Stary Board on KS

People shouldn't label Stary board as a copycat as soon as there is some innovation inside compared to available boards. If we label every new board coming up on the market without looking at least into the specs and solely based on color and general shape, well every skateboard is a copycat of another :|

Now if it is the exact same shape with same specs or lowered specs, that's definitely a copycat board but I can't find an available board with the same stuff Stary board has?

Joemommafoo said:
Thinking about getting the Stary but concern about the Hub motor and thin lipped wheel. I wonder how it feel like riding on it. But for the price, i guess its not bad even tho it looks like a bootleg Busted board.
Has anyone tried the mellow or inboard yet?

Since it is polyurethane wheel and shore is probably around 85-92A hardness, there won't be much difference : you will feel the asphalt I think.

This remind me of a KS I saw, some guys did develop a kinda high tech leaf springs system built-in the skateboard truck, it did improve overall stability of the board and comfort by a huge margin while maintaining all the fun factor of standard skateboard... I think it deserves to be tested on an electric setup as it counters wobbles pretty well.
The thin urethane depth on all the hub motor wheels concerns me,
Mainly ride quality and how durable are the motor/bearings.

I hope Stary delivers a quality product.
They are almost at $700k !!
most raised for an eboard on KS. (2nd is OneWheel)

Vanarian said:
This remind me of a KS I saw, some guys did develop a kinda high tech leaf springs system built-in the skateboard truck, it did improve overall stability of the board and comfort by a huge margin while maintaining all the fun factor of standard skateboard... I think it deserves to be tested on an electric setup as it counters wobbles pretty well.

you are talking about this truck?

i don't buy it, that thing looks pretty gimmicky.
There is no proof that thing improves stability and prevents wobbles.
sk8norcal said:
I hope Stary delivers a quality product.
They are almost at $700k !!
most raised for an eboard on KS. (2nd is OneWheel)

F*** me :shock: It is incredible, over 950 contributors, honestly kudos.

sk8norcal said:
you are talking about this truck?

i don't buy it, that thing looks pretty gimmicky.
There is no proof that thing improves stability and prevents wobbles.

Thanks for the links, I never thought that there had been so many iterations already! Well what makes me think that it must be genuine is the fact that you see it working a lot against irregularities during the video, yet it does not just "compress to max" when rider gets on the board, it seems to work the same way a car suspension does. And since it is holding against tricks, that's what made me think that it could deserve a try. Another hint is that the camera fixed does not shakes the image like an earthquake, you see it being quite smooth yet being fixed, which means that it is fixed on the board itself. Smoothness accounts for good stability and shocks absorption I think, unless the road itself is as smooth as baby skin.

It may as well be a gimmick but it might be genuinely a progress for boards. Please tell me what you think.
Seems so far on kickstarter this had been the most popular e-skateboard. Think the light weight and price got a lot of folks off the fence.
NormRD said:
Seems so far on kickstarter this had been the most popular e-skateboard. Think the light weight and price got a lot of folks off the fence.
From the cheapest currently E-GO looks like the best. And there comes this Stary for an even cheaper price with much more improvements to offer, of course it's hard not to back the project. :)
7x.... absolutely amazing success.
I think that that's what disadvantaged Mellow the most: the high price, not of the Kickstarter offer, but of the future projected price. It made me think that the Mellow team is out of touch with the target market (or at least what the market is willing or able to spend) and also that future parts will be damned expensive. Perhaps they are seeking to create a more affluent high-end market, but the still have to survive until that happens.
Well, that's the Kickstarter pricing: 850 to 1050 eur. The future retail price is listed as 1699 euros/us$1911!!!

The fact that it's a self-contained motorized truck is quite cool, but also should mean that without a board, front truck and front wheels, the price should be at least not be higher than other e-skates.
I think kick starter items are worth 20% of their future selling price.

So if this board is expected to be $800 when done, it is worth a $160 risk to fund.

Some large percentage of items never ship. When they do, they usually have issues. And then they come out with an improved version.

