Programming the Bafang Middrive BBS01+BBS02

WHOAH dude. There's more sideways posts than I can count. I'm happy to read and help on TTL issues. Green to white is a common solution and this is just the place to talk about it. Can't program if you can't get a cable right.
Guys, not sure what does parameter Keep Current. Thought it will maintain this level of current when you reach setup rpm, but it is going up to 0 W. Isn it the rpm level where it starts to decrease power?
Kepler has done a lot of testing with custom settings.
I am going to investigate also how to better customize controller PAS algorithm.
I appreciate any inputs.
So far, many tweakers, who imagined themselves experts at programing have not done much more than burn up controllers. All the promises of better programming have seemingly not been very successful. From my view and experience Kepler has been the only consistent successful programer outside of the OEM settings. Those tweakers who've managed to fry controllers have made warrantee replacement on genuine failures more difficult.
Yes, you are right tomjasz, I will probably broke warranty but I would like to use Bafang PAS maybe as torque simulated. It would follow my higher cadence with motor higher rpm. Because currently, algorithm just take care about some low cadence limit and then it starts to assist with some power peaks.
Or simply said, I would like to have current control settings.
dusan said:
Yes, you are right tomjasz, I will probably broke warranty but I would like to use Bafang PAS maybe as torque simulated. It would follow my higher cadence with motor higher rpm. Because currently, algorithm just take care about some low cadence limit and then it starts to assist with some power peaks.
Or simply said, I would like to have current control settings.
I'm looking forward to the lessons you share. Best wishes for a successful tweak.
Guys, I have the usb cable and connect it to bbs01 motor, i start up software and I see com 7 and 1200 bd but i can not read or flash data.
any idea ?
Bazaki said:
Guys, I have the usb cable and connect it to bbs01 motor, i start up software and I see com 7 and 1200 bd but i can not read or flash data.
any idea ?
What do you mean with "the usb cable"? A ready made cable from one of the forum members or webshops?
If it's homemade, you could try to swap rx-tx wires.
You need to click "connect" first, before you can read/write anything.
are the bbs01 250w and 500w the same model but programmed with different max amps ? i.e. if I get 250w and reprogram it to allow up to 500w will I have the same perforamnce as with 500w motor?
vvvv said:
are the bbs01 250w and 500w the same model but programmed with different max amps ? i.e. if I get 250w and reprogram it to allow up to 500w will I have the same perforamnce as with 500w motor?

I haven't seen that yet, I don't think.

If you buy the 500, you can wind it down to 250, but the other way is limited by a "hard" software setting, or some kind of hardware changes that limit the max current.
opperpanter said:
vvvv said:
are the bbs01 250w and 500w the same model but programmed with different max amps ? i.e. if I get 250w and reprogram it to allow up to 500w will I have the same perforamnce as with 500w motor?
No. They are completely different, mainly different winding for different speeds/voltage.

Those are both bbs01 36v versions, the only difference i see in two products in the power.
vvvv said:
opperpanter said:
vvvv said:
are the bbs01 250w and 500w the same model but programmed with different max amps ? i.e. if I get 250w and reprogram it to allow up to 500w will I have the same perforamnce as with 500w motor?
No. They are completely different, mainly different winding for different speeds/voltage.

Those are both bbs01 36v versions, the only difference i see in two products in the power.
Yeah, I misread. I thought he was comparing bbs01 250 with bbs02 500.
Maybe someone can confirm the controllers are the same. For BBS02 the controller on a (factory) 500W is different from 750W I believe (some resellers only sell motors with 750W controller, downtuned to 500W if required).
Funny thinking. When you buy 2 GHz procesor, you can try to overclok it to 4G what would happen. ;))
There are no Fet transistors capable to handle 500W eventhough motor is the same. You would need also upgrade firmware.
DaDo.Bzz said:
Funny thinking. When you buy 2 GHz procesor, you can try to overclok it to 4G what would happen. ;))
There are no Fet transistors capable to handle 500W eventhough motor is the same. You would need also upgrade firmware.
I agree, but there is 250w limitation in some countries so maybe it is the same model with just soft limit of 250w.
here is the text on my bbs 01, it is written 36v 15A (~540w) and 250W
is there any way to make this motor rotate in reverse ? I offer $20 thank you gift for anyone who can give clear instructions to reverse the bbs01 spinning direction 8)

The external parts to the motor in my construction allow reverse rotation of motor shaft i.e. no external freewheel.
vvvv said:
is there any way to make this motor rotate in reverse ? I offer $20 thank you gift for anyone who can give clear instructions to reverse the bbs01 spinning direction 8)

The external parts to the motor in my construction allow reverse rotation of motor shaft i.e. no external freewheel.
There are two freewheels inside the BBS01 and 02 motors. One is on the main crankshaft and allows the crankshaft to turn even when the pedals are stationary. This one clicks. The other freewheel (which is silent) is on the intermediate shaft and allows the pedals, crankshaft and intermediate spur gear to turn without spinning the motor (pedalling without power to the motor). Have you managed to lock both out?

mfj197 said:
vvvv said:
is there any way to make this motor rotate in reverse ? I offer $20 thank you gift for anyone who can give clear instructions to reverse the bbs01 spinning direction 8)

The external parts to the motor in my construction allow reverse rotation of motor shaft i.e. no external freewheel.
There are two freewheels inside the BBS01 and 02 motors. One is on the main crankshaft and allows the crankshaft to turn even when the pedals are stationary. This one clicks. The other freewheel (which is silent) is on the intermediate shaft and allows the pedals, crankshaft and intermediate spur gear to turn without spinning the motor (pedalling without power to the motor). Have you managed to lock both out?


do you mean this two ?

the big one is rotating only clockwise, other direction it doesn't move
No mate. First study what is freewheel. One is inside middle of bigger gear in your pucture. This forum thread is about programming and not "What is freewheel", but it is the same on all forums, still off topic posts.

Anyway bafang would be too fast for a wheelchair.
I am not sure if I understood Bafang controller well but from my point of view, different PAS levels are actually cadence levels and entire controller works like by pedal triggered cruise control.
Parameter "Limit current" actually doesn't have anything with current, it simply set throttle voltage. Parameter "Limit speed" is cadence rpm when support is limited.
I was using Conhismotor controller with my GNG, that controller has current /power management rather than voltage / speed management. So, it was capable to simulate torque sensor.
But I doubt, Bafang controller is just simple speed controller and whatever you set, you are just try to modify cruise control.
For sure, there is other case when integrated with CA that is capable to manage current.

Another way, could be bypass actual controller with for example Conhismotor controller, that is for sure capable of power management.
Parameter "Limit current" actually doesn't have anything with current, it simply set throttle voltage.

I think it does have current limiting capabilities otherwise if you just set the throttle voltage without measuring current, you would not have assist right up to the the motors max RPM.

The controller may well adjust current limit through manipulation of the throttle signal however I am sure it also has a current measurement feedback to do this.