Qatar-strophe' -- Enroute to 4 degree world

You know, in all this debate about climate change, I don't think anyone has ever made a list of things we could do to prevent real, hypothetical, or imaginary climate change.

So how about me first? My stance is this: I am skeptical about the magnitude of change that is likely to happen, and believe most climate change advocates are presenting unrealistic scenarios to try to scare people, and it's actually having the opposite effect. However, I believe that a scalable alternative to oil (Coal Liquefaction, electric cars that have the same range and quick refuel as fossil fuel cars, etc) is not going to be viable for quite a while, and I also believe that air pollution is a concern. So here's what I am willing to do, and not willing to do:

Go by bike, electric bike, walk or public transport as much as possible - Done. Only have one car in family with one child, I am the main rider/public transporter, leaving the car to my wife
Thermally insulate house to reduce heating/cooling needs - Partially done, sealed up all gaps, put thermal film on all windows. Every room has a fan/evaporation cooler/reverse cycle air conditioner, so we can choose the best option, and heat/cool only that room
Change light globes into energy efficient ones - Partially done - as they die, they are being replaced with LED globes

Not Willing
Get rid of the car. No way I want my wife to be on public transport after dark, especially with a young child
Eat less meat - I like my diet the way it is.
Support a carbon tax that only the upper middle class and rich pay
Stop using air conditioning - If we leave our windows closed, it can get up to 55*C in here (top floor apartment), when it's 45* outside. That's heat stroke territory.

Haven't Been Bothered, but probably will do one day
Switch energy company to a green one - I used to be in the past, but when we signed up, the default company was way too easy. The noted we had started using power, and said all we had to do was pay the first bill, and we were signed up with them. Otherwise we'd have to sign a huge amount of paper work to transfer.

If all these climate change prevention advocates would like me to do any more, happy to hear them out, but no promises I'll follow anything.

Anyone else, skeptic, or supporter, like to share what they've done?
arkmundi said:
I have a zero carbon footprint. Many things go into the personal choices.
I have been to Worcester, MA many times. So I know it's a real town. Question is are you a real person? Why don't you just stop spewing garbage.
Carbon footprint.jpg
arkmundi said:
I have a zero carbon footprint.

No you don't. Not a single person on this forum does. Unless you are an undead spirit who figured out how to type :mrgreen:
Even then, if you were a ghost, you'd still be causing the computer you're typing on to produce more power than it's idle level by just typing.. so yeah, you wouldn't have a zero carbon footprint.
arkmundi said:
Not saying it was easy to achieve. An accumulation of decisions stretching over the course of a decade. And I have no desire to convince anyone,
Better start convincing yourself first. The idea of you capable of convincing someone else is laughable when the first statement you made demonstrated your insincerity or your ignorance or both.

arkmundi said:
I have a zero carbon footprint. Many things go into the personal choices.
You've claimed that you live a zero carbon life twice..

In order to live a zero carbon life, you would need to:

1. Not buy anything made out of plastic, minerals, metal, etc. ( automatic strike out: you're using a computer and typing using keys made of plastic. )
2. Only eat food out of your garden, raised without using pesticides.
3. Only use water that was sourced locally, rainwater capture, gravity fed from a mountain etc.. because the power needed to and process city water is high and comes from fossil fuels, guaranteed.
4. Forget having an ebike, neodymium, steel, aluminum, cobalt, lithium.. all energy intensive to procure, process, melt and form into the right shape for your bike, batteries, motor etc..
5. Don't use rubber tires ( plenty of petroleum used )
6. Shiver through winter without heat, bake through summer without air conditioning.
7. Not breathe ( you exhale co2 )

Getting rid of a car is just a start. I'm going to make a wild guess and say that you haven't checked off any of these points. I don't know a single person who can say that they meet #1 - #6, unless they live very close to the equator line and are basically the southern American equivalent of the Native Americans who were hanging out in the 'USA' before we surrounded them into little cages.
SamTexas said:
Better start convincing yourself first. The idea of you capable of convincing someone else is laughable when the first statement you made demonstrated your insincerity or your ignorance or both.
Samsamsamaammaasmssam, seems invoking the respect rule is just plain foolish on my part for a Texas redneck like you. One of the things I pray for on a daily basis, is for Texas to Pleeaaaasssee secede from the nation like you've so often threatened to do. That way maybe all the obstructionists that seem to congregate down there will no longer stand in the way towards this nation ability to move towards the UNFCCC treaty. Buggers. :lol:
neptronix said:
You've claimed that you live a zero carbon life twice..
Oh yea of so little faith, it is not my carbon footprint that matters, but yours. Rather than prove something about me that you know nothing about, do for yourself what is required. Something, something about a mote or something?? Come spend a day in my life, anytime Neptronix. I'll give you a personal tour.
Well. That went down hill fast.

But I agree with Neptronix. There is no way you have anywhere even vaguely close to a zero carbon footprint, and you've just lost any credibility you've had with me. With advocates like you, it's no surprise that nobody wants to believe in climate change - all the talk is exaggeration and hyperbole.
arkmundi said:
neptronix said:
You've claimed that you live a zero carbon life twice..
Oh yea of so little faith, it is not my carbon footprint that matters, but yours. Rather than prove something about me that you know nothing about, do for yourself what is required. Something, something about a mote or something?? Come spend a day in my life, anytime Neptronix. I'll give you a personal tour.

Lol, nice diversion. Instead, how about you address points #1-#6 to prove to me that you live a zero carbon life? I'll be nice give you a free pass on #7.

<-- has a feeling this thread is going to be in the toxic bin rather quickly.
arkmundi said:
Wow, and a complete lack of humor to boot. :mrgreen:

I have a sense of humor, i've just not heard a joke yet :mrgreen:
Points #1 - #6, sir!
I made efficiency improvements to datacenter cooling design that were implemented by various datacenters controlled by MS around the world. It saves more fuel from being burned every year than likely the combined readership of ES consumes.

Now I design batteries for EV's that replace gas vehicles. I also choose to pay extra to buy energy from renewable sources (just because I like the idea of supporting renewable energy tech).

However, I'm not zero carbon footprint, or negative a thousand people carbon foot print, I use transportation often fueled by burning things, I eat food that lots of fuel was burned to grow and harvest and transport, and I myself exhale carbon after I eat that food.

I would love to see how someone makes the justification in there mind that they live a zero carbon footprint.
arkmundi said:
liveforphysics said:
I would love to see how someone makes the justification in there mind that they live a zero carbon footprint.
I may take the challenge, in my own time, since you asked so nicely. :mrgreen:

Good, I would love to know how it's done.

A person could live in a tent with no electricty and only eat the plants they grow themselves with natural fertilizer and rain water irrigation, never travel from home, have an income source from where that the donate entirely to funding alternative power generation, and they are still going to be carbon positive. I would like to know what the trick is.
i believe that global warming was going to happen anyway, the earth goes through ice ages and 'warm' ages?? is there a word for it??
yes we humans are helping it along quicker than naturally but..

i read somewhere so take this with a pinch of salt.. that the combined efforts of everybody in the world for all of time to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere would be undone many times over by a small volcano erupting..

i think what we should be focusing on is not using up all of our non renewable/non recyclable resources, so..
solar panels instead of coal/gas burning power plants..
big enough rainwater tanks for the whole household to save clean water instead of letting it out to the ocean..
water purification so as not to pollute rivers and oceans (cant have safe edible fish, or bug eating wildlife if they dont have a home) ..

there is something that i think is happening is that its staying hotter at night, you know how you get a hot day and then the clouds come in and trap all the heat in and it gets humid.. well i feel that is happening without clouds but with just the smog we have produced.. a blanket of smog over our cities that just holds the heat in.. im not sure weather im feeling this because ive moved a few hundred kms closer to the equator or if im right in it being the smog of the big city.. but i believe that i can feel the change..

im still more worried about the holes in the ozone layer that they were talking about some 15 years ago, the thinner it gets the smaller a meteor can be before it makes it to earth and creates a big hole..
darkone040 said:
i read somewhere so take this with a pinch of salt.. that the combined efforts of everybody in the world for all of time to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere would be undone many times over by a small volcano erupting..

Not quite. Mt. Pinatubo (not a small volcano) erupted in the 1990s and the sulfur dioxide released lowered the world's atmospheric temperature by about a half degree. One global warming solution I've read about advocates dispersing sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere to lower insolation. In my opinion, this is a case of the cure being worse than the disease because SO2 forms sulfuric acid with water. Sulfuric acid is nasty stuff.
salty9 said:
darkone040 said:
i read somewhere so take this with a pinch of salt.. that the combined efforts of everybody in the world for all of time to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere would be undone many times over by a small volcano erupting..

Not quite. Mt. Pinatubo (not a small volcano) erupted in the 1990s and the sulfur dioxide released lowered the world's atmospheric temperature by about a half degree. One global warming solution I've read about advocates dispersing sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere to lower insolation. In my opinion, this is a case of the cure being worse than the disease because SO2 forms sulfuric acid with water. Sulfuric acid is nasty stuff.

Volcanoes do also pump out huge volumes of carbon dioxide and water vapour though, both of which contribute to the greenhouse gas effect.