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Nucular electronics - complete kit for ev!

VasiliSk said:
Next year probably, working on 16S atm

Hi Vasiliy what's the rough timeline on 16s bms. Are you taking orders yet. I would like to make an order for 12f +LCD but have bms included in the order. Is this possible?
VasiliSk said:
We will try to make a batch before end of year.
12F order 410C, but it may be that 12F will be ready earlier

Ok, 410C :thumb: . Please keep me in mind for an early bird bms. Thanks
Hi Vasiliy

I'm interested in your BMS 16s.

Can I run 350 - 400a through this? Do you have any advice for doing so please?

tomarth said:
Hi Vasiliy

I'm interested in your BMS 16s.

Can I run 350 - 400a through this? Do you have any advice for doing so please?


I have not seen any schematic yet but I assume that the BMS that will be supplied with these controllers will not have to take over the flow of the current but only to monitor the voltages of the 16 cells and let the controller remove the load from the battery when it is discharged .

VasiliSk am I right?
any chance there will BMS with higher cell counts?
16S is useful, but I'm much more likely to build at 20S.

What's more...20S matches up with your controller line which are all 100v max. 82v is pretty much a best top end voltage for any 100v controller.

And honestly 32S needs to be an option too.
ElectricGod said:
any chance there will BMS with higher cell counts?
16S is useful, but I'm much more likely to build at 20S.
Someone needs to take some reading lessons!
Where can i buy a 12F nucular foc conroller ? does this wurk perfect on the sur-ron motor and can i run 150 battery amps/300phase on these controller easy ?
Merlin said:

But everything you need is in post one =)
yes i can see the specs en price in first page :bigthumb: you say NO? it doesnt wurk propper on a sur-ron motor??
where to order and when ready is not realy clear to me, i already send a mail to order/pre order the 12F incldisplay and have no response on mail.
12f Controller has 250a phase max.

Never wrote any email.
Just say here that you want one and you will get your pre-order ID
Or join the telegram group.

You get answers way quicker then here and can talk to vasiliy
this is a online market for sale new...so you think that the product they put here is for sale and
can send a mail/pm to order this item? http://nucular.tech/#rec101723173
so you can see i send no mail to the website to preorder a controller :pancake:
Joachim said:
this is a online market for sale new...so you think that the product they put here is for sale and
can send a mail/pm to order this item? http://nucular.tech/#rec101723173
so you can see i send no mail to the website to preorder a controller :pancake:
You can preorder on our site http://nucular.tech and you will get your pre-order ID.
A bit late news..
I've tested 12F controller compound filling, it adds 240g to 12F, increases overheat time under full phase current to ~X1.5 times. Adds waterproof for controller, i put it in bucket of water for one day and nothing happen. Also tried to overheat controller under water.. it took 1.5 min and controller's FET temperature was only 55C, however i could feel wires smell :)
Compound have 1w/mk conductivity, this definitely will keep board under less stress.. and capacitors.
For 12F filling price will be about 15$

Also website got accessories list.
For those who dont have crimping tool i would recommend get crimped wires, in this case you will be able to just solder them.
For 2-3-4+WD drive there is CAN splitter available, it is 4port board, you may want to get also extra CAN wire for connecting display here.
When 24F arrives there also should be surron adapter cables, so it will be plug-n-ride, this cable supports: stock throttle, motor halls and t-sensor, kickstand sensor, fall sensor, 2-modes switch, turn on key switch
VasiliSk said:
A bit late news..
I've tested 12F controller compound filling, it adds 240g to 12F, increases overheat time under full phase current to ~X1.5 times. Adds waterproof for controller, i put it in bucket of water for one day and nothing happen. Also tried to overheat controller under water.. it took 1.5 min and controller's FET temperature was only 55C, however i could feel wires smell :)
Compound have 1w/mk conductivity, this definitely will keep board under less stress.. and capacitors.
For 12F filling price will be about 15$

Also website got accessories list.
For those who dont have crimping tool i would recommend get crimped wires, in this case you will be able to just solder them.
For 2-3-4+WD drive there is CAN splitter available, it is 4port board, you may want to get also extra CAN wire for connecting display here.
When 24F arrives there also should be surron adapter cables, so it will be plug-n-ride, this cable supports: stock throttle, motor halls and t-sensor, kickstand sensor, fall sensor, 2-modes switch, turn on key switch

I'll be first then. Order number 410C, Please add compound fill to my controller.
P.s please message me if you need any deposit/down payment for my order.
VasiliSk said:
A bit late news..
I've tested 12F controller compound filling, it adds 240g to 12F, increases overheat time under full phase current to ~X1.5 times. Adds waterproof for controller, i put it in bucket of water for one day and nothing happen. Also tried to overheat controller under water.. it took 1.5 min and controller's FET temperature was only 55C, however i could feel wires smell :)
Compound have 1w/mk conductivity, this definitely will keep board under less stress.. and capacitors.
For 12F filling price will be about 15$

Also website got accessories list.
For those who dont have crimping tool i would recommend get crimped wires, in this case you will be able to just solder them.
For 2-3-4+WD drive there is CAN splitter available, it is 4port board, you may want to get also extra CAN wire for connecting display here.
When 24F arrives there also should be surron adapter cables, so it will be plug-n-ride, this cable supports: stock throttle, motor halls and t-sensor, kickstand sensor, fall sensor, 2-modes switch, turn on key switch

Potting is good for manufacturers and at best a mixed bag for everybody else.

While potting does improve water resistance and thermal conduction it also means the controller is NOT repairable. Mosfets and capacitors are the 2 BIG failure points in any controller. It is highly likely that controllers will suffer failures in these components. Potting prevents repairs of any kind.

Please NEVER make potting mandatory! The moment you do, like Mobipus (Who pots everything), lots of people like me who can fix just about anything will never buy from you. You want the largest market share you can get. Please keep potting a requested optional item.

There's other ways to protect from water incursion:

1. Use conformal to protect the electronics from water incursion. The controller boards already have this on them. My LCD modules did not. I added it. Conformal leaves the electronics still accessible for repairs if needed. You can do this yourself. Conformal can be found on ebay for $15. Also, coat the board in any electronic device...mp3 player, BT speaker, whatever in conformal. Let it cure. Immerse it in water while it's operating. If you coated everything, the device will still work.

2. Seal the controller shell with silicon caulk. This alone will take care of 99% of water incursion issues.

The heat dispersion effects of potting are known. IT does help in this regard. It cures into a plastic like material. it can help with hot spots inside the controller shell. The biggest hot spots are the mosfets and large electrolytic caps. These are also the 2 BIG items that fail the most often in controllers! The mosfets can be helped by adding more aluminum to the outside of the shell. The large caps can be helped by using low ESR, high grade caps. Most people won't be running these controllers at their limits, so heat dispersion won't really be an issue.

People requesting conformal:
1. Expect when your controller dies, that you will be buying a new one instead of replacing a $4 mosfet or cap.
2. Expect that your controller will be impervious to water incursion.
3. Expect that the hot spot components will run somewhat cooler.

If anybody wants the opinion of someone who has been repairing electronics since the late 1980's, don't EVER use potting. This is the number one reason why I can't fix stuff when it dies!
brumbrum said:
I'll be first then. Order number 410C, Please add compound fill to my controller.
P.s please message me if you need any deposit/down payment for my order.

Ok, Andrew, we`ll add this option to your preorder!
Please text me in private message your full name, phone, email and address for delivery, thanks!