What are you getting for Christmas?


Staff member
Dec 31, 2006
California Bay Area, USA
Well, Christmas came early for me! (at least it's not a surprise anymore).

My wife and kids asked what I wanted, so I asked for a CycleAnalyst :D
That just arrived in the mail. I went for the 'high current' model :twisted:

And earlier, Jozzer sent me a new Puma motor! It was like $140 just for the shipping alone! Big thanks to Jozzer and Mark at Team Hybrid for making my day!

Hmmm.... now I just need some batteries...



  • New Puma motor.jpg
    New Puma motor.jpg
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There's a coincidence, I'm getting some LifeBatt cells, just 36V to start with, but I don't have a motor or a CA yet – maybe we could share...

Enjoy your toys! Looking forward to seeing what evil plans you've got for them.
Well, my wife is in the process of starting her own business, so that's why you don't see much of me while I help her. Hopefully I'll get more "time" for Christmas :wink:
all i want for christmas is time too :S
My family is getting me a one-way plane ticket to move away from them. If you were me, wouldn't you just love the implications of that? :D

Other than that, I'll probably be getting the rather predictable clothing and some baubles.
An Xbox 360 sometime next week from myself as an early present. Aw, thanks! You're so generous, Link! :wink:

(Though swbluto's gift is looking preeeety sweet...)

Also probably finish my 406 watercooling project by then, so I guess that sorta counts?
Most years I get a lump of coal... this year will likely be the same... :|
Coal can be sold at profit. ;)

Probably the only reason I never got coal is that I'd try and light it on fire. :?
Lump of coal eh? Why are we not suprised. :roll: Saw a thing on tv where they said the average person spends a hundred on themselves at christmas. I knew I was above average. :D Looks like I'm getting a heinsman hub for myself. Lucky me, my job comes with some nice christmas tips from the condo owners. Gotta stimulate the economy and spend it right away!
Santa Claus with be delivering and installing the latest high-tech toilet to flush my crap. Its has a special blender/mixer function that really makes it effecient. He's suppose to supply the lastest battery operated toilet scrubber also. Then he's going to take the old one and deliver it to the nearest homeless dude on the street corner so he can sit more comfortably holding his sign while he takes peoples money to buy Pot and Meth.
For my birthday last month I got a seasonal affective disorder (SAD) light. Philips GoLite P2 for the curious, $110 at costco.com, and the evidence for 460 nm light and SAD is actually reasonably strong.

For christmas the girl and I are splitting a nice dinner out on the town, but I'm going to buy myself a Canon 5D Mk II as well to replace the dSLR that I sold earlier. She also inherited my old iPhone, thus giving me the excuse to upgrade to a new 3G iPhone... Gotta do my part to stimulate the economy, eh.
Hey, we're all above average on this forum. :D
Toshi said:
For my birthday last month I got a seasonal affective disorder (SAD) light. Philips GoLite P2 for the curious, $110 at costco.com, and the evidence for 460 nm light and SAD is actually reasonably strong.

For christmas the girl and I are splitting a nice dinner out on the town, but I'm going to buy myself a Canon 5D Mk II as well to replace the dSLR that I sold earlier. She also inherited my old iPhone, thus giving me the excuse to upgrade to a new 3G iPhone... Gotta do my part to stimulate the economy, eh.

The persistent drizzle can't be that emotionally influential, can it?

Hehe. Guess what? I'm coming to your town in... T-minus 7 days. :p

I'm just attending apartment-hunting-related appointments over the weekend and an "Orientation and advisement" session at the university on Monday.
swbluto said:
The persistent drizzle can't be that emotionally influential, can it?
If you consider how good the weather in Hawaii can make you feel, it makes perfect sense that the opposite could occur elsewhere. :(
I'm getting surgery and a morphine prescription! yay!
Christmas is for kids like Halloween. (the gift part) Don't have kids, so don't have to play the forced gift buying game.
TylerDurden said:
swbluto said:
The persistent drizzle can't be that emotionally influential, can it?
If you consider how good the weather in Hawaii can make you feel, it makes perfect sense that the opposite could occur elsewhere. :(
I would totally move to Hawaii if the girl and the career allow for it. 8)
Quote (tagline): Meow mix commercial song is now playing in your head.

Thanks alot! I will now go slowly insane...

BTW, my Xmas will be the custom-made adapter for my riding mower's pulley and electric motor so I can finally get the dern thing back together before the end of the year.
Bought myself a new GoPed ESR Hoverboard and my daughter a new GoPed ESRex to replace two that were stolen a while back.
HAL9000v2.0 said:
Just got home and my Christmas present is already there. Best part is that is declared as a toy and I didn't pay any custom duties and tax. :)


That's interesting. It looks like the throttle signal is wrapped around a toroidal core reminiscent of an inductor; is that used as a RF choke? A "throttle ramper"?
swbluto said:
That's interesting. It looks like the throttle signal is wrapped around a toroidal core reminiscent of an inductor; is that used as a RF choke? A "throttle ramper"?

Yes, but I'll take that away. I think I do not need it when RC is not around.