Sticky Throttle on First Commute


1 kW
Dec 1, 2012
New Jersey, USA
Well took my maiden commuting voyage this AM - 14 Degrees F in NJ/NYC - I had the proper gear - Columbia Ski Jacket, multiple layers of performance nylon, nylon longjohns and flannel lined jeans, Snowboarding Helmet and googles - i was actually pretty toasty - even at 25mph. Funny thing, with gloves the only part of my body that got cold was my throttle thumb! I guess from the pressure on the throttle cutting a little circulation. When I reached NYC, after the bike endured 30 minutes on the rear deck of the SI Ferry - I noticed that the throttle was sticking when I applied it. I was able to easily pull up on it with my thumb while riding but a bit of a pain. Now indoors it is fine again.
Assume this is just a super cold weather issue? Anything I can use to lubricate for better cold weather performance?
I find myself using Armor All to lube plastic stuff and even chains lately. But, with thumb throttles gotta make sure your handlebar grip's NOT acting as a friction stop - pushing up against the rotating part of the throttle.

Pretty cold last night - I rode from midtown to Queens about 10pm. Maybe do a show & tell sometime? Enjoy the ride, looks like a smart build.
Ykick said:
I find myself using Armor All to lube plastic stuff and even chains lately. But, with thumb throttles gotta make sure your handlebar grip's NOT acting as a friction stop - pushing up against the rotating part of the throttle.

Pretty cold last night - I rode from midtown to Queens about 10pm. Maybe do a show & tell sometime? Enjoy the ride, looks like a smart build.
Thanks! - no interference from the grip it is totally clear - appears to be just an effect of the cold. I give you a lot of credit going from Midtown to Queens in this cold! What did you take 59th street bridge? HAd to be even colder at that height over the East River!
Yes, 59th St bridge. Sometimes, even when the bike path's closed. I think I have one of those trips on video from this past summer?

Watching for snow tonight. Forecast has it starting around the time I head into city and since they don't seem to plow the bike path much it can be very dangerous once a glaze builds up on the path.