S-KU125 in XOFO gearead hub motor


100 W
May 9, 2016
I know that hub motor is a thing of the past, but I burned a bbs02 and wanted to start a controller and motor that I have stopped.
The controller is an S-KU125. I have an idea of ​​buying at Bmsbattery. It is supposed to work without hall sensors and that's how I wanted it to work. I already turned it on and when I accelerate there is a "clonck" sound from the wheel and then it does not rotate anymore.
Because the engine is geared, is it not possible to work without hall sensors?
Is there an initial procedure for the controller to recognize the motor?
Thank you in advance for your attention
Hub motors are really a thing of the past. No one knows how to work wiht then :)
keep saying it maybe someone will agree and help

Or maybe just ask a clear question giving the relevant background info without the editorial
But if is a controller that can run sensoreless, why it does work in that way?
Antenor said:
But if is a controller that can run sensoreless, why it does work in that way?
I think you need to spin the tire to get the motor started if sensorless. you can spin a DD but not a geared. I don't know, I don't play with geared hubs or run sensorless but if I fry a motor/hall wire the controller switches to sensorless and if I try to start from a stop the motor would shudder unless I got the wheel spinning first then the motor would start.
someone else can step in here, I only commented because no one else was really helping you out.
I've run a couple of geared mini-motors sensorless and here's my take.
Some work ok and other combos didn't work at all. It depends on the controller's ability to "sync up" with the motor. I believe this is a function of motor speed, mostly because my "fails" were w/ Q100 motors which use compound gears and spin really fast.
Also in the mix is the sophistacion of the module that is reading the phase signals and trying to sync things up and I believe most of the "genaric" controllers, like the KU series have rather basic sensorless circuitry.
The best sensorless combo I ever used was a MXUS geared w/ 5 to 1 ratio and a Lyen controller w/ a custom "sensorless" module. That said, even that combo required about a half turn of the pedals to start moving, after which everything was fine. Standing starts w/ the bike pointing up an incline could be challenging and I would have to make sure I was in a low pedal gear to get moving.

IMO, a KU125 is not a good choice for a geared mini-motor, even a larger one. Besides from being too big (and powerful), it's design goes back almost a decade and in operation feels rather crude.
If a Lyen is not an option, there are better controllers out there.
It's been a while, but I found Lyen to be great to work w/ and he custom modd'ed the controller the way I wanted it. The Mini-Monsters are really "hot rod" controllers.
The only downside is it took a while to get it.
And BTW, hub motors are not "a thing from the past".
For a rider who does not need a "wide performance range" that the mechanical leverage of a mid motor set-up offers, hub motors work fine and are more trouble-free than system that runs though the bike's gears.
I think the comparison is analogous of driving an older car w/ a 3-speed auto vs a newer model w/ 5,6,7 or more gears. The older car is fine for granny who doesn't drive over 60 mph.
In the case of ebikes, granny is the assist rider who doesn't choose to go faster than the low 20's mph and doesn't tackle steep hills.