhat envious of the idea of being CAPABLE of doing that.
This has been a great read. 250w vs 1000w, plants vs animals. In my opinion, it's all in our heads. What makes you happy healthy and thrive.

That's why my motor choice is happy with high power while the bike pedals close to normal, and I'm not past considering any diet including short term sunlight only or my own urine - sky is the limit :mrgreen: Yeah I know.
I have no idea what you're reading, but a ketogenic diet literally has nothing to do with that :lol:
( otherwise i'd be fuggin' ripped )
quackstar84 said:
Will I kill the motor? lol. I'll mainly be using it to help me claim hills. I've been diagnosed with postural tachycardia syndrome which means my blood pressure doesn't increase when I stand up so my heart has to rush to 120bpm although cycling doesn't trigger this issue. The problem is my weight. I already have an 1000watt kit but the battery is faulty as I short-circuited it and wasn't able to fix it well enough, although now I rather go road legal but is that even possible with my weight? Thank you.

My 500 W Q128c won't get my 12 stone up my hills without significant pedalling effort, but I guess what works for you depends on topography and the amount of effort you are willing to put in. I would opt for the 1000 W system. If your controller or cycle analyst can limit the amps, it becomes a lower power motor anyway. A 500-1000 W geared hub like a Mac would have excellent hill climbing abilities and doesn't drag with resistance when pedalling unpowered unlike dd hubs.

markz said:
I am about your same weight, tried a 250W geared motor and it was totally and utterly lame.

I say skip that lame motor, and go with a 1000W motor at 48V. MAC geared motor, or Direct Drive.

No pig is ever going to know the difference between a 250W motor and a 1000W motor. Go buy yourself a holographic 250W sticker and stick it on your 1000W motor and use common sense. Do not do wheelies up and down main street (or is it high street in the UK?), dont be going fast where you shouldnt (like on bicycle pathways and walk paths). Direct Drive is more silent, I never had no head turns yet, even on my 3000W motor. Now even on a 250W geared I had heads turn all the time. That should tell you something. You will most likely get a rat calling the pigs on you with a geared motor, or doing the things your not suppose to do, as mentioned.

Agreed, in most places, the cops will overlook you if you aren't hooliganing it around town, but you know best... In worst case scenario, I'd limit the amps on a Mac to be as near to legal as you can get away with, then install a hidden turbo button for the hills :twisted: If you're not speeding, the only way the cops can prove your bike is too powerful is to put it on a dyno. You might also argue the max power laws discriminate against the heavier rider by making a normal ebike commute impossible and that you limited the power as much as reasonable for it to still be usable; max speed would be fairer.

Drunkskunk said:
250w isn't going to do much for you at 18 stone. I'm 12.5 stone or so, and even my more powerful 350w motor struggles up even slight hills. Fix your 1000w motor, or go for a 500/1000W geared motor.

There are lots of resources and people here to help with repairing batteries, and they're not that complicated. You might have to replace the power leads, a few cells or perhaps the BMS. Consider a replacement as well; you can always use it for that second build - or while you work out the problems with your first battery... Never hurts to have a spare ebike, especially if it keeps you active while you deal with something that breaks.
d8veh said:
250w rating doesn't mean anything. There's some very powerful "250w" motors. The only relevant legal requirements are that the motor has to be marked or catalogued at 250w and limited to 25 km/h. There's no limit on how much power you push through it.

Isn't there a limit to how many watts it could handle before burning out thought?

Thank you for your information. I'll be sticking to my front 48v 1000watt and either repairing the battery or buying a new one.
liveforphysics said:
You must realize, no doctor can live healthy for you. No friend or advisor can live healthy for you. If you wish to enjoy the pleasures of a healthy strong capable body it's entirely your choice alone.

I have chronic fatigue due to pots and no amount of healthy food will heal that. I would agree it would make my life much more enjoyable thought... just pretty hard to eat food while your depressed.

Cheers for your thoughtful comments... somewhat of subject but still relevant to me personally.
spinningmagnets said:
For 18-stone? (250-Lb) 250W will not cut it. Any money spent on a 250W system will be better spent on something else.

I was getting very good results with my front 1000watt 48v hence why I thought there might be a possibility an 250w might work. It's just the size of the darn thing stick out like a sore thumb. I brought an 500w 48v rear to see if it would ease the stress off my battery (i was told it wouldn't) although with my battery being on the back of my bike as well it was too rear heavy. The size of the 250w is just nice and weighs less as well. Pity really that I weigh so much.
neptronix said:
I actually lost 90lbs eating the opposite of a plant based diet ( atkins / low carb ) and my blood pressure went down. i also stopped having chest pains that i had since i was 18.. i'm in my mid 30's now. This is after being sold the plant based diet as a cure to all my ails and following it for a year and a half, in complete denial about it not working for me ( but i felt so morally superior to everyone! ).
Our bodies are not all the same.. some of us thrive on dead flesh instead of dead veg.. try both approaches and see which one works best.

Yeah I would agree that people aren't the same and what works for some doesn't for others. It's ideal to simply sample things and see what works for you.

I'm 32 and sit at my desk far too much. I used to go to the gym and when I stopped that I would exercise at home three days a week. I only manage one day a week now thought.

Yep sounds like spot on advice. I'll have to open up my battery again ... (it's one of those crap vpower taped batteries) and take some photos to see if anyone knows how I could fix it. I really do miss going out on it. I would only use a little of the throttle just to help me along. I got a good work out from it and fresh air =).
icerider said:
I agree with the recommendation to install the 1000W and get it running. After all, you already have that system. If that works for you, then you are done until the horsepower bug bites.


Yeah it does sound like a lot of fun. I used to have such an route I could take on my bike when it was working. Cheers.