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What does Christmas mean to you


10 MW
Mar 3, 2015
Forget that 'santa' is a possible anagram for 'satan'- I'm sure that's just a coincidence,
and of course the official story explains how the presents and santa relate. . . Right?
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Most of us probably have some nice family memories of the toy (time of year), and maybe some nice mem's to come, but putting that aside, wouldn't it be better without a masqueraded mix of commercial and religion, and to practice love/peace for mankind year-round?

If actually you want to celebrate christianity's saviour's birth, you might want to make sure who you're even celebrating on dec25. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=christmas+pagan
At least easter is on the proper timeline, although that holiday too is rather sketchy. Hmm, bunny rabbits laying eggs and a pagan goddess of sex and fertility? http://www.ask.com/web?q=ishtar+and+easter&qsrc=2352&qo=searchSuggestions&o=0&l=dir

Some may see the commentary as grinchy or whatever, but you can [strike]take the highroad and[/strike] learn to be more morally accurate with your values, and improve your life and the lives around you [strike]rather than keeping blindly on just because it's always been this way.[/strike]

Regardless if reader is up to the mental exercise, I wish Happy Holidays &

Share your thoughts if you want to, pros/cons are welcome!
Santa comes from the Siberian Shamans who valued the fir tree because of its relationship to the mushroom Amanita muscaria. They lso lived in yurts, so when the snow was high, they would enter through the top. IT was the costume they wore that we get the santa suit from. \\But Christmas to me is a celebration of wintertime and family. Never had anything to do with Jesus in our household, even though both parents were Christian.
Nutspecial, while on the subject of the high road, might one such as yourself take the high road and not assume we must share your opinion and values to improve our lives and the lives around us? ;)

Merry Christmas
If Christmas were about Jesus, people would act more like him on the occasion. But they don't, by a mile.

We need some kind of celebration or distraction when the days are shortest and darkest. So we have one, before Christianity and after.


Ah, yes, the controversy of whether Santa Claus was inspired by Kris Kringle, Dionysos, or the political cartoons of Thomas Nast. Kind of like the three blind men and the elephant. Shows how mean spirited Nast really was. I can think of a neat way he could have drawn Santa.


Oh, wait, I'm not nearly so excited about discussing any of that as I would be the original topic.

Christmas means, depending on how you look at it, either:

That, moreso that usual, my home is not a home and I'll be fleeing somewhere to escape the sort of tragic holiday season they make such a big deal about when they start with 'For SOME people, teh holiday season is a tragic reminder. . . .'


That I'm going off to spend Christmas with my immediate family, hopefully without too many in the house at once because they fight, leaving to me spend way too much even if I don't have kids of my own to spend it on.

And on that subject:

That there's going to be all this stressing Whether this kid or that kid is going to like these $50 gifts.


I can just guess that there's going to be a dozen kids that just love the small electronic drum kits or keyboards, with the simple learn to play books, that I got for the Toys For Tots this year. Great deals, only cost me $10 each where I found them, but the families would have had to pay full price and all. There's still time, I might guess you all have a toy drive collection at a fire station near you.

Oh why must this be so difficult? Could it be that the OTHER rumor is true? That Santa really IS based on Baphomet? Go ahead, kids, sit in his lap and tell him what you want.


So here we go again. Either:

They'll give me a hard time about if I REALLY wanted kids I'd go ahead and marry one of these alcoholic warlord types that always seem to be around trying to interject themselves.


Santa will decide I really HAVE been so good this year, so he'll bring me a Ukrainian mail order bride. Except NOT a Femen protester. Make it the Crimean Attorney General and you got a deal.

I guess that means that for me Christmas is about hope springing eternal. Maybe he'll bring me that math degree I'm having such a hard time getting.

Well said! I like the ideas about baphomet :lol:
But did you leave out the option to only celebrate it insomuch as asking others wtf they think is so special about it?

Ps, on my comment b4, try not to assume I'm assuming I guess. It's not about believing like me, it's about the desire/opportunity to improve something in yourself. Yes logic dictates there is room for improvement . . . . even for me :lol: :lol: :lol:

somewhat amusing,
moreso anyway than the actual movie prob

Just like dreams of sugarplums vs actual sugarplums :p
No Santa here - we have Nikolaus (a bishop) at dec-6th. But US media made it inevitable here. So young kids mix up Nikolaus and Coke's Santa Claus and Christkind.
It's all comercialized. Like Haloween. There was no Haloween in Europe 10-20 years ago. But candy companies needed to push sales.
Moral highroad?


Yeah, people sure do like to decide THEY know where that highroad IS. Look at the mostly evil depictions of Baphomet.

I see the gift giving at Christmas as a mostly positive thing. Kids get things because adults give to them. When I was maybe 12 I was already one of those kids who had the moneymaking endeavors, such as the $2 dead lawnmower I brought back to life to mow the neighborhood and selling custom slotcar parts in the magazines. At Christmas I got all the nieces and nephews things for Christmas since they were all from poor families. I still love doing that; the spouse of a relative had the friend 'Hiding out' (Hopefully no further explanation is necessary) and I got stuff for her kids. This is what makes Christmas fun.

And yeah, Toys for Tots. So I have given such things as Learn to Draw Comics kits, a book of '101 Things to do (Build) before You Grow up,' oh, much that would be painfully educational in another form. In the good years over a hundred of them. Oh darn, not lately. Blowing all the money on Christmas makes a good year more fun. Mainly I like imagining all the comic book artists, engineers, this year the musicians, whatever they got started at because of what I picked out for them. Maybe one will post the ebike they end up building because I used Christmas to prod him/her.

And maybe once, just once, Santa will finally have something memorable for me. NOT the woman I had to be painfully polite with again tonight after she STILL refuses to give up the idea that I'll replace the guy she blew me off for a few years ago now that it's clear he'll never marry her. Nah, someone of some intellectual depth that's WORTH the wait. . . .
