Hi, my friend has the 485 surron converter and can modify config on some FW versions of the batteries, not me. I just plan to connect to 485 and read the data from the BMS and display it on the screen on handlebar. It will show voltage,current, temp, power, calculated consuption and range etc. Also i thing it could convert ANT BMS data to surron data format, so on l1e version surron there will not blinking error and showing SOC and voltage from aftermarket battery.
Meanwhile my friend sent me blowned old surron controller, so i deppoted it
It looks similar to newer FOC that i deppoted and tuned
Current sensing is on Batt - and with shunt 1mOhm. There is none phase current sensing - they probably limits PWM duty cycle by RPMs.
Current sense opamp is TL3472C - shunts are four 4mOhm 1% resistors in paralel
MCU is CY8C24533, driving three IR2101s boosted with transistors
Fets are same as in my newer FOC controller - IPB042N10N3
Surron made some progress on the controllers, FOC is better, sensing phase current - safer, gatedriving is on same board as fets in FOC + overall better gate driving, decoupling electrolytes all paralel (on this old controler is 6 electrolytes on battery side, and 8 electrolytes after shunt resistor paralel to fets.
Controller probably fails at phase B high side fets and phase C lower fets, Then an arc ignited through the inductance of the motor, and starts boiling aluminium PCB and even aluminium case/heatsink
I will probably use controller case for my controler, probably VESC or Lebowski brain based ? What will you recommend to me ? Best if I could use a already made brain PCB, and built only my own powerstage.