My fiends just got Coin cards and they only work at about 50% of places that accept credit cards, so they have to carry their cards anyway. And so it was useless. If they waited until they were really out, reviews would have pointed that out. And now a version two was announced.
I might agree with you... If I hadn't discovered this forum. Some levels of customization and quality only seem to be possible if bulk or group orders are made. That's what these e-skate kickstarters seem to be...with a bit more business, and less community of course.
rsilvers said:
I think kick starter items are worth 20% of their future selling price.

So if this board is expected to be $800 when done, it is worth a $160 risk to fund.

Some large percentage of items never ship. When they do, they usually have issues. And then they come out with an improved version.

I disagree. Simple maths for you, without even speaking of custom enclosure and hub motors. Can you achieve a working 2000W electric longboard with only new parts for 160$? No, you can't because for this price you can't even make a proper e-skateboard.

Let's say that you are lucky and find a cheap plywood board to work on, when you add motor + ESC + Battery + receiver + motor plate + pulleys + belt, you've already flown past 200$ in new parts.

Remember that proper Kickstarter campaigns also comes with warranty. Melow went too far in pricing but the concept itself is worth way more than 160$.

Just a hint, Pediglide here sells wonderful hub motors kits for e-boards, why don't you check his pricing? He actually makes them available for killer bargain. Compare it with your 160$ value for a said 800$ 2300W hub-motored skateboard.
More info on the Stary.... It's looking good IMO. Not as powerful as we are use too but not bad at all.. I'm really looking forward to the hill climb.



Dear STARY backers:

After the long wait, we do understand some of you are getting anxious and hope you enjoy the recent uphill test video. It's time for timing and scheduling.Here it is, our new time line:(Australian Western Standard Time)

Jan. 12nd, 2016 Pay for the contract of purchasing all parts used to assemble STARY
Jan. 24th, 2016 Finish the assembly of the first 50 STARY in large scale manufacturing standard (For testing and certification acquiring)
Feb. 7th, 2016 Confirm engineering drawings and workmanship requirements applied in large scale manufacturing according to the quality control results of the first 50 STARY.
Feb. 8th, 2016~Feb. 15th, 2016 Chinese New Year Vacation
Feb. 15th, 2016 Large scale manufacturing launch
Feb. 30th(Whoa... We made a mistake here. It should be Feb. 29th), 2016 CE, FCC and UL 1642 certification acquired
Mar. 25th, 2016 First STARY starts delivery
Though some of you are anxious to get the board, we hope you could understand there is much difference between prototyping and making a final, functional and bug-free product. The first 50 is a small scale manufacturing for testing and acts as a stepping-stone for the large scale one. The quality of STARY and all our backer's safety are always our first priority. That's why we insist to send engineers to the plants, by the assembly line, assemble STARY themselves and tell the workers which parts they should pay special attention to.

By Jan. 15th, 2016 , the material supply expectancy is as follow:

75mm/80A Wheels -Approximately Jan. 22nd, 2016
Metal case of Li-poly balance charger -Approximately Jan. 22nd, 2016
Packing carton -Approximately Feb. 1st, 2016
Micro USB charging cable -Feb. 20th, 2016 or later
Stickers & all printing materials -Feb. 20th, 2016 or later
I actually rather like the humorous videos-

Not to mention they did some solid 'durability testing' at the same time :mrgreen:
i like how it's 100% built in.
a normal person wouldnt think it's electric. seems cities are banning anything electric on the sidewalks now. on some streets, i have to ride on the sidewalks when there are no bike lanes available
kimboviper said:
what kind of mileage do you think boards will get at 18mph?

In real world - probably around 7-8 miles. Which is what hate boosted board for.
Stary began shipping to their Chinese backers on March 25. They are required to make revisions to pass CE certifications, and they won't ship outside of China until they obtain it. Apparently FCC certification is also pending as well.

A new Stary rider posted this preview vid on China's equivalent of YouTube, Youku:
he went slow. cant tell if hes a beginner or because the road was bad.
anyway, i thought hub motors would be much more quiet. at the speed he was going, the motor makes about the same noise as my e-go.