VESC 12s errors - ideas?


10 kW
Apr 24, 2015
Seattle, WA
So finally had some time to do some more testing. I took one of the new VESC's from Jamesonotc and swapped it on my GF's board (200kv N6354 motor) w/ 2 6s in series for 12s. Motor configuration - no problem. Some fiddly throttle adjustments w/ my Badwolf v2 BT2B, but got it working.

I am getting an error for Over Voltage:

This is 12s, 200kv motor.

So i wanted to check if it was the motor (being 200kv and kind of on the line of <200kv for 12s). I just got some SK3 149kv motors to play with... So hooked up/configured the second VESC from Jamesonotc and hooked up the same 12s batteries. Initially wouldn't spin up, saw the configuration settings in the main motor configuration area. Only change i made between the two motors, for the 149kv motor i set the maximum input voltage from 50v to 55v (fully charged 12s = 50.4v), and set motor and batt max from 60 -> 80.

149kv SK3 motor was better but with some hard on/off accelleration/braking it would give an ABS Over voltage error:

I can avoid both errors if i'm a bit more gentle on the throttle. The way i can reproduce the error w/ the 200kv motor is full throttle to full brake - it gives me the error, a red LED flashes three times, and i lose connectivity/responsiveness from the Tx/Rx to VESC for a second or two before i can again control the motor. Seems similar for the 149kv motor, but harder to get it to lose connection after the error. I believe the same 3 red LED flashes.

What am i missing here? Any suggestions i can test and get you more detail to help figure this out?

Did you run detection under the sensorless tab to set the motor parameters? This is a very important step. Go down to motor configuration in my tutorial and follow the steps:
If you don't have the motor configured properly you will get several errors and you can kill the VESC if you are unlucky.

The over voltage error can come from short voltage spikes, so for 12s I usually set the maximum input voltage to 58V. Since you are getting it quite frequently you should make sure that the electrolytic capacitor is soldered properly and not too far away.
Thanks Ben!
vedder said:
Did you run detection under the sensorless tab to set the motor parameters? This is a very important step. Go down to motor configuration in my tutorial and follow the steps:
If you don't have the motor configured properly you will get several errors and you can kill the VESC if you are unlucky.

I absolutely always configure the motor to the VESC. So yes, i am 100% positive i did the detection and then utilized the measured IL and BEMF for that motor/VESC combo.

vedder said:
The over voltage error can come from short voltage spikes, so for 12s I usually set the maximum input voltage to 58V. Since you are getting it quite frequently you should make sure that the electrolytic capacitor is soldered properly and not too far away.
Great info - i'll adjust the maximum input voltage to 58v as you do. I'll go take a pic of the capacitor as well. Soldered well i thought, but will double check.

I can swap the power cables w/ a spare 2200uF cap i have if needed.

Any idea on the ABS_Over_Current error? Something adjusting the max voltage to 58v likely would help with as well? Much harder to reproduce at least.

I'd like to update my last remaining "original" VESC i got from you, but can't seem to figure it out in the Windows BLDC tool. (off topic a bit here, but relevant for testing). The 1 i have (other two stolen w/ board) from you is FW 1.02 and in the BLDC tool (windows) i cannot locate a .bin file to update to 1.10 or anything else. Obviously missing something here.

As always i appreciate the help, and it's really great to see you help out here directly for something that likely is user error and rudimentary!

Thank you.

This is the 149kv motor with the ABS Over Current


This is the 200kv motor with the Over Voltage error.

If adjusting the max voltage doesn't fix, I'll swap power wires and new caps next.


It looks like you should use more heat to make the solder bond to the cables better, but otherwise it looks fine and I don't think that is the problem.

For the abs over current, you can increase the abs max current limit to 140A. Regarding the other current limit, 80A is too much for a 149kv SK3 motor (I didn't notice that you had 80A for that motor before). The lower the KV, the lower current the motor can take. If you apply too much current the motor will not only generate much heat, it will also generate bad back emf which can cause bad commutations that give fault codes. I recommend 60A at most for that 149kv motor, maybe even less.

I don't know if the firmware is included in the windows version of BLDC Tool since I don't maintain it nor have the knowledge to built it, but you can download it from my github under the firmwares directory with BLDC Tool:

Make sure that you take a version that is supported by the BLDC Tool that you have since the windows version is lagging behind my development. If you for example have FW1.10 support, you can get it here:
Thanks Ben!

I'll give them a bit more heat and clean those up. I will also adjust those settings to your recommendations and re-test. I'm pretty sure i adjusted those after it was having an issue, but can't recall exactly.

I have 2 Windows BLDC ports - one for FW 1.02 and another for FW 1.10, so i'm pretty sure I have the right utilities. I'll download the 1.10 bin and try to update it once i have the .bin file.

Appreciate the help as always! Some $ coming your way payday Friday as a thanks for everything! least i can do.
Hopefully last question before this is fixed w/ your adjustments.

What's the difference between the 33k .bin and default .bin? Both are 28KB it seems...

I'd love to get them all to the latest firmware, but using the Windows tool, i'll update to the latest version it supports (i'll go check but 1.10 i think).

I really think more people should help support your efforts and time. Thank you and 50€ should be in your inbox now from me. Hope that's a couple nice beers with friends or your beverage of choice!

Thanks first of all for making a better ESC for eboarding, and especially for continuing to improve it and help us!!!
Sl33py, you sharing your troubles with others here has been a very good education lesson on the VESC. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

Thank you Vedder for being so involved in the community here at ES, you are a true boss.

I have some motors being custom wound to 190kv from a factory that should be arriving shortly. I anticipate I will be keeping my eye on this thread closely to see the outcome.

Please continue to share as you progress Im sure you're getting close!

sl33py said:
Hopefully last question before this is fixed w/ your adjustments.

What's the difference between the 33k .bin and default .bin? Both are 28KB it seems...

I'd love to get them all to the latest firmware, but using the Windows tool, i'll update to the latest version it supports (i'll go check but 1.10 i think).

I really think more people should help support your efforts and time. Thank you and 50€ should be in your inbox now from me. Hope that's a couple nice beers with friends or your beverage of choice!

Thanks first of all for making a better ESC for eboarding, and especially for continuing to improve it and help us!!!

Thanks for the 50€, I really appreciate it. It helps a lot with the development since I already made two mouser orders and lots of ebay orders with components last month and I'm putting together more orders for VESC4.8 and the new nunchuks.

The version you should use is default. 33k is for another hardware version that is around with different voltage divider resistors. I have made a build script for building firmware that comes with bldc tool, so the next versions will come with more firmwares for different hardware versions and configurations. I'm trying to support all hardware versions with firmware updates as good as possible, so when I make improvements they should also benefit old hardware versions.
jamesonotc said:
Sl33py, you sharing your troubles with others here has been a very good education lesson on the VESC. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.

Thank you Vedder for being so involved in the community here at ES, you are a true boss.

I have some motors being custom wound to 190kv from a factory that should be arriving shortly. I anticipate I will be keeping my eye on this thread closely to see the outcome.

Please continue to share as you progress Im sure you're getting close!


Not sure how educational this is since i feel like two left feet... I know i'm finding out how poor my understanding is of Ubuntu and microprocessors... I got a for dummies book at least to try and educate myself a bit more. The hardware is easy for me (relatively - not SMB soldering), but interfacing and understanding brushless to the level needed for the BLDC tool is definitely a challenge.

Luckily it's fun to learn and i don't take myself too seriously. I screw up frequently and if someone else can learn from my mistakes i'm happy to share my errors.

Would love to check out your motors when they arrive! I just got some SK3 149kv motors and they seem nice. Biggest gripe besides length (can't dual rear a 6374 motor obviously) is the stiff/poor-quality motor wires. A PITA to get in place and concerned they are going to break if frequently flexing.
vedder said:
Thanks for the 50€, I really appreciate it. It helps a lot with the development since I already made two mouser orders and lots of ebay orders with components last month and I'm putting together more orders for VESC4.8 and the new nunchuks.

The version you should use is default. 33k is for another hardware version that is around with different voltage divider resistors. I have made a build script for building firmware that comes with bldc tool, so the next versions will come with more firmwares for different hardware versions and configurations. I'm trying to support all hardware versions with firmware updates as good as possible, so when I make improvements they should also benefit old hardware versions.

Happy to help and put some money where my mouth is. Saying "Thanks!" only goes so far when you are taking significant time and energy to improve the VESC for the entire community. I know it'll never be enough for you to retire and do this full time, but I wish more people showed support via donation for your efforts. At least to slightly defer the costs of new hardware and show appreciation.

Thanks for the firmware detail (33 vs default), though "default" should've been a clue. If i hadn't heard back that's the one i was going to use. Appreciate you confirming.

Please put me in line for the new 4.8 VESC when you get them! I'd love two if i can swing it when they become available.

Thanks Ben! Keep up the amazing work!!