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ShouldModeratorsBeAllowedToArbitrarilyMove (Censor)Threads?


10 MW
Jun 2, 2008
Marin County California

Normally the moderators do a great job.

But someone moved a thread I started to the end of another thread, WITHOUT ANY NOTIFICATION OR DISCUSSION.

IMO this announcement deserves more attention than being placed at the end of a thread that mainly contains new technical developments, where it doesn't' really fit IMO.

But even if you disagree with my opinion, the question remains, should the moderators be allowed to do that without any discussion or notification? :shock:
The following was moved to the end of this thread:
Thread for new battery breakthrough PR releases

Now located here:
Nissan battery breakthrough to double Leaf EV range within a few years

The Tesla Model S might be the headline-grabber of the electric vehicle world, but the Nissan Leaf is the segment's secret star. With over 130,000 sold worldwide since its introduction and record US sales in 2014, the little hatchback has helped its parents at the Renault-Nissan Alliance to sell over 200,000 EVs since 2010.

With that much success in the EV business, there's no reason for the automaker to stop now, and according to CEO Carlos Ghosn a huge technological breakthrough is on the way to make plug-ins an attractive choice for more drivers than ever before. In an interview on Japanese TV, Ghosn confirmed that Nissan has a new battery that could allow for over 400 kilometers (249 miles) of range.

New batteries could "very soon take the issue of range off of the table." – Jeff Kuhlman

Ghosn was tight-lipped on the details of the tech, but Daily Kanban dug deeper. An unnamed Nissan engineer confirmed that the roughly 250-mile range would be for a Leaf-sized vehicle – a massive leap over the hatchback's current EPA-rated max of 84 miles or 124 miles in Europe. The battery reportedly offers twice the capacity, while bringing weight and costs down compared to the present version. "Commercial applications could be no more than one model cycle away," said the anonymous worker, making the innovation sound even more tantalizing.

Lending even more credence to this major battery innovation, Nissan spokesperson Jeff Kuhlman told Daily Kanban: "We continue our R&D efforts because we believe that we can do more with battery electric, and very soon take the issue of range off of the table."

Renault-Nissan is betting a huge portion of its chips on the future of battery electric vehicles. The company even tried stuffing a 48-kilowatt hour pack into a Leaf for an event in Spain last year. While not its primary focus, the automaker is hedging its bets slightly by working with Daimler and Ford on fuel cell innovations, as well.
I'd bet 99.9% of what the mods do is thankless toil from which we benefit and for that effort, I thank them.

In this case I think it was poor form to just move your thread, especially without notification or an attribution note after the move.

Best case would have been to suggest you post in the other thread also, or to post there and delete the original.
And to add, we discussed in the moderator area at one point about running every single action we take and documenting it all in detail... nothing gets done... it's ridiculous.. if i have to second guess everything i do i'm going to drive myself insane.. i'm already crazy enough as it is :shock:
It really annoys me when someone fcuks with my stuff. When all you have are words, having them changed takes everything away from you. Your time effort and even your meaning. Nobody wants their meaning taken away from them.

I had a post pulled once, but was notified straight away. I gave them a hard time then had to say sorry. They were understanding but I can see they might of wished they had never bothered. They have a fair bit to do. If every few clicks of moderating needed an accompanying email, there would be more bureaucrazy going on than work. Who would want to do that.

It's unfortunate, and I do understand how you feel, but it's necessary. You have explained what happened, so you do know and it is still there.

Perhaps you should pm them, as you expect them to pm you. The public outcry can't really go anywhere. We will all get banned lol
Well, since your post seems to be about a "battery breakthrough", I think it probably should have been in that thread. I can see why it'd be surprising to not get notified. But I really do appreciate everything the mods here do.

The battery industry is plagued with BS headlines and that junk results in a flood of headlines about such breakthroughs here.
I edit posts all the time to fix links, typos, etc... and don't bother to PM the posters in question, most of the time, as it's nothing to worry about.

When someone double posts or breaks some kind of rule that needs to be addressed, then yes, i'll take to time to mention what/why/..

you get what you pay for my friends !!.. :wink:
gogo said:
I'd bet 99.9% of what the mods do is thankless toil from which we benefit and for that effort, I thank them.
Ypedal said:
I edit posts all the time to fix links, typos, etc...
you get what you pay for my friends !!.. :wink:
The price is right!

Many thanks for time and effort. Very much appreciated.... :D
Yes we should. But it's far from arbitrary.

We have spent a lot of time here, doing more good than harm, before we get invited to moderate.

Bottom line, we're human. Mostly we are just tidying up the forum. Doing stuff like nuking spammers, and putting threads in the right section. Often people post the same thread in three places. Then we have a dilemma, which discussion is worth keeping? Combining them can be done, but often the result is very hard to understand, like 3 people talking at once. My approach leans towards locking the short thread, leaving and possibly relocating the long one. But deletions are not a good idea.

Along the way, any of us can screw up. Sometimes it's just boo boo, other times we get mad and do something rash. In either case, don't think we get off scot free. It's noticed, and discussed in the moderator section you all can't see.

Other mods are there to give us a dope slap when we do wrong. No moderator is able to do whatever they want. Entire threads are preserved in the moderator section before non spam deletions are done. If a deletion is deemed unfair by the other mods, it can be restored. Rarely happens though, because we don't delete what we disagree with, we delete stuff that's picking fights.

So if you are having a debate with a moderator, we can't just go deleting what we disagree with. We'd lose our moderator status immediately if we misuse our privilege.
The less the moderators do the better. Yea delete spam but don't mess with the words I type. If someone posts 3 threads on the same subject? Fix that and TELL THEM what not to do.

Back in 2007 I was having a problem with a robot vacuum cleaner.
Post by marty » October 10th, 2007, 10:18 am
Update on my Dirt Dog problem. Using it to clean 30' x 40' shop. I leave Dirt Dog to clean shop. I go home. Next morning shop is not clean. Uh-oh + 10 beep error message. Happens about 8 out of 10 times.

Was planning on doing modification as described in this post. Bought a new Dirt Dog so I would have a new clean one to work on. Tested new one. It works! No error messages. Suspect that IRobot people changed the software? Girls who answer complaints don't have a clue.

Here are serial numbers:
060808 Old
070516 New
Suspect there's dates in them numbers? See 06 and 07? Serial number is under battery.

The old one works fine in a small area.

Post by THX-1138 » October 10th, 2007, 10:27 am
Hello Marty,

I edited your serial #'s to leave out un-needed info. I only exposed manufacture date, it only tells you when the robot was made. These dates do NOT indicate firmware date. There is another method for that. :wink:

Now I have no record of the serial number of my Dirt Dog manufactured in 2006. I am angry that that stupid THX-1138 Robot Masterbater changed my numbers. Look at THX-1138 Robot Master's picture.

I should have complained but I didn't.
S why we now preserve a thread in the mod section, before deleting any content from a member that's not a spammer.

Or at least we are supposed to. One time in the last year I got all pissed off and deleted some name calling without saving it. But that was two guys fighting, not deleting info like a serial number. I got a nice dope slap for it too.

On other forums, anything even slightly criticizing a vendor who buys the ads vanishes instantly. Gee, I wonder if they notify the poster first there? :roll:

FWIW, Amberwolf spent all morning nuking about 50 spammers. As I type this, spinningmagnets has been working on it too, working his ass off looks like.
dogman dan said:
FWIW, Amberwolf spent all morning nuking about 50 spammers. As I type this, spinningmagnets has been working on it too, working his ass off looks like.

gogo said:
I'd bet 99.9% of what the mods do is thankless toil from which we benefit and for that effort, I thank them. …
Let me change that to 99.99%. This place is truly a harbor in the storm of general crappiness found about.

This is disappointing:
Ypedal said:
and ps : youshouldlearntouseyourspacebar. :wink:
You can't figure out the benefit of replacing spaces with caps in thread titles, so instead of asking me, you make a post implying that I'm too dumb to use the spacebar. This is particularly disappointing, given that it was posted by a moderator.

FYI adding spaces in the title causes the last word to be removed as shown above due to the limited number of characters allowed.

I don't mind all of the "the moderators are doing a great job" posts, but they are somewhat OT since the first sentence in my OP I stated:
Normally the moderators do a great job.

And I should have been clearer, that I was not referring to the great job the moderators do removing spam, combining duplicate threads, moving commercial posts to the for sale section etc.

xenodius said:
Well, since your post seems to be about a "battery breakthrough", I think it probably should have been in that thread...

The battery industry is plagued with BS headlines and that junk results in a flood of headlines about such breakthroughs here.
The advantage of putting them in one thread is reduced forum clutter.

OTOH the advantage of putting them in separate threads is that makes the information more accessible.

Information by the CEO of the largest EV Company is NOT "BS headlines and ... junk results" and posting it in a separate thread is NOT going to result in "a flood of headlines".

I think the best option is to allow freedom of speech, allow us to decide where we want our posts to be placed. OR instead of blindly enforcing strict categorization either ask the OP if they mind it being moved and at least offer them the opportunity to explain their choice.

Ypedal said:
that can easily be undone. but yeah.. i personally don't see this as a huge mis-step.
How can it be undone (who do I contact) if the moderator who did it doesn't even leave their name? You don't see the problem either because freedom of speech is not important to you or because it is not your own freedom of speech that is being taken away?

Ypedal said:
And to add, we discussed in the moderator area at one point about running every single action we take and documenting it all in detail... nothing gets done... it's ridiculous.. if i have to second guess everything i do i'm going to drive myself insane.. i'm already crazy enough as it is :shock:
If you stop censoring posts that will reduce your workload, or you could at least leave your name when you decide to censor someones post.
