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The backers of the Bundy Oregon insurection.

Drunkskunk said:
tiny_n_terrible said:
Your opinion means nothing to me.
Awwww, that's so sad.

Of course, if it was true, you wouldn't have quoted and responded to my post. Twice.
But then, you believe you get to define truth, don't you?

I do care about you and your opinions. They're highly informative and entertaining for me, and spawn great threads like this one. Everyone who has replied to your post has had great points, and I feel I've learned a few things along with the Schadenfreude.
He ass clown 2Q +2q = 4q In another language frock you.
Drunk skunky you worthless peace of filth
how dare you post your worthless opinion.
Bundy skum
I will enjoy the Bundy supporters prison terms.
Too much party time.
You think enough to post your favorite cartoons. LOL
In endless sphere you get posts from people with no other thought but to clutter any post all the time. Cluttering up your thread with meaningless drivel.

Must be Bundy crime family supporters.
This makes me wonder what the average age of ES is? Like ten? Is this reddit lite?
More Bundy crime family arrests. and some odd supporters to appear in court.


A peaceful protest on public land cry's Amon Bundy .

Scary old fool. A court appointed attourney? Do any of these people work?

DeLemus was due to appear federal court in Concord, New Hampshire. Calls to DeLemus’ court-appointed attorney and his wife, Republican state Rep. Susan DeLemus, were not immediately returned. At the time of his arrest, DeLemus was running for Strafford County sheriff.

A sheriff trumps the all of Federal authority everywhere according to these peoples beliefs.

Dauntless said:
Yeah, Tiny. Ever give any thought to where baby trolls like yourself come from?

I do so love you posting your Family photos.

They remind me of another old asshat poster here named SAFE.

Do you have your Mothers hair?
tiny_n_terrible said:
They remind me of another old [CENSORED] poster here named SAFE.
Funny about that. Of all the posters here, Tiny seems most like the old Safe. Arrogant, antagonistic, petty, absolutely convinced he, and only he knows the truth. Also funny that Safe left the forum 7 years ago, 4 years before Tiny joined the forum.
Now I wonder how Tiny would even know who he was....
This thread has just devolved to personal insults and name calling. Sad.

Does anyone have an interesting information? The rest of the world is also reading this....
Bundy, a registered Republican, has leaned more toward Tea Party movements in recent years.

Amon Bundy sez "We were headed with weapons of laptops, projectors and PA systems and they attacked us – literally ambushed us with a standing army,'' Bundy said. "Yeah, we were surprised because we were going peacefully to a community meeting. We were legally moving about the country peacefully the way that people should be able to do.''

I feel sad for what happened to Lavoy Finicum ! Amon Bundy denied all responsibility for his death.
Finicum's ranch was not covered with Kentucky blue grass.
It was located in an area where Scrub soil was what happened.
One dry plant per ten square foot. No water.
I do not know if the Finicum ranch was gifted with water. I doubt it.
He would have to pay for water and feed for any animals that he wanted to exploit. Chickens, Pigeons, rabbits, pigs, cows anything at all.
So how do you pay for ranch hands.
Genius answer.
A foster parent that only accepts 14 to 17 year olds.
His spiel was probably. Religion . No drugs. Healthy living. Chores on a ranch.

The article I read said he made 100 grand off the foster care system last year.

Free ranch hands. Free Food stamps? Lots of other Government subsidy's.
What about your family >
He said I will not be taken alive..
The video shows he tried to strike one state police officer. He then left the vehicle and did his Hands up the down to judge the officers reactions.
He tried to out draw the police the result is often called death by cop.
The agency that sponsored the foster children cut off the Finicum family.
No free ranch hands. No money No extra Government services.
Ass hole what about your family.
Lurkin said:
This thread has just devolved to personal insults and name calling. Sad.

Does anyone have an interesting information? The rest of the world is also reading this....

I apologize .
But I wont be personally attacked by a someone with a Terrorist agenda.

Re: The backers of the Bundy Oregon insurection.

Postby Dauntless » Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:53 pm
You got that a little mixed up: It was as many as 400 Bundites, several of whom were armed, against 200 HEAVILY ARMED Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents. If the agents had been psycho, they'd have mopped up the Bundites, who were mostly having Gandhi fantasies.

"Financial backers?" Are these the people who brought them snacks? Your description of the whole thing is a little much.
The USA was founded by some discontented folks with a 'terrorist agenda' who decided to take a stand against a corrupt system and many were imprisoned or died in the process.
liveforphysics said:
The USA was founded by some discontented folks with a 'terrorist agenda' who decided to take a stand against a corrupt system and many were imprisoned or died in the process.

I ask you to realize imperial terrorists versus the common people who were victims.
versus a stable government versus money grubbing terrorists.
The Bundy crime family did this for money. Not religious freedom.
'Stable government' is a conceptual fallacy.

Governments are fleeting things on a cycle, without exception all have rotted from the inside until collapse.

Pretending that clinging to this one can save it from its inevitable cycle of collapse doesn't stop the reality of the cycle.
Live for physics I agree totally.
But why should you allow the evil to survive. To the next society. The republican party needs to die.
Drunkskunk said:
tiny_n_terrible said:
They remind me of another old [CENSORED] poster here named SAFE.
Funny about that. Of all the posters here, Tiny seems most like the old Safe. Arrogant, antagonistic, petty, absolutely convinced he, and only he knows the truth. Also funny that Safe left the forum 7 years ago, 4 years before Tiny joined the forum.
Now I wonder how Tiny would even know who he was....
Drunk skunk your name says it all.
The Bundy crime family conspiracy need ass hats like you.
tiny_n_terrible said:
Drunkskunk said:
tiny_n_terrible said:
They remind me of another old [CENSORED] poster here named SAFE.
Funny about that. Of all the posters here, Tiny seems most like the old Safe. Arrogant, antagonistic, petty, absolutely convinced he, and only he knows the truth. Also funny that Safe left the forum 7 years ago, 4 years before Tiny joined the forum.
Now I wonder how Tiny would even know who he was....
Drunk skunk your name says it all.
The Bundy crime family conspiracy need ass hats like you.
Safe would love you
Haha! If only the World were as black-and-white and the answers to problems as simple as you seem to think.
tiny_n_terrible said:
They remind me of another old asshat poster here named SAFE.

Do you have your Mothers hair?

Actually, they don't remind you of him at all. You didn't even register until he was gone. Excuse me, didn't register THIS name until he was gone. And mom still has her hair, herself.

Drunkskunk said:
Funny about that. Of all the posters here, Tiny seems most like the old Safe. . . .
Now I wonder how Tiny would even know who he was....

Safe wasn't this bad, at least what I saw of him on other forums. (Haven't read that much of him here.) There's another recent trolling that's more like the Safe that I know. This one, I'd like to call it 99.44% certain, you find the identical behavior if you look up that favorite word of his.

tiny_n_terrible said:
Re: The backers of the Bundy Oregon insurection.

Postby Dauntless » Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:53 pm
You got that a little mixed up: It was as many as 400 Bundites, several of whom were armed, against 200 HEAVILY ARMED Bureau of Land Management (BLM) agents. If the agents had been psycho, they'd have mopped up the Bundites, who were mostly having Gandhi fantasies.

"Financial backers?" Are these the people who brought them snacks? Your description of the whole thing is a little much.

So now you're trying to prove you're wrong? As has been said about you under both your names, you sure do become incoherent.

Was his old name banned, or did he just stop using it?

Ah well, far more interesting is the subject Mr. Physics wants to discuss. A perfectly stable government is a fallacy. But a perfectly stable group of ungoverned people packed in a small area is an even bigger fallacy. The real issue is, as the Romans said, "Who watches the Watchmen?" There's a huge problem in America with the watchmen lashing out when they're watched. Increasingly, government is for the sake of government. Doing incredible harm and little or no good, i.e. Obamacare, the government will tell you that's their their prerogative and how dare wikileaks release the State dept. internal information of Hillary Clinton ordering attacks to destroy people voicing opposition in the U.S.?

As for governments rotting and collapsing from the inside, there has been occasions our own U.S. government has done so, figuratively speaking. As with the last three elections, 2010-2014, those who corrupted themselves into a certain violation of the public trust have largely been thrown out. The beauty of the system has been that another simply grows in its' place, without violent insurrection. The lone exception, the American Civil War, was caused by so much willful disregard that was beyond what has been occurring lately. But we really are progressing toward that point